Why X-Rays can go through Materials

In summary: The photoelectric effect is when an electron is knocked out of an atom by an incoming photon. This leads to an electric current.Compton scattering is when two photons collide and one of them is scattered. This leads to the formation of two new photons.Pair production happens when two photons collide and one of them is absorbed. This leads to the creation of an electron and a positron (a positively charged electron and an electron neutrino, which is a neutrino with a positive charge).
  • #1
Hello! I was wondering, why X-Rays can go through some materials, such as skin, whereas light from the visible spectrum cannot go through these(although holding a flashlight to your hand does create a red glow). Likewise, why are X-Rays stopped at the bone, and not the skin? Lastly, why does lead stop most electromagnetic radiation? Thanks.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Xrays have much higher energy than visible light photons
that being said, have you never held a very brioght light up to your fingers?
it does fiantly shine through and also shows the darkr areas where the bones are.

Lead is a VERY dense element and quite effectively absorb those hi energy particles

That also being said, any sealed metal box will stop a large portion of the EM spectrum
be it made of tin, copper, steel, lead, aluminium etc

Am sure others will add to my brief comments :)

  • #3
low energy x-rays produce the photoelectric effect
yet high energy x-rays pass through!

the higher the atomic number of the atom the higher the frequency of x-ray can still be able to produce photoelectrons.

I wonder if isotopes have different properties
  • #4
EM radiation interacts with matter by interacting with the electrons in atoms. The more atoms you have per unit volume, the larger the probability of interaction. In general, the higher the energy of the radiation, the less the chance of interaction as well. The three major types of interactions are photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production (which needs photons of greater than 1.02MeV in order to happen). PE dominates at lower energy, Compton in the 100keV to 10MeV range, and PP dominates after that. EM radiation that doesn't interact either passes through or reflects off without transferring energy to the material. The longer the wavelength (e.g., visible light) the more likely it is to just reflect off rather than pass through, though some materials allow it to pass through (e.g., glass and other transparent materials). Bone and tissue have different densities, which is why you see the contrast between them.

This makes lead an effective shield (DU, tungsten, and several others such as platinum or plutonium are even better, but more expensive or rare) against most EM, but only if it is thick enough.
  • #5
What about radio waves, then? My understanding is that they have much longer wave lengths than light, but they can pass through walls. Also, what is the Photoelectric Effect, Compton Scattering, and Pair Production? Thanks!
  • #6
That's why I said in general. There are some materials radio waves don't pass through (e.g., the lined walls of a room with an MRI in it), and if the walls are thick enough, radio waves won't pass through them (try using your cell phone inside a cave).

As for the three modes of ionizing radiation, hyperphysics has a decent treatment of it. Just scroll down to the section on ionizing radiation.
  • #7

FAQ: Why X-Rays can go through Materials

1. How do X-rays pass through materials?

X-rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than visible light. They are able to pass through materials because they have a high frequency, which allows them to penetrate solid objects. When an X-ray beam encounters matter, some of the X-rays pass through while others are absorbed or scattered.

2. Why can't visible light pass through materials like X-rays?

Visible light has a longer wavelength and lower energy compared to X-rays. This means that visible light is not able to penetrate materials as easily as X-rays. The longer wavelength of visible light makes it more likely to be absorbed or reflected by the atoms in a material, rather than pass through them.

3. What makes X-rays different from other types of electromagnetic radiation?

X-rays have a shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to other types of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light, infrared, and radio waves. This allows them to have different properties and behaviors, including the ability to pass through materials and create images of internal structures.

4. Are there any materials that are completely transparent to X-rays?

No, there are no materials that are completely transparent to X-rays. However, some materials, such as air and water, allow X-rays to pass through with minimal absorption or scattering. This is why X-rays are commonly used in medical imaging, as they can pass through the body and create images of bones and other internal structures.

5. Is there a limit to how thick of a material X-rays can pass through?

Yes, there is a limit to how thick of a material X-rays can pass through. As the thickness of a material increases, the likelihood of X-rays being absorbed or scattered also increases. This means that at a certain point, the X-rays will not be able to pass through the material and will be completely absorbed. The thickness limit varies depending on the energy of the X-rays and the material itself.

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