Why the carrying force fields must be the fields of Boson particles?

In summary, the Gauge theories are a way to simplify the description of what we see in nature. They involve symmetries, and interesting things happen there. For example, the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces are actually part of one and the same force at high temperatures.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
Why carrying force particles must be Bosons and matter particles must be Fermions?By the way,why do we concentrate on Gauge Symmetries?Is it correct that is because the Gauge theories lead to vector Bosons that carrying forces?
Thank you very much for your kind helping.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A classical force field needs it's carriers to be able to have many particles in the same state.

Bear in mind that at this level we are basically looking at nature and seeing what is there in that sense the bosons and fermions have their characteristic roles because those are what we have found... you are wondering if it has to be that way. This is pretty much an area of active research - there are lots of ideas.

Generally, though, we don't think of our theories as giving rise to nature ... more the other way around. The Gauge theories are attempts to come up with a simpler more complete description or model for what we find in nature. We concentrate on the symmetries because that makes the math easier - and interesting stuff happens there.

Aside: when writing English, we put a space after trailing punctuation like commas and question marks. It help people read what you write.
  • #3
In particle physics, bosons are subatomic particles that obey Bose–Einstein statistics. Several bosons can occupy the same quantum state. The word boson derives from the name of Satyendra Nath Bose.[1]

Bosons contrast with fermions, which obey Fermi–Dirac statistics. Two or more fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state.

Since bosons with the same energy can occupy the same place in space, bosons are often force carrier particles. In contrast, fermions are usually associated with matter (although in quantum physics the distinction between the two concepts is not clear cut)...


You can get an idea about the usefulness of gauge symmetries by skimming here even if you don't know [like me] all the underlying math:


The prior post ('makes the math easier') is right on...such symmetries also leads to useful predictions.

According to symmetry between the forces, at high enough temperatures (at the big bang) for example, the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces are actually part of one and the same force...today that symmetry (unity) is obscured by the Higgs ocean.
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FAQ: Why the carrying force fields must be the fields of Boson particles?

1. Why are boson particles specifically used for carrying force fields?

Boson particles are used to carry force fields because they have the necessary properties to interact with other particles and transfer their force. Unlike fermions, which make up matter, bosons do not have a limit on the number of particles that can occupy the same state, making them ideal for carrying forces that act on multiple particles simultaneously.

2. What makes boson particles different from other particles?

Boson particles have an integer spin, which means they do not follow the Pauli exclusion principle like fermions do. This allows them to occupy the same quantum state, making it easier for them to transfer forces between particles.

3. How do boson particles carry force fields?

Boson particles carry force fields by exchanging virtual particles with other particles. These virtual particles act as carriers of the force, transferring it between particles and causing them to interact with each other.

4. Can any type of boson particle carry force fields?

No, only certain types of boson particles can carry force fields. These include photons, which carry the electromagnetic force, gluons for the strong nuclear force, and W and Z bosons for the weak nuclear force. Each type of force has its own corresponding boson particle.

5. Why are force fields necessary in understanding particle interactions?

Force fields are necessary in understanding particle interactions because they describe the fundamental forces that govern the behavior of particles. By studying how boson particles carry these force fields, scientists can gain a better understanding of how particles interact and how the universe functions at a fundamental level.

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