Why there must be a way of including gravity into a quantum theory?

In summary, scientists believe that gravity must be included in a quantum theory because it cannot be ignored in small regions of space. This theory must also be consistent with general relativity and quantum mechanics and reduce to these theories under certain conditions. While it is possible that a new theory could be developed to better incorporate gravity, it would have to agree with current theories in order to be valid. The challenge lies in reconciling the differences between general relativity and quantum mechanics, as they currently appear to be incomplete when applied together.
  • #1
Tio Barnabe
Why there must be a way of including gravity into a quantum theory? What leads scientists to believe that ultimately all the interactions must be subjected to quantisation?

Would that be because we describe all other interactions in quantum theory and so we must include gravity on this framework if we want to have a theory describing interactions between the different type of "forces"?
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  • #2
Tio Barnabe said:
Why there must be a way of including gravity into a quantum theory? What leads scientists to believe that ultimately all the interactions must be subjected to quantisation?
We cannot ignore quantum effects in very small regions of space. We cannot ignore gravitational effects when these are strong. Thus, any theory that properly handles intense gravitational effects in small regions of space must include both gravity and quantum mechanics.

As for how this theory would relate to the current theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity? To be consistent with the many experiments that have already been done and support these theories, it must reduce to GR as quantum effects become less significant, and to QM as gravitational effects become less significant. This is analogous to the way that special relativity reduces to Newtonian physics at low speeds where relativistic effects are negligible.
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  • #3
I see I think.

Any chance of one day we come up with a totally different theory for the interactions in our universe? I mean, a theory that has nothing to do with quantum theory, but that still predicts the same things as quantum theory predicts? Maybe a new family of theories where it would be easier to include interactions with gravity? Or would such new theories be not worth of pursuing?
  • #4
Tio Barnabe said:
Any chance of one day we come up with a totally different theory for the interactions in our universe? I mean, a theory that has nothing to do with quantum theory, but that still predicts the same things as quantum theory predicts? Maybe a new family of theories where it would be easier to include interactions with gravity? Or would such new theories be not worth of pursuing?
It's possible. Of course this hypothetical new theory must have the property that it agrees with GR and QM everywhere that those theories are known to work (that is, under all conditions except very small scales and very strong gravitational effects); if it didn't then it wouldn't agree with the experiments that have already been done and support those theories.

