Why the space is isotropic in the vector particle's decay?

In summary: It's the simplest one I could come up with.In summary, the Landau-Yang Theorem states that a particle with a spin-parity of ##J^P=1^+## cannot decay into two photons. This is due to the fact that the photon's wavefunction must be symmetric under exchange, but the spin part is anti-symmetric and the space part is symmetric, making it forbidden. The argument for the space part is based on the conservation of linear momentum and the isotropy of space. While it may seem that isotropy is an intrinsic property of the original particle, it is actually due to the fact that the final particles are identical. This can be mathematically explained through group theory and a rotation around the y
  • #1
Ganesh Ujwal
I come cross one proof the Landau-Yang Theorem, which states that a ##J^P=1^+## particle cannot decay into two photons, in this paper (page 4).

The basic idea is, the photon's wavefunction should be symmetric under exchange, however the spin part is anti-symmetric and the space part is symmetric and therefore forbidden.

I have trouble understanding the argument about the space part:

Since the photons conserve linear momentum in the particle rest frame and space is isotropic, they must be emitted in spherical waves.

Why the space is isotropic? Is isotropy an intrinsic property of original particle or just because the final particles are identical?

I guess the right answer is the latter one, because ##\rho^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^0## the final pions lie in ##P## wave and it doesn't bothered by the Bose-Einstein statistics. (Compare this with ##\rho^0\to \pi^0 \pi^0##, which is forbidden.)

However, I still believe the isotropy is an intrinsic property of the original particle. I'm looking for an explanation more mathematically, or a definition of isotropy in the language of group theory.

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
You have conservation of angular momentum and parity in electromagnetic interactions. The vector boson must be massive to be able to decay into two photons due to energy-momentum conservation. So we can consider its decay in its rest frame. So if it decays in two photons their momenta must be back-to-back. We assume those vectors to be ##\pm k \vec{e}_z##. The photons are massless and thus have only two polarization states ##\sigma_z=\pm 1##. A possible basis for the final state thus is
##|\Psi_1 \rangle=|\vec{p},1 ;-\vec{p},1 \rangle + |-\vec{p},1;\vec{p},1 \rangle,##
##|\Psi_2 \rangle=|\vec{p},-1;-\vec{p},1 \rangle + |-\vec{p},1; \vec{p},-1 \rangle,##
##|\Psi_3 \rangle=|\vec{p},1;-\vec{p},-1 \rangle + |-\vec{p},-1; \vec{p},1 \rangle,##
##|\Psi_4 \rangle=|\vec{p},-1 ;-\vec{p},-1 \rangle + |-\vec{p},-1;\vec{p},-1 \rangle,##
Space reflection flips the momenta but keeps the ##\sigma_z##. The vector boson and the photons have intrinsic parity -1. Thus

Thus the vector boson at rest, having no orbital angular momentum, must be a parity -1 state. The em. interaction conserves parity, and thus the 1st and the 4th two-photon states are ruled out. So ##|\Psi_1 \rangle## and ##\Psi_2 \rangle## are ruled out, because they have parity ##+1##. Thus the photon state must be a linear combination
$$|\Psi \rangle=\alpha |\Psi_2 \rangle + \beta |\Psi_3 \rangle \stackrel{!}{=}-|\Psi \rangle \qquad (1).$$
Now ##\hat{P} |\Psi_2 \rangle=|\Psi_3 \rangle## and ##\hat{P} |\Psi_3 \rangle=|\Psi_2 \rangle##. Thus from (1) we have
$$|\Psi \rangle=|\Psi_2 \rangle-|\Psi_3 \rangle.$$
Now we rewrite this state as a direct product of the orbital (momentum) and helicity part:
$$|\Psi \rangle = (|\vec{p},-\vec{p} \rangle -|-\vec{p},\vec{p} \rangle) \otimes (|-1,1 \rangle-|1,-1 \rangle).$$
Now consider a rotation by ##\pi## around the ##y## axis. Obviously this flips both ##\vec{p}## and ##\sigma_z## of the photons and thus ##\hat{R}_{y}(\pi) |\Psi \rangle=|\Psi \rangle##.

On the other hand we have for ##J=1##
$$\hat{R}_y(\pi)=\exp(\mathrm{i} \pi \hat{J}_y ) \mathrm{diag}(1,-1,1).$$
Since ##|\Psi \rangle## is a state of total ##\sigma_z=0## also the original vector-meson state must have ##\sigma_z=0## and thus flips sign under the rotation. Since total angular momentum is conserved this is in contradiction to our finding that ##|\Psi \rangle## is not changing under this rotation. Thus it cannot be a ##J=1##, ##\sigma_z=0## state and thus it's not possible that your vector boson decays into two photons.

I don't know, whether this is the original proof by Landau and/or Yang.

Related to Why the space is isotropic in the vector particle's decay?

1. What is isotropy in the context of vector particle decay?

Isotropy refers to the property of having the same physical properties in all directions. In the context of vector particle decay, it means that the decay products are emitted in a symmetric manner, with no preferred direction.

2. Why is isotropy important in the study of vector particle decay?

Isotropy is important because it allows scientists to make accurate predictions about the decay process and to better understand the fundamental properties of the particles involved. It also helps to ensure that the results are not influenced by any external factors or experimental biases.

3. How is isotropy achieved in vector particle decay?

Isotropy is achieved through the laws of conservation of momentum and energy. These laws dictate that the decay products must be emitted in a symmetric manner in order to conserve these properties. Additionally, the interactions between the particles are governed by the fundamental forces of nature, which are themselves isotropic.

4. Are there any exceptions to isotropy in vector particle decay?

While isotropy is a fundamental property of vector particle decay, there are some exceptions. For example, in certain decay processes involving weak interactions, the decay products may exhibit a slight preference for a particular direction. However, these effects are usually very small and can be accounted for in calculations.

5. How do scientists verify that the decay process is isotropic?

Scientists verify isotropy through careful measurements and statistical analysis of the decay products. By observing the emission of particles in all directions and comparing the results to theoretical predictions, they can determine if the decay process is indeed isotropic. Additionally, experiments can be repeated multiple times to ensure consistent results.

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