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Homework Statement
Explain why vehicle 1 traveled 5 ft further than vehicle 2 before coming to rest. Would you have expected it to come to rest at the same time as vehicle 2? Why or why not?
Mass of vehicle 1 = 1406.13 kg
mass of vehicle 2= 1950.45 kg
Homework Equations
Newtons third law
The Attempt at a Solution
I figured out that once they collide they become stuck for a few seconds and then separate with the first car traveling 5 ft further. The accerelation I found out was -7.84m/s^2.
I was thinking maybe the car travels further due to Newtons third law of equal and opposite forces.
How when a object of larger mass hits a object of smaller mass the larger mass still moves forward alittle bit b4 it stops and the force of the larger mass gets transferred to the smaller cart.
Am I on the right track? I don't know how to explain it further...
here is the diagram of the car accident
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