However, in the absence of a candidate theory this discussion is just idle speculation.
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  • #5
Tio Barnabe said:
What leads scientists to believe that ultimately all the interactions must be subjected to quantisation?
Wishful thinking? It simply follows from logical deduction that if you break everything down into its constituent pieces and you add all the values of the pieces together you get a total that agrees with reality. It works in many areas of physics in many ranges of applicability but not always.
Tio Barnabe said:
Would that be because we describe all other interactions in quantum theory and so we must include gravity on this framework if we want to have a theory describing interactions between the different type of "forces"?
Gravity is the "odd one out", the other three forces (EM, weak and strong nuclear) all fit together rather well in the standard model.
Tio Barnabe said:
Maybe a new family of theories where it would be easier to include interactions with gravity? Or would such new theories be not worth of pursuing?
I think it could be fantastic and yield many new insights about our amazing universe! I doubt it would be easier, though. Just as an example you can take the center of mass of an object and describe it's motion quite simply using Newtonian mechanics or you can try to model billions or trillions of atoms and all their motions to get a slightly more accurate description... If all you care about is where and when something will land Newton is your man, if you want to know why you have to dig deeper.
  • #6
jerromyjon said:
if you break everything down into its constituent pieces and you add all the values of the pieces together you get a total that agrees with reality.
Carefully. That's not the definition of quantisation. It rather has a precise mathematical meaning.
jerromyjon said:
I think it could be fantastic and yield many new insights about our amazing universe! I doubt it would be easier, though. Just as an example you can take the center of mass of an object and describe it's motion quite simply using Newtonian mechanics or you can try to model billions or trillions of atoms and all their motions to get a slightly more accurate description... If all you care about is where and when something will land Newton is your man, if you want to know why you have to dig deeper.
It would amazing and I agree with you.
  • #7
Tio Barnabe said:
Carefully. That's not the definition of quantisation. It rather has a precise mathematical meaning.
I wasn't attempting to alter the definition. I was simply stating my simplified view of the problem. When you look at the BH information paradox as a prime example, gravity and quantisation don't play well together. Relativity makes quantum physics appear incomplete, or is it the other way around?
  • #8
I wasn't attempting to alter the definition. I was simply stating my simplified view of the problem.
Ok. I was not trying to defy your statement, just alerting you that that's not the most official way quantisation is defined.
Relativity makes quantum physics appear incomplete, or is it the other way around?
That's true, but I think we have to use one theory at each time. I think it doesn't make sense to use a theory to analyse a given situation, discovering that a certain phenomenum is predicted by the theory, and then trying to incorporate another theory to analyse that same phenomenum, which is predicted only by the original theory. It simply doesn't make sense to me.
  • #9
Tio Barnabe said:
discovering that a certain phenomenum is predicted by the theory, and then trying to incorporate another theory to analyse that same phenomenum, which is predicted only by the original theory. It simply doesn't make sense to me.
It hasn't worked out very well, so far, so it makes sense that it doesn't make sense. :-p
I'm thoroughly convinced that one if not both theories have to be scrapped and a more direct, unified approach needs to be envisioned. That could be my naive, non-mathematical intuition talking but simulations never seem to go the same path as nature...
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  • #10
There is already a way of quantizing gravity, just like there is a way of quantizing classical electrodynamics. In both quantum general relativity and quantum electrodynamics, the theories are effective quantum field theories, meaning that they are valid at lower energies (which is all that is relevant for current experiments) but not at much higher energies.
  • #11
I want to ask something related to this. Our QFT at present is not background independent. We used the technique where you need to take backreaction into account. Is this a separate thing to quantum gravity?.. the main purpose of quantum gravity being to compute for strong gravity at the Planck scale or singularities.. but if you just want to create background independent QFT.. is this also called quantum gravity?
  • #12
atyy said:
There is already a way of quantizing gravity
I've been following loop quantum gravity for quite some time, still like you say there are limits. I'm not sure of what or why it breaks but at some point it still is not an all-inclusive theory.
  • #13
star apple said:
Our QFT at present is not background independent.
Of course, we can't fathom a universal wave function...
  • #14
atyy said:
they are valid at lower energies [...] but not at much higher energies
Would it has to do with renormalization?
  • #15
Tio Barnabe said:
Would it has to do with renormalization?
If it were, with supercomputers they could "realign" the parameters to make sense of it...
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Related to Why there must be a way of including gravity into a quantum theory?

1. Why is it necessary to include gravity in a quantum theory?

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, and it is responsible for the behavior of massive objects in the universe. In order to have a complete understanding of the universe at a fundamental level, it is important to include gravity in a quantum theory.

2. What challenges arise when trying to incorporate gravity into a quantum theory?

One of the main challenges is that gravity is described by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is a classical theory. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is a theory that describes the behavior of particles at a very small scale. Combining these two theories has proven to be extremely difficult and has led to many theoretical and mathematical challenges.

3. How does the inclusion of gravity in a quantum theory affect our understanding of the universe?

The inclusion of gravity in a quantum theory has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could provide insights into the behavior of black holes, the origin of the universe, and the nature of spacetime. It could also help to reconcile the discrepancies between general relativity and quantum mechanics, which could lead to new breakthroughs in physics.

4. Are there any proposed theories that successfully combine gravity and quantum mechanics?

There have been many proposed theories that attempt to combine gravity and quantum mechanics, such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and supergravity. However, none of these theories have been experimentally confirmed, and the quest for a complete theory of quantum gravity is still ongoing.

5. What are the potential implications of a successful quantum theory of gravity?

If a successful quantum theory of gravity is achieved, it would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the universe and could lead to technological advancements in areas such as space travel and energy production. It could also provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of nature and how they govern the behavior of the universe at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels.

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