Why would aliens plant humans on Earth?

  • Thread starter oldunion
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of aliens visiting Earth, their potential technology and motives, and the likelihood of detecting and communicating with them. It also explores the idea of studying and learning from a less advanced civilization, as well as the potential for unique discoveries on a life-bearing planet. The conversation concludes with the suggestion that a highly advanced society would likely treat humans as a wildlife refuge, with strict rules for interaction.
  • #36
I'm not sure I believe that aliens who would have to be capable of interstellar travel, and could somehow transport matter at either FTL speeds or through some form of wormhole, would need to use radio signals at all. Why would they zap themselves here and then send a radio signal back home that would take years and years and years. The only reason technologically advanced aliens would use radio signals is if they wanted to talk to us.

There are also several reasons that an alien race would want to visit Earth.

Technology accelerates and humans may very well find methods of interstellar travel in the next several centuries. Keeping an eye on the neighbors would be a good reason.

The search for life. Biodiviersity is a part of the wealth of any nation. With advanced technology aliens could gather biodiversity from this planet and leave it relatively untouched. They could increase their own biodiversity without harming life here.

Mapping the galaxy. Scientists on Earth are looking at everythingthey can. I imagine intelligent beings from another planet/s would do the same. Looking for new resources and habitats and perhaps stumbling across life on Earth.

All that good stuff.
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  • #37
SETI makes me want to search for terrestrial intelligence.

I mean, is there someone doing it? Is there an STI?

[Edit: Of course there is.]
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  • #38
Seti people are extraterrestrial intelligence :wink:
  • #39
The biodiversity thing, is not a reason for et to come here. We have at our primitive disposal, the keys to the biodiversity of this planet. In the future, we would be able to discern the viability of any other planet with a spectrograph, and tailor genetic elements to match other world processes, it is just a short timeline off relative to our ability to leave this solar system.

I doubt that conventional travel, is how et travels. Not trains, planes, ships, saucers, or whatever we currently can imagine. It is too cumbersome and time consuming to try and take our whole show on the road, unless we were in colonization mode. Maybe we were colonized sometime in the past, maybe we are already a way station between things, but you have to realize we are so short lived, that even domestic travel exhausts us, much less interstellar.

I don't think that our current system of values applies to the universe at large. The universe is as it is, it is our job to figure out what that is, is, and detect our part in it, respectfully, gingerly, hopefully. We need to treat our planet of origin much better, before the original developers show back up, and redo the whole thing, us included.
  • #40
Huckleberry said:
The search for life. Biodiviersity is a part of the wealth of any nation. With advanced technology aliens could gather biodiversity from this planet and leave it relatively untouched. They could increase their own biodiversity without harming life here.

I disagree. Assuming the homeworld of this hypothetical race could support life from our planet, introduction of entirely foreign species into another ecosystem often has negative concequences, rather than positive (look at what happened when they introduced rabbits to Australia, or Grey squirrels to Europe. Introducing species from another planet could be disasterous. They could out compete any number of indigenous species, or introduce diseases that no species there can cope with.
  • #41
Dayle Record said:
I doubt that conventional travel, is how et travels. Not trains, planes, ships, saucers, or whatever we currently can imagine. It is too cumbersome and time consuming to try and take our whole show on the road, unless we were in colonization mode. Maybe we were colonized sometime in the past, maybe we are already a way station between things, but you have to realize we are so short lived, that even domestic travel exhausts us, much less interstellar.

How do u think they would travel then? I know u said we can't imagine it, but perhaps give me some vague far-out suggestions.

Personally i think if some advanced technology exists to make objects travel at enormous speeds(however it works), then why not planes, saucers, etc.?
  • #42
I think that travelers would move in the space that is between sub-atomic particles. I think they probably move that way, and we perceive waves, and radiation, and don't realize that this stuff carries intelligence, since it is not about us, it is passing right through us, we are just in the way. This is not in a bad way, it is just a different sort of high energy reality, or teleportation. Safe, interstellar travel would have to be on some absolutely unstoppable wave. It would have to be of such sophistication, that no random event would divert, capture, or drain the energy of such a wave, and no material phenomenon could interfere, no material civilization such as our own, in the throes of technological growth. So to imagine how others travel, you have to imagine a means that we can't interfere with.

This is just a test, we won't be traveling anywhere in these forms, not too far away, anyway. By the time we can actually travel really far, we will have figured out how it is really done. The other possibility is that once we have become a more energetic society, rather than material, combative, (insert a list of mortal harmful aspects here), then perhaps we would be invited, or instructed.

Did you know there is a huge East Indian religion, that says we are in transmigration, that we just stop here. They do a meditation, that is on a sound wave, you listen for the sound of a bell, then you go through a certain star, and go a certain way, and somewhere after some other directions, there is a doorway, that they enter, to the realm of their intention. Millions of individuals do this meditation, expecting to experience interstellar travel at the time of death. That is one reason there is a lack of concern in regards to suffering in India, many people think this is just an unpleasant stopover, we simply recharge here, and move on to our ultimate destination.
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  • #43
oldunion said:
If aliens could come to earth, they would need some extremely high tech spacecraft ; so high tech in fact that they would seemingly be quite far ahead of humans in technology. With that said, why would an alien come here? It would be like humans studying cavemen; less intelligent and less advanced. There are some people who study cavemen, anthropologists, but most people don't care about cavemen because they are inferior in many ways. The only thing that makes sense to me is if it was humans from our future looking back on history like a tv show.

