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I remove this post which I made.
No. We apparently do not have the option of deleting our post, but we have the option to edit our post; so I did that (edited the post).berkeman said:Too bad. I just restored it. So there!
I have deleted posts before. If I have made a big mistake or another poster replied before me with the same information and I did not spot it. As you long as you give a reason for deleting.symbolipoint said:No. We apparently do not have the option of deleting our post, but we have the option to edit our post; so I did that (edited the post).
First posts cannot be deleted. If it is a reply somewhere in the thread, that can be deleted.symbolipoint said:No. We apparently do not have the option of deleting our post, but we have the option to edit our post; so I did that (edited the post).
Do NOT reply to this thread! Deletion has been requested.
Giving a reason is optional. If the mods find something sus, they will contact you asking for a reason, and restore the post if necessary for thread continuity.pinball1970 said:As you long as you give a reason for deleting.
Posts may be removed if they contain inappropriate content, such as hate speech, harassment, or promotion of illegal activities. It is important to review the community guidelines before posting to ensure that your content is appropriate.
Yes, you can appeal the removal of your post by contacting the platform or community moderators. Be sure to provide a clear explanation of why you believe your post was wrongly removed.
In most cases, the platform or community moderators will provide a reason for the removal of your post. If you did not receive a reason, you can reach out to them for clarification.
If your post was removed for a minor violation, such as a misspelling or incorrect formatting, you may be able to edit and repost it. However, if it was removed for a more serious violation, it is best to reach out to the moderators for guidance.
In most cases, posts that are removed for violating community guidelines will be permanently deleted. However, if you believe your post was removed in error, you can appeal the decision and it may be reinstated.