Why should we work with gauge theories

In summary, the main reason why we should work with gauge theories is that they offer a concise theoretical description of nature that agrees with experiment. This has been evidenced by the successful predictions of gauge theories, such as the running of the strong coupling and the ratio of W to Z mass. Additionally, gauge theories are also renormalizable, although this may not be seen as a crucial requirement for a low energy theory in the era of effective field theories. While there may be other reasons for using gauge theories, such as their elegance, the fact that they have worked well for electrodynamics, chromodynamics, and even the electroweak theory, suggests that they are the best approach for understanding the underlying laws of nature.
  • #1
1) In one thread I saw that a Lagrangian that comes from a gauge theory principle is capable to generate interactions, and that would be why we should work with gauge theories. Nevertheless, any lagrangian which have multiplications of diferent fields generates interactions (or am I wrong?)
2) In some books I read that gauge theories are renormalizable, but some non gauge theories can be renormalizable too (so that would no be the reason either)
3) Finally, Symmetrys generates conservation of observables, so every observable that conservates after an interaction should have an undelying symmetry behind. And as we (well, to be honest "you") make experiments where we ("you") scatter particles and see what conservates, this should be the reason.
Is the reason 1), 2) , 3) or another?

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  • #2
I think the real reason is that they offer a very concise theoretical description of nature that AGREES WITH EXPERIMENT. After all this is THE key requirement of a successful theory of nature.

Since the advent of the standard model, it has been realized that the em, weak and strong force all can be described by gauge theories and this led to predictions that have since been verified, such as the running of the strong coupling, the ratio of W to Z mass etc. If you did not assume a gauge theory you would have no reason to understand why such quantities behave as they do. So there is now just a huge weight of evidence that this is the correct theory of nature.

In the early days, the fact that they are renormalisble was also seen as strong evidence but in the days of effective field theories this is no longer seen as such an important requirement for a low energy theory.
  • #3
Ok, so, to sum up, the answer is that gauge theories are pretty (I really think they are). But something sounds to me not enough. In fact, Gauge theories only worked twice (electrodinamics and cromodinamics). For electroweak, we (in fact, "you") are not so sure that theory is working. But I don´t know, I thought that there was something more conclusive (isnt it the 3rd point I mentioned in the other msg).

  • #4
Gauge theories work rather well for the electroweak theory, too. In addition general relativity can be reformulated as a gauge theory (the dynamics looks different, but many structures are identical). So b/c there is nothing else in nature we have to describe I think gauge theories made a very good job.

FAQ: Why should we work with gauge theories

1. Why are gauge theories important in physics?

Gauge theories are important in physics because they provide a mathematical framework for understanding the fundamental forces of nature. These theories help explain the behavior of particles and their interactions, and have been crucial in the development of our current understanding of the universe.

2. How do gauge theories help us understand the Standard Model of particle physics?

Gauge theories are an essential part of the Standard Model, which is the current framework for understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions. The gauge symmetries in the Standard Model allow us to accurately predict the behavior of particles and their interactions, and have been confirmed through numerous experimental observations.

3. Can gauge theories be applied outside of particle physics?

Yes, gauge theories have applications in many other areas of physics such as condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, and general relativity. They also have applications in engineering, particularly in the study of quantum systems and materials.

4. What are some challenges in working with gauge theories?

One of the main challenges in working with gauge theories is their mathematical complexity. These theories involve advanced mathematical concepts such as differential geometry and group theory, making them difficult to understand and work with. Additionally, there are still many unanswered questions and challenges in developing a complete gauge theory that can accurately describe all the forces of nature.

5. How do gauge theories contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Gauge theories have contributed greatly to our understanding of the universe by providing a mathematical framework for describing the fundamental forces of nature. They have also helped us make predictions and discoveries about the behavior of particles and their interactions, leading to advancements in fields such as cosmology and astrophysics.

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