Why we dont use Magnet Motors?

In summary, the author believes that the perendev magnetic motor is a scam because it does not work and because the claims made about it are not true.
  • #1
Hello Everybody
I heard about unlimited and free energy from magnet motors like perendev magnetic motor
I believe that it work , Do I think true?
I think perendev magnetic motor specification is:
  • good Torque
  • cheap
  • GREEN Energy
  • Easy to build

My question is : " Why we don't use Magnet Motors? ":confused:WHY?
I cannot understand?
Why we don't use it for
  • our Home?
  • our Car?
  • our Factory?
  • Remove Energy Transfer ? ( like Electricity lines,Gas pipeline)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Because they don't work? They have problems getting past the laws of thermodynamics.
  • #3
magnet said:
Hello Everybody
I heard about unlimited and free energy from magnet motors like perendev magnetic motor
I believe that it work...

- I guess you know that they're not theoretically possible.

- You seem to understand that if they (free energy magnet only motors) did exist they would offer such overwhelming benefit they would be used everywhere.

- You've never seen one in real life (and I'm not talking about just some scam video).

- Yet you still believe they exist. Why ?
  • #4
Hello Magnet
I read your enthusiastic post about unlimited and free energy from magnet motors like perendev magnetic motor.
I don't believe that it works , I know it is not true!

I think the evidence for this is:
  • TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch
  • The manufacturers refuse access to the workings of the motor
  • Anything that involves perpetual motion is fundamentally flawed
  • No one has convincingly duplicated the results

My question is : " What makes you believe this nonsense? ":confused:WHY?
I cannot understand!
Why you don't you
  • Study some basic physics?
  • Write some tough questions to the manufacturer and inventor?
  • Recognise a scam when you see one?
  • Buy one and report back here as to your success? (I won't be funding you.)
  • #5
  • #6
I believe this beacuase , before I saw some scam video I had an Idea that based on :
W = F.d and W unit is J = Energy
My idea is different and I test it

I Wanted build a motor until saw some scam video and thought it is invented before me
Now I Know , there is not a perpetual motion motor and I will try to build one

But The new question is : If they don't work,why they have patent?

Thanks for your help
Excuseme if my english is not good
  • #7
magnet said:
But The new question is : If they don't work,why they have patent?
You don't need to show that something works in order to obtain a patent for it. However, perpetual motion machines are automatically excluded from patent consideration, so whatever was patented was not claimed as a perpetual motion machine to the USPTO.

Also, perpetual motion is not a permitted topic on this forum, this is part of the rules that you agreed to when you signed up for the account.
  • #8
It has NOT been patented. He appllied for a patent, in several nations, in 2006 but the applications were all turned down.
  • #9
I understand from this topic that
  1. Everybody believe , there is no perpetual motion machines
  2. Haward jonson motor or Haward jonson's based motor is not work
  3. Mylow magnet motor is not work
Ok? Please say me I understand true
  • #10
Perpetual motion/free energy schemes are on our list of "closed topics"--they violate basic physics and have been debunked to death. Please refer to our posting rules, which are linked at the top of every page.

Related to Why we dont use Magnet Motors?

1. Why haven't magnet motors been widely adopted?

Magnet motors, also known as permanent magnet motors, have not been widely adopted due to a combination of technological limitations and market forces. Despite the potential benefits of using magnets to generate electricity, there are still challenges in designing efficient and reliable magnet motors. Additionally, the existing infrastructure and market for traditional motors make it difficult for magnet motors to gain widespread acceptance.

2. Can magnet motors generate enough power for everyday use?

Yes, magnet motors have the potential to generate enough power for everyday use. However, the current design and efficiency limitations make them less practical for large-scale applications. They may be more suitable for smaller devices or as supplementary power sources.

3. Are magnet motors more efficient than traditional motors?

In theory, magnet motors have the potential to be more efficient than traditional motors because they eliminate the need for external power sources, such as fuel or electricity. However, in practice, magnet motors are still limited by design and manufacturing constraints, making them less efficient than traditional motors in most cases.

4. Why don't we see more research and development on magnet motors?

There has been considerable research and development on magnet motors, but progress has been slow due to the challenges mentioned earlier. Additionally, the motor industry is heavily invested in traditional motor technology, making it difficult for magnet motors to gain traction in the market. However, with increased interest in renewable energy and sustainable technology, there has been a renewed focus on improving magnet motor technology.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using magnet motors?

One potential drawback of magnet motors is their susceptibility to demagnetization, which can occur due to extreme temperatures or external magnetic fields. Additionally, the cost of producing high-quality magnets can be a barrier to widespread adoption. Finally, the limited availability of rare earth metals, which are essential components of strong magnets, can also be a potential drawback to using magnet motors.

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