Ah, the massive weight of the human ego. Nobody says alien life would come here to contact us at all. They may simply see a planet with attributes which intrigue them enough to make a landing. We're the center of our own universe. Any alien probe would take note of the planet's makeup and possibly document the huge, primitive but piddling bacteria called mankind eating away at the planet's natural resources.

You're right, no aliens would come here for humanity. We'd just be a hostile obstacle.
  • #44
OK, I only read the first few posts, but I'm calling BS on the whole thing.

Why? Because humans have zoos, humans have safaris, humans watch the damn Discovery Channel. Why would anybody go out of their way to watch stupid animals eat each other and fornicate? I mean, they are hostile to us! Clearly then, it just doesn't happen.
  • #45
thinnes67 said:
Ah, the massive weight of the human ego. Nobody says alien life would come here to contact us at all. They may simply see a planet with attributes which intrigue them enough to make a landing. We're the center of our own universe. Any alien probe would take note of the planet's makeup and possibly document the huge, primitive but piddling bacteria called mankind eating away at the planet's natural resources.

You're right, no aliens would come here for humanity. We'd just be a hostile obstacle.

WOW! Way to ressurect an old thread!
  • #46
oldunion said:
If aliens could come to earth, they would need some extremely high tech spacecraft ; so high tech in fact that they would seemingly be quite far ahead of humans in technology. With that said, why would an alien come here? It would be like humans studying cavemen; less intelligent and less advanced. There are some people who study cavemen, anthropologists, but most people don't care about cavemen because they are inferior in many ways. The only thing that makes sense to me is if it was humans from our future looking back on history like a tv show.

And another separate but related comment. If our radio signals have only reached about 100 stars thus far and we are waiting to hear back from them- does this not make sense to anyone else? The second humans established radio technology, they would have been picking up alien radio signals if they were being emitted on purpose or not. Thus i conclude that aliens are not using radio signals anywhere near earth; not only within the zone in which they could hear our signals, but far far beyond if their civilization was developed for a long time.

sound's out there... kinda like saying alien's don't need them because they don't have a physical body, just are thought...

Proving that aliens from another world are real, is like trying to say that the mormon's are correct when it come's to god... there will allways be people saying yes, and no...

But if you could find if are human race was infulanced by an out side factor at one point of time, by using logical analization of are past. then maybe you could send up some more spectulation :)

*note* after about 5 gen's of human's in zeor "g", there skin would turn ghostly pale, are head's would expand, and we would become much more taller and are eye's become biger as well, the reason why is the expansion of fuild in zeor g after time, and other reason's but what dose that remind you of? big heads big eye's tall skinny pale people. Spectulation is all that these kind of things will lead to, until we gain true physical proof, but people have allready said that we have LOL more spectulation...i hope these kind of things will be productive to man kind..like how can we make a flying disk with the ways how physics works? oo that's how :) its a think tank method creating new tech's by looking at the extreme's :/ but if you have some logical non-spectulation please pass it this way :D
  • #47
That’s presuming aliens still have ego's... and haven’t destroyed themselves because of them, in which case they'd be coming to dominate us.

Much more likely is that aliens socially evolve, destroy their ego's and live happily as little alien Zen Buddhists in their alien forests, being much more intelligent and vastly more evolved than us, but with no need for technology, hence, we’ll never hear from them…
  • #48
I consider Aliens to be a foregone conclusion, and in doing so, it is easy to assume that some alien races should be a billion years more advanced then our civilization. This is to say that there are aliens out there that have nothing to learn ... They know everything of importance. I question the thought that we evolved from minor organisms, but rather we were planted here not to long ago. You see - life is worth living if there is something to learn beyond what we know. For an old civilization there is nothing to learn accept maybe watch a civilization like ours, as it is for all practical purposes unpredictable. This may very well be an aliens method for colonizing. Just plop some humans or whatever with little knowledge on a planet, and let them sort it out for themselves. Hence they allow for an autonomous society capable of entertaining their boring existence.

At some point, we will have the ability to travel to other worlds. It is then we shall get to meet these very weary entities.
  • #49
castlegates said:
I consider Aliens to be a foregone conclusion, and in doing so, it is easy to assume that some alien races should be a billion years more advanced then our civilization. This is to say that there are aliens out there that have nothing to learn ... They know everything of importance. I question the thought that we evolved from minor organisms, but rather we were planted here not to long ago. You see - life is worth living if there is something to learn beyond what we know. For an old civilization there is nothing to learn accept maybe watch a civilization like ours, as it is for all practical purposes unpredictable. This may very well be an aliens method for colonizing. Just plop some humans or whatever with little knowledge on a planet, and let them sort it out for themselves. Hence they allow for an autonomous society capable of entertaining their boring existence.

At some point, we will have the ability to travel to other worlds. It is then we shall get to meet these very weary entities.

again... your presuming that the aliens arent enlightened... it is irrational to think that aliens that are "billions" of years ahead of us aren't enlightened... therefore they're probably just chilling in a cave somewhere.
  • #50
castlegates said:
I question the thought that we evolved from minor organisms, but rather we were planted here not to long ago. You see - life is worth living if there is something to learn beyond what we know.
This may very well be an aliens method for colonizing. Just plop some humans or whatever with little knowledge on a planet, and let them sort it out for themselves. Hence they allow for an autonomous society capable of entertaining their boring existence.

Sorry, but what you're proposing sounds very farfetched given we know how incredibly similar the human genetic code and its accompanying molecular machinery is to the rest of the biota on Earth. If humans are an alien species on Earth (implying that we DON'T share 4 billion years of evolution on the same planet with other fellow creatures), it seems highly unlikely that humans and "native Earthlings" would have so much code in common.

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