Why topology on a set is defined the way it is?

In summary: So the point of the definition is that it is general enough to handle all sorts of limits and continuity. The "intuitive idea" is that "open sets" are "sets that contain points that are close to each other." The open sets are the sets that are used to define limits. In summary, a topological space is a set with a collection of open subsets that satisfy certain conditions. This definition is useful in handling various mathematical problems involving limits and continuity, and it is a generalization of our intuitive idea of "closeness". This definition is important in the field of topology and is distinct from the definitions used in algebraic topology, which is necessary for studying the differences between objects such as a 3-s
  • #1
Ahmed Abdullah
Following is from Wolfram Mathworld

"A topological space, also called an abstract topological space, is a set X together with a collection of open subsets T that satisfies the four conditions:

  1. The empty set is in T.
  2. X is in T.
  3. The intersection of a finite number of sets in T is also in T.
  4. The union of an arbitrary number of sets in T is also in T. " http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TopologicalSpace.html
My question is why topology on a set is defined in this way? How these definition connect with our intuitive idea of different kind of topological space (i.e line, graphs, 3-sphere, torus etc).

I am obviously new in topology and will be glad if you explain in basic term. I'd be specially interested to know how one differentiate between a straight line segment and a "Y" shaped graph using these definitions.

I have convinced myself of one way, please let me know if it is correct. I can separate Y naturally in three segment let's name them a,b and c.

Let X={a,b,c}.

So the topology Y on X will be { {},{a,b,c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c},{a},{b},{c}}.

We can break a line segment on three part. Let's do likewise for line segment l.

So the topology l on X will be { {},{a,b,c},{a,b},{b,c},{b}}. Topology Y and l are on X and obviously different. :)
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  • #2
Ahmed Abdullah said:
My question is why topology on a set is defined in this way?
In mathematics things are defined the way they are because somebody found it a useful way of handling several (often unrelated) problem sets.
  • #3
Ahmed Abdullah said:
How these definition connect with our intuitive idea of different kind of topological space (i.e line, graphs, 3-sphere, torus etc).

The definition you gave pertains to the subject called "General Topology". General Topology does not provide enough definitions and assumptions to deal with questions about the differences between a 3-sphere and a torus. To deal with differences like that you need to study "Algebraic Topology".

General topology provides a way to treat mathematical questions involving the (vague) concept of "closeness" in a unified fashion. For example, in an elementary approach, [itex] lim_{x \rightarrow a} f(x) = L [/itex] requires one definition for real valued functions of a real variable and a different definition when x and L are two dimensional vectors. Taking the definition of "limit of a function" given by General Topology, the same definition of limit of a function applies to both cases. The only change that is made is that "open set" means one thing on the real line and a different thing in 2-dimensions.
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  • #4
The whole point of topology is to generalize our concepts of "limits" and "continuity". A "topology" on a set is the collection of all open subsets of that set. And those properties are the properties of open intervals on the real line that are used in defining limits.

FAQ: Why topology on a set is defined the way it is?

1. What is topology and why is it important in mathematics?

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of geometric objects that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching or bending. It is important because it provides a general framework for understanding and analyzing the structure of spaces and their underlying properties, which has applications in many areas of mathematics and science.

2. How is topology defined on a set?

Topology on a set is defined by a collection of subsets, called open sets, which satisfy a set of axioms. These axioms include that the empty set and the entire set must be open, the union of any collection of open sets must be open, and the intersection of any finite collection of open sets must be open. These axioms allow for the definition of continuity and convergence, which are fundamental concepts in topology.

3. Why are open sets the building blocks of topology?

Open sets are the building blocks of topology because they allow for the definition of continuity and convergence, which are fundamental concepts in topology. Open sets also provide a general framework for studying the properties of spaces, such as connectedness, compactness, and separation, which are essential for understanding the structure of spaces.

4. How does topology differ from other branches of mathematics?

Topology differs from other branches of mathematics in that it focuses on the properties of spaces that are preserved under continuous deformations, rather than on the properties of specific geometric objects. This allows for a more general and abstract approach to studying the structure of spaces, which has applications in many different areas of mathematics and science.

5. What are some real-world applications of topology?

Topology has many real-world applications, such as in physics, engineering, computer science, and biology. For example, in physics, topology is used to study the properties of materials, such as superconductors and topological insulators. In engineering, topology optimization is used to design structures that are optimized for weight, stiffness, and other performance criteria. In computer science, topology is used in data analysis and machine learning. In biology, topology is used to study the structure and function of proteins and DNA.

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