Why wouldn't quantum gravity work this way?

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of the correspondence principle in quantum mechanics to quantum gravity and the challenges in finding a satisfying theory of quantum gravity. The Schrodinger equation is only applicable to non-relativistic systems and cannot fully account for the effects of gravity on quantum systems. There is a need for more advanced equations, such as the Dirac equation, to incorporate special relativity. However, there is currently no equation that accurately combines general relativity and quantum mechanics. The conversation also touches on the possibility of using neutron stars or black holes to test quantum gravity theories, as well as the potential for quantum systems to act as both test masses and source masses. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for a more complete understanding of the relationship
  • #1
First of all, I would like to point out that I have zero background in general relativity, but due to my overwhelming curiosity I will post this question anyway.
So, what's wrong actually with applying the correspondence principle, which is typical in quantum mechanics, to quantum gravity? Suppose a system of zero charges, why wouldn't the equation
\left(\frac{p^2}{2m}+G\frac{mM}{r}\right)\psi = E\psi
work as it does with the electric potential? Why is the search of a satisfying theory of quantum gravity still on going, what has been impeding the physicists in this field?
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  • #2
For starters, the Schrodinger equation is only for non-relativistic systems. It treats time and space in a way that does not work well with special relativity. There are more advanced equations, like the Dirac equation or the Klein Gordon equation that do include special relativity, but there is no equation that includes General relativity in a way that gives accurate predictions.

So, Gravity is a 1/r^2 force, and we could certainly model gravitational effects on a quantum system with this Schrodinger equation (like we can with the electric force), but that would only be in the low-mass weak field approximation (where Newton's description of gravity is good enough).
When the mass and field are strong enough that the effects of warping spacetime need to be included, then we don't have complete answers yet.
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  • #3
jfizzix said:
that would only be in the low-mass weak field approximation (where Newton's description of gravity is good enough).
Alright that makes sense. But are there already proposals to realize a physical system where quantum effects can be prominent (i.e. the system is well below nanometer in dimension) but also involves very massive objects? If not, how do they plan to test whether their theory of quantum gravity works?
  • #4
To see nonlinear effects of gravity, you need something like a neutron star or a black hole. There is no way to bring a neutron star into a superposition of anything - even if we ignore the problem that we do not have a neutron star available. Well... if we would, we would have other much more serious problems...
A black hole would give insight into quantum gravity, but we don't have that either. Some very exotic theories predict that the LHC could produce tiny black holes, that would help a lot.

For linear gravity, things are better.
  • Neutrons can bounce above a surface, driven by Earth's gravity, and their energy levels are quantized. This system can be described with the formula you wrote in post 1.
  • Atom interferometers give very accurate measurements of the gravitational acceleration. So precise that their measurement is influenced by (still classical, ton-scale) nearby masses in the experiment, which is then used to measure the gravitational constant.
  • Instead of quantum systems as test masses, a great step would be quantum systems as source mass. Currently we are several orders of magnitude away from the required sensitivity, but the control of those systems improves rapidly. Such an experiment would entangle the position of the probe mass with the position of the source mass solely by gravity.
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  • #5
maNoFchangE said:
First of all, I would like to point out that I have zero background in general relativity, but due to my overwhelming curiosity I will post this question anyway.
So, what's wrong actually with applying the correspondence principle, which is typical in quantum mechanics, to quantum gravity? Suppose a system of zero charges, why wouldn't the equation
\left(\frac{p^2}{2m}+G\frac{mM}{r}\right)\psi = E\psi
work as it does with the electric potential? Why is the search of a satisfying theory of quantum gravity still on going, what has been impeding the physicists in this field?
There is nothing wrong with your equation above. Indeed, experiments with neutron interferometry show that this equation is correct. However, this equation cannot be the end of the story. For instance, what if the source of gravity is not in a state of some definite mass M but in a superposition of slightly different masses? The full theory of quantum gravity must be able to answer such a question, but the equation above does not answer it.
  • #6
Demystifier said:
For instance, what if the source of gravity is not in a state of some definite mass M but in a superposition of slightly different masses?
Do you mean in the theory of quantum gravity, mass is represented as an operator having more than one eigenvalues? Why is it so? Its counterpart in the electric potential, the charge, is not associated to any operator in quantum mechanics, i.e. charge is a constant in QM.
  • #7
The formula works only if a quantum-mechanical particle couples to a classical external field. You cannot use it once the field itself can be in a superposition, or once your particles can absorb or emit it. This is not limited to gravity, it doesn't work with electromagnetism either. You need quantum field theory to quantize the field (surprise...). And in quantum fied theory, adding gravity is problematic.
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  • #8
maNoFchangE said:
Do you mean in the theory of quantum gravity, mass is represented as an operator having more than one eigenvalues? Why is it so? Its counterpart in the electric potential, the charge, is not associated to any operator in quantum mechanics, i.e. charge is a constant in QM.
One way of explaining it at a heuristic level is by adding relativity into the picture. As you probably know, in relativity theory mass is closely related to energy. On the other hand, you already know that energy is an operator in quantum theory. This suggests that in relativistic quantum theory mass should be an operator too.

Another, even better heuristic argument, involves particle creation/destruction. In QM the particles cannot be created or destructed. Yet, in reality they can. (When you turn on light, the electric bulb creates photons that did not exist a moment before.) So QM cannot be the whole story. Since the number of particles is not a constant, it must be a quantum operator. Moreover, when the number of particles changes, the mass does not need to remain constant. Therefore the mass must be an operator too. Furthermore, even charged particles can be created or destructed (such that the total charge remains constant), so even charge must be an operator. The theory that describes all this is called quantum field theory (QFT).
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  • #9
Demystifier said:
Another, even better heuristic argument, involves particle creation/destruction.
I guess it has to do with that second quantization thing,
  • #10
maNoFchangE said:
I guess it has to do with that second quantization thing,

FAQ: Why wouldn't quantum gravity work this way?

1. Why is quantum gravity necessary?

Quantum gravity is necessary because it aims to reconcile the two fundamental theories of physics - quantum mechanics and general relativity. These two theories have been successful in explaining and predicting the behavior of the universe at different scales, but they are fundamentally incompatible with each other. Quantum gravity attempts to bridge this gap and provide a unified understanding of the universe.

2. What is the main challenge in developing a theory of quantum gravity?

The main challenge in developing a theory of quantum gravity is that it requires combining the principles of quantum mechanics, which govern the behavior of the very small, with the principles of general relativity, which govern the behavior of the very large. These two theories have different frameworks and mathematical formulations, making it difficult to merge them into one cohesive theory.

3. How does quantum gravity differ from other theories of gravity?

Quantum gravity differs from other theories of gravity in that it takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. This allows for a more complete understanding of the behavior of gravity at the smallest scales, where the effects of quantum mechanics become significant.

4. What are the current theories and models of quantum gravity?

Some of the current theories and models of quantum gravity include string theory, loop quantum gravity, and causal dynamical triangulation. These theories all attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity in different ways, but none have been proven to be the definitive theory of quantum gravity.

5. How can we test the validity of quantum gravity?

Since quantum gravity is still a theoretical concept, it is not yet possible to directly test its validity. However, scientists can indirectly test its predictions by studying phenomena at extreme scales, such as the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions or the properties of black holes. These experiments can provide evidence for or against different theories of quantum gravity.

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