Why was the flat, no Lambda Universe previously favoured?

In summary, before the mid 90's CMB measurements, a flat universe with no cosmological constant was considered a possibility due to large error bars in estimates of matter density. However, subsequent observations, such as CMB and supernova measurements, have shown that our universe is nearly spatially-flat and the matter density is too low for it to be flat without a cosmological constant. The theoretical reasons for favoring a flat universe with no cosmological constant were based on the assumption of a small value for the cosmological constant and the prediction of cosmic inflation. However, alternative cosmological models, such as Professor Wiltshire's, that attempt to explain the accelerated expansion through General Relativity and inhomogeneities in the universe have been shown
  • #1
center o bass
In this paper they state that a flat universe with no dark energy (##\Lambda = 0##) was favoured before the measurement results -- as they convey in the paper -- implies that the universe can not be flat and have a zero cosmological constant simultaneously.

What reasons were there, before this measurement, to favour a flat universe with zero ##\Lambda##?
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  • #2
center o bass said:
In this paper they state that a flat universe with no dark energy (Λ=0\Lambda = 0) was favoured before the measurement results -- as they convey in the paper -- implies that the universe can not be flat and have a zero cosmological constant simultaneously.

Which specific statement in the paper are you referring to? All I see is a statement in the abstract that the ##\Lambda = 0## flat model is the "simplest inflationary universe model".
  • #3
center o bass said:
In this paper they state that a flat universe with no dark energy (##\Lambda = 0##) was favoured before the measurement results -- as they convey in the paper -- implies that the universe can not be flat and have a zero cosmological constant simultaneously.

What reasons were there, before this measurement, to favour a flat universe with zero ##\Lambda##?
I don't think such a universe was ever favored by the data. But before the CMB measurements in the mid 90's, our estimates of the total matter density had such huge error bars that it was entirely possible for the total matter density to be high enough to make a flat universe with no cosmological constant. Even back then, the estimates of matter density seemed to be on the low side, but the uncertainty was pretty high.

The supernova estimates in the late 90's, especially combined with the later the WMAP CMB observations, demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that our universe was nearly spatially-flat, and the matter density was far too low compared to the expansion rate to make it spatially flat.

The only reasons to believe that the universe was spatially-flat with no cosmological constant before these observations were purely theoretical: many believed that the value of the cosmological constant, approximately [itex]10^{-122}[/itex], was way, way too small to be reasonable (if this value were higher by more than a couple orders of magnitude, no structure would have formed). So people just assumed there must be some symmetry that sets the cosmological constant to zero.

As for spatial flatness, that prediction comes from cosmic inflation: it's difficult to generate a universe with cosmic inflation that explains the horizon problem without also not producing an exponentially-flat universe.
  • #4
can I ask for comments on Professor Wiltshire's alternative cosmology? He seems to argue that time slows down in structure regions, and passes faster in voids, which temporal inhomogeneity coupled with spatial inhomogeneity could account for observations

  • #5
TEFLing said:
can I ask for comments on Professor Wiltshire's alternative cosmology? He seems to argue that time slows down in structure regions, and passes faster in voids, which temporal inhomogeneity coupled with spatial inhomogeneity could account for observations

Highly unlikely. He's attempting to claim that the observed accelerated expansion is explained purely through General Relativity. Many others have tried and failed to produce the same sort of explanation: that the acceleration is down to a failure to properly account for the fact that our universe isn't perfectly homogeneous.

Others have demonstrated that the only way to get the observed acceleration in such models is to have us sitting almost exactly in the center of a massive cosmological void, and that is ruled out by our observations.

FAQ: Why was the flat, no Lambda Universe previously favoured?

1. Why was the flat, no Lambda Universe previously favoured?

The flat, no Lambda Universe was previously favored because it was a simpler and more elegant explanation for the observed expansion of the universe. It also aligned with the principle of Occam's razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most accurate.

2. What evidence supported the flat, no Lambda Universe model?

The main evidence for the flat, no Lambda Universe model came from observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which showed that the universe is nearly flat on a large scale. This supported the idea that the universe is expanding at a constant rate and not decelerating due to the presence of dark energy.

3. Why did the flat, no Lambda Universe model fall out of favor?

As more precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation were made, it became clear that the universe is not exactly flat and that there is a slight curvature to it. This suggested that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, which could not be explained by the flat, no Lambda Universe model.

4. What is the current accepted model for the universe?

The current accepted model for the universe is the Lambda-CDM model, which stands for Lambda-Cold Dark Matter. It includes a cosmological constant (represented by Lambda) to account for the accelerating expansion of the universe, as well as dark matter to explain the observed gravitational effects on galaxies and other large-scale structures.

5. How does the flat, no Lambda Universe model fit into our current understanding of the universe?

The flat, no Lambda Universe model is still a useful simplification for certain calculations and theoretical models, but it is no longer considered the most accurate description of our universe. It has been superseded by the Lambda-CDM model, which better explains the observed behavior of the universe and is supported by a larger body of evidence.

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