Why Recast Second-Order ODEs as Sturm-Liouville Problems?

  • Thread starter bolbteppa
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In summary, Sturm-Liouville theory is a method for studying the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an ODE. By identifying and studying these eigenvalues, we can gain insight into the solution of the ODE. In terms of the formal S-L problem, we are considering the eigenvalue problem for the operator L. Under certain conditions, the eigenvectors of the L[y] form an orthonormal basis, which allows us to re-cast the ODE L[y] = f into a sum of ODEs of the form L[y] = λy. This allows us to use the integrating factor method to convert the ODE into the traditional S-L form, which is useful for identifying the correct weight to
  • #1
In thinking about Sturm-Liouville theory a bit I see I have no actual idea what is going on.

The first issue I have is that my book began with the statement that given

$$L[y] = a(x)y'' + b(x)y' + c(x)y = f(x)$$

the problem [itex]L[y] \ = \ f[/itex] can be re-cast in the form [itex]L[y] \ = \ \lambda y[/itex].

Now it could be a typo on their part but I see no justification for the way you can just do that!

More importantly though is the motivation for Sturm-Liouville theory in the first place. The story as I know it is as follows:

Given a linear second order ode

$$F(x,y,y',y'') = L[y] = a(x)y'' + b(x)y' + c(x)y = f(x)$$

it is an exact equation if it is derivable from a differential equation of one order lower, i.e.

$$F(x,y,y',y'') = \frac{d}{dx}g(x,y,y').$$

The equation is exact iff

$$a''(x) - b'(x) + c(x) = 0. $$

If [itex]F[/itex] is not exact it can be made exact on multiplication by a suitable integrating factor $\alpha(x)$.

This equation is exact iff

$$(\alpha(x)a(x))'' - (\alpha(x)b(x))' + \alpha(x)c(x) = 0 $$

If you expand this out you get the Adjoint operator

$$L^*[\alpha(x)] \ = \ (\alpha(x)a(x))'' \ - \ (\alpha(x)b(x))' \ + \ \alpha(x)c(x) \ = 0 $$

If you expand [itex]L^*[/itex] you see that we can satisfy [itex]L \ = \ L^*[/itex] if [itex]a'(x) \ = \ b(x)[/itex] & [itex]a''(x) \ = \ b'(x)[/itex] which then turns [itex]L[y][/itex] into something of the form

$$L[y] \ = \ \frac{d}{dx}[a(x)y'] \ + \ c(x)y \ = \ f(x).$$

Thus we seek an integratiing factor [itex]\alpha(x)[/itex] so that we can satisfy this & the condition this will hold is that [itex]\alpha(x) \ = \ \frac{1}{a(x)}e^{\int\frac{b(x)}{a(x)}dx}[/itex]

Then we're dealing with:

$$\frac{d}{dx}[\alpha(x)a(x)y'] \ + \ \alpha(x)c(x)y \ = \ \alpha(x)f(x)$$

But again, by what my book said they magically re-cast this problem as

$$\frac{d}{dx}[\alpha(x)a(x)y'] \ + \ \alpha(x)c(x)y \ = \ \lambda \alpha(x) y(x)$$

Then calling

$$\frac{d}{dx}[\alpha(x)a(x)y'] \ + \ ( \alpha(x)c(x)y \ - \ \lambda \alpha(x) )y(x) \ = \ 0$$

a Sturm-Liouville problem.

My question is, how can I make sense of everything I wrote above? How can I clean it up & interpret it, like at one stage I thought we were turning our 2nd order ode into something so that it reduces to the derivative of a first order ode so we can easily find first integrals then the next moment we're pulling out eigenvalues & finding full solutions - what's going on? I want to be able to look at [itex]a(x)y'' \ + \ b(x)y' \ + \ c(x)y \ = \ f(x)[/itex] & know how & why we're turning this into a Sturm-Liouville problem in a way that makes sense of exactness & integrating factors, thanks for reading!
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  • #2
First and foremost, its important to keep in mind that the purpose of Strum-Liouville theory is to study the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an ode. It turn out that you can learn a lot about the solution to an ode, and thus gain a significant amount of physical inside into a variety of problems, by identify and studying the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

So when your book writes [itex]Ly = \lambda y[/itex] this is not an identity. Instead it is an assertion that we are only going to study the eigenvalue problem.

Second, the procedure on applying the integrating factor is a method used to covert a second order ODE into the traditional S-L form.

