WiFi Over Powerlines: Benefits & Challenges

  • Thread starter aychamo
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In summary, a magazine recently mentioned the testing of wireless internet over power lines, which has been known as a great option due to the widespread use of copper cables. However, past issues with interference from high-current devices have been resolved with the use of higher frequency ranges. Companies have also come up with solutions for accessing the internet through voltage step-up and downs. This could potentially allow for internet access anywhere there is electricity. However, questions arise about how accounts would work and if there are limitations to prevent sharing of account information. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential impact of BPL on amateur radio operation, which can be further explored through available resources.
  • #1
Hey guys!

In a magazine I was reading recently, they mentioned that they are now testing wireless internet over the power lines!

They said they've known for years that the powerlines are a great way to do such things, because they are nice copper cables that are run practically *everywhere*. They then said that they had problems because things like washing machines, and dishwashers and all those big current pulling devices created a lot of "noise" on the powerlines. But with WiFi or whatever, the frequency range is so much higher than the disturbance causing devices (MHz vs KHz I think), that the interferrence isn't really an issue anymore.

They then said that the problem was getting the internet access through things like voltage step-up and downs (transformers?), and that a lot of companies came up with good solutions for it. That is freakin awesome.

With a system like this, it seems you could just pay your monthly fee or whatever for the power company, and be basically anywhere there is electricity and get internet.

But, this leaves a question: How do accounts work