Why Quantum Mechanics is Complex

In summary, complex numbers arise in quantum mechanics because they simplify calculations. They carry no physical significance on their own, but can impact the behavior of physical systems when used in conjunction with other observables.
  • #1
Why do Complex Numbers arise in Quantum Mechanics' computations? What kind of physical significance do they carry?

Someone told me to read this paper:
W E Baylis, J Hushilt, and Jiansu Wei, Why i?, American Journal of Physics 60 (1992), no. 9, 788–797.
But I found it difficult for me to understand completely. I need some simplified explanation.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #4
Well, I am not sure how used you are in Classical Mechanics (waves) and/or Electromagnetism?

As a general setup, complex numbers never arise in describing physical observables not even in QM. In QM the observables are the eigenvalues of Hermitian operators , and Hermitian operators have real-valued eigenvalues.
In classical mechanics you also use complex numbers. For example when you describe the solution to the problem:
[itex] \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} + \gamma \frac{dx}{dt} + cx =0 [/itex]
Harmonic oscillator with damping... in fact complex numbers can be used anytime you come across trigonometric functions thanks to the Euler's formula ([itex]e^{\pm ia}= \cos (a) \pm i \sin (a)[/itex]). Except for this mechanical problem which complex numbers can help you solve, you can see them in electrodynamics, since the mechanical differential equations also apply in electromagnetism (in similar forms, maybe with different physical reasonings/explanations). In wave equations you use them to find easily the solutions which afterwards you take their real parts, and so on...

So nothing is special about complex numbers. They just make your life easier.
Now QM use a lot the wave mechanics, so it's not a big deal that you have complex numbers playing a role in your calculations. But anything that you can actually observe and use for testing the theory/experimenting, is absolutely real: It's the same reason you can never measure a vector in an experiment as a vector, but only its components that are "real", a complex number can be seen as a vector [itex]\vec{z}= \begin{pmatrix} r \cos \theta \\ r \sin \theta \end{pmatrix}[/itex] on the complex plane, since any complex number can be written as [itex]z= r e^{i \theta}[/itex]. There is a small difference in inner products, but that's why instead of using the transpose you use the dagger (complex conjugate of the transpose).

Can a complex number carry physical significance? Yes, it depends on the context. For a fast classical example, if you take the refractive index of a wave to be complex [itex]n= a + i b[/itex], then your wave will not only receive refraction but the imaginary part will give attenuation. Both you can measure as [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] seperately, but you won't measure some [itex]i[/itex] in there...
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  • #6
ChrisVer said:
Well, I am not sure how used you are in Classical Mechanics (waves) and/or Electromagnetism?

As a general setup, complex numbers never arise in describing physical observables not even in QM. In QM the observables are the eigenvalues of Hermitian operators , and Hermitian operators have real-valued eigenvalues.
In classical mechanics you also use complex numbers. For example when you describe the solution to the problem:
[itex] \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} + \gamma \frac{dx}{dt} + cx =0 [/itex]
Harmonic oscillator with damping... in fact complex numbers can be used anytime you come across trigonometric functions thanks to the Euler's formula ([itex]e^{\pm ia}= \cos (a) \pm i \sin (a)[/itex]). Except for this mechanical problem which complex numbers can help you solve, you can see them in electrodynamics, since the mechanical differential equations also apply in electromagnetism (in similar forms, maybe with different physical reasonings/explanations). In wave equations you use them to find easily the solutions which afterwards you take their real parts, and so on...

So nothing is special about complex numbers. They just make your life easier.
Now QM use a lot the wave mechanics, so it's not a big deal that you have complex numbers playing a role in your calculations. But anything that you can actually observe and use for testing the theory/experimenting, is absolutely real: It's the same reason you can never measure a vector in an experiment as a vector, but only its components that are "real", a complex number can be seen as a vector [itex]\vec{z}= \begin{pmatrix} r \cos \theta \\ r \sin \theta \end{pmatrix}[/itex] on the complex plane, since any complex number can be written as [itex]z= r e^{i \theta}[/itex]. There is a small difference in inner products, but that's why instead of using the transpose you use the dagger (complex conjugate of the transpose).

Can a complex number carry physical significance? Yes, it depends on the context. For a fast classical example, if you take the refractive index of a wave to be complex [itex]n= a + i b[/itex], then your wave will not only receive refraction but the imaginary part will give attenuation. Both you can measure as [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] seperately, but you won't measure some [itex]i[/itex] in there...

Thanks a lot for your help. I got it.
  • #7
Thanks a lot :)
  • #8
I would like to hear the opinion of informed people on this article that seems to defy the opinion that complex number are important in QM

  • #9
I'm sleepy right now...but can you expand in Fourier series an operator? because p is an operator and not a function.
  • #10
andresB said:

I had a quick look. Don't know what the issue is. Its pretty conventional as far as I can see - he simply writes one equation in a non complex form - that's not an issue.

It talks about Schroedinger's acceptance of complex numbers in his famous equation. The following explains that Schroedinger made an error in deriving it, and complex numbers are essential in the correct derivation:

As Feynman sorted out in his path integral formulation, unless you use complex numbers, nearby paths will bot cancel and you will not get the principle of least action.

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  • #11

Related to Why Quantum Mechanics is Complex

1. Why is quantum mechanics considered complex?

Quantum mechanics is considered complex because it describes the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale, where classical physics laws do not apply. The principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, are often counterintuitive and require a mathematical understanding of complex numbers.

2. How does the complexity of quantum mechanics affect our understanding of the world?

The complexity of quantum mechanics challenges our classical understanding of the physical world. It shows that particles can exist in multiple states at once, and their behavior is inherently unpredictable. This has implications for fields such as technology, chemistry, and even our perception of reality.

3. Can quantum mechanics be simplified for easier understanding?

While the principles of quantum mechanics may seem abstract and difficult to grasp, they can be simplified and understood through analogies and visualizations. However, the underlying mathematical framework remains complex and requires a certain level of mathematical proficiency to fully comprehend.

4. What are the real-world applications of quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics has a wide range of applications in modern technology, such as in lasers, transistors, and computer technology. It also plays a crucial role in understanding and developing new materials, pharmaceuticals, and communication systems.

5. Are there any unresolved mysteries in quantum mechanics?

Despite decades of research and application, there are still many unanswered questions and mysteries in the field of quantum mechanics. For example, the interpretation of quantum mechanics and the role of consciousness in observation are still hotly debated topics among scientists.

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