[itex]\frac{-1}{\alpha}\int dx \left( p \frac{dy}{dx} + q y\right) = \lambda y[/itex]

This form is useful because the differential operator is self-adjoint over the inner product space defined by
[itex] g(x) \cdot f(x) = \int dx g(x) f(x) \alpha(x) [/itex]

and the above form of the S-L problem allows you to identify the correct weight to use in the inner product.
  • #3
Thank you, I don't see how that explains why [itex]L[y] \ = \ f[/itex] can be re-cast in the form [itex]L[y] \ = \ \lambda y[/itex] though, I know we're studying eigenvalues of the operator but how that justifies [itex]L[y] \ = \ f[/itex] becoming [itex]L[y] \ = \ \lambda y[/itex] is beyond me - what does the author mean when he says that? He does it more than once, even at a crucial step in the derivation of the sturm-liouville problem as a whole, so I think there's more to it than just saying we're studying the operator.

Also I've never seen a sturm-liouville form written as you have done in terms of integration - do you have a reference?

Is there nothing more one can say as regards sturm-liouvlle theory when looking at [itex]a(x)y'' \ + \ b(x)y' \ + \ c(x)y \ = \ f(x)[/itex] other than to say finding the eigenvalues of the differential operator (homogeneous differential operator?) sheds light on the solutions?
  • #4
Also I've never seen a sturm-liouville form written as you have done in terms of integration - do you have a reference?

That would be because its a typo. It should be of the form:

[itex]\frac{1}{a}\left(-\frac{d}{dx}\left( p(x) \frac{dy}{dx} \right) + q(x) y \right)=\lambda y[/itex]

Thank you, I don't see how that explains why L[y] = f can be re-cast in the form L[y] = λy

As I understand it, the formal S-L problem is to consider the eigenvalue problem for the operator L. I may be wrong,
However, under certain conditions the eigenvectors of the L[y] form an orthonormal basis. In this case you can project f onto that basis and the ODE L[y] = f becomes equivalent to a sum of ODEs of the from L[y] = λy.
  • #5

I can understand your confusion and frustration with the concept of Sturm-Liouville theory. It is a complex and abstract mathematical theory that can be difficult to grasp at first. However, I can assure you that there is a logical and mathematical basis for the re-casting of the problem in the form L[y] = λy.

Firstly, the motivation for Sturm-Liouville theory lies in finding solutions to linear second order ODEs. As you mentioned, these equations can be exact if they are derivable from a differential equation of one order lower. This is where the concept of the adjoint operator comes in. By finding the adjoint operator, we can transform the second order ODE into a first order ODE, making it easier to solve.

To find the adjoint operator, we need to find an integrating factor α(x) that satisfies the condition (α(x)a(x))'' - (α(x)b(x))' + α(x)c(x) = 0. This is a necessary condition for the exactness of the equation. By solving for α(x), we can transform the second order ODE into a first order ODE in the form L[y] = λy. This is the same form as the Sturm-Liouville problem, where λ is an eigenvalue and y is an eigenfunction.

So, in essence, the re-casting of the problem is a way to transform a second order ODE into a first order ODE, making it easier to solve. The use of integrating factors and the concept of exactness are essential in this process.

I understand that this may still be a bit confusing, but I hope this explanation has helped to clarify some of the concepts behind Sturm-Liouville theory. It is a complex theory that requires a solid understanding of differential equations and linear algebra. Keep exploring and asking questions, and with time and practice, it will become clearer.

Related to Why Recast Second-Order ODEs as Sturm-Liouville Problems?

What is a Sturm-Liouville problem?

A Sturm-Liouville problem is a type of boundary value problem that involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a second-order differential equation. It is typically used in physics and engineering to model physical systems such as heat flow and vibration.

What is the significance of the Sturm-Liouville equation?

The Sturm-Liouville equation is significant because it allows us to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a differential equation, which in turn can help us understand and analyze physical systems. It also has numerous applications in mathematics, such as in the theory of Fourier series and partial differential equations.

How is a Sturm-Liouville problem solved?

A Sturm-Liouville problem is solved by first finding the eigenvalues of the equation, which are typically obtained by solving a characteristic equation. Then, the corresponding eigenfunctions are determined using the eigenvalues. The solution to the problem is a linear combination of these eigenfunctions, with coefficients determined by the boundary conditions.

What are the applications of Sturm-Liouville problems?

Sturm-Liouville problems have a wide range of applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. They can be used to model heat flow, vibration of strings and membranes, and quantum mechanics. They also play a key role in the theory of Fourier series and partial differential equations.

What are the boundary conditions for a Sturm-Liouville problem?

The boundary conditions for a Sturm-Liouville problem depend on the specific physical system being modeled. However, they typically involve specifying the value of the solution function and its derivatives at the boundaries of the system. These boundary conditions are crucial in determining the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Sturm-Liouville equation.

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