Why we have 4-5% matter, given most m/anti-m annihilate to photons

In summary, for every one billion anti-matters in the universe, there only needs to be one billion and one matter particle counterparts to create the universe today. It can be assumed that the percentage of energy carried by photons in the universe is 2 billion divided by 2 billion and one. However, as the universe expands, the likelihood of collisions between photons decreases and any matter-antimatter pairs created this way would likely be annihilated again into photons. The model for the composition of the universe suggests that only 4-5% is made up of visible matter, including photons, while 23% is dark matter and the rest is dark energy. This is because the energy density of photons is much smaller compared to matter and dark
  • #1
For every one billion anti-matters in the universe, there needs only one billion and one matter particle counter-parts to create the universe today.

Don't we also know that they annihilate into photons?

Following that logic, can't we assume 2billion/(2billion+1) is the percentage of energies carried by photons in the universe? Photon's can't decay can't they? They do collide and create matter and anti-matter pairs, but what are the chances of that and the percentage of that happening. The universe is also expanding, so as time goes by, the likely hood of colliding photons are decreasing not increasing. Moreover, pairs of matters and anti-matters created this way would be likely be annihilated again, into photons.

Now, there is a model saying there is 4-5% of visible matters that we understand, and 23% are dark matters while the rest are dark energies we don't understand. Does this 4-5% include photons?
If yes, why is it so low when we knew matters and anti-matter annihilated each other into photons in the early universe? Isn't energies carried by photos included into this 4-5% of known universe?
If no, how is it even possible to have 4% given only 1/2,000,000,001 matters didn't annihilated long time ago.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Now, there is a model saying there is 4-5% of visible matters that we understand, and 23% are dark matters while the rest are dark energies we don't understand.
The latest recipe as reported by the AMS experiment is 4.9 % normal matter, 26.8 % dark matter, 68.3 % dark energy.

Does this 4-5% include photons?
The energy density due to photons is much smaller - maybe 0.005 %
  • #3
I do not know the detailed answer to this, but it is my understanding that the particles in the primordial plasma were believed to be in something close to thermal equilibrium. The matter/energy density numbers reported based on the CMB measurements make this assumption I believe. So if a vast excess of energy was dumped into photons then the photons would quickly distribute this energy amongst the rest of the plasma. You would thus not expect there to be some giant number of primordial photons still flying around today.
  • #4
At the time of matter/antimatter-annihilations, photons dominated the energy content of the universe.
They do not decay, but they lose energy as the universe expands, as this increases the wavelength of those photons. The energy of matter is basically the rest energy of those particles, and stays constant during expansion. The energy density of dark energy is (probably) constant, while matter and photons get spread out more and more.

Related to Why we have 4-5% matter, given most m/anti-m annihilate to photons

1. Why is the amount of matter in the universe only 4-5%?

The amount of matter in the universe is determined by the balance between matter and antimatter. According to the Big Bang theory, equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created in the early universe. However, through a process called baryogenesis, a small asymmetry was created where slightly more matter particles were produced. This resulted in the excess matter that makes up the 4-5% we see in the universe today.

2. What happens to the rest of the matter and antimatter that annihilate into photons?

When matter and antimatter particles collide, they annihilate each other and produce photons (particles of light). These photons can then interact with other particles, creating new matter-antimatter pairs. This process continues until all the matter and antimatter are converted into photons. However, this process is not 100% efficient, so a small amount of matter remains after the annihilation process.

3. How do we know that most matter and antimatter annihilate into photons?

This is a well-established theory based on the principles of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum. When matter and antimatter annihilate, they produce high-energy photons that can be detected by scientific instruments. This has been observed in numerous experiments, providing strong evidence for the annihilation of matter and antimatter into photons.

4. Could there be other forms of matter that make up the remaining 95-96% of the universe?

While we know that only 4-5% of the universe is made up of matter, the remaining 95-96% is believed to be dark matter and dark energy. These are currently hypothetical concepts that have not been directly observed, but their existence is supported by various astronomical and cosmological observations. Further research and experiments are being conducted to better understand these mysterious components of the universe.

5. Is there a possibility that the amount of matter in the universe will change in the future?

The amount of matter in the universe is believed to be constant, as the conservation of matter is a fundamental principle in physics. While matter and antimatter may continue to annihilate and convert into photons, new matter can also be created through processes such as star formation and particle interactions. Overall, the total amount of matter in the universe is expected to remain relatively constant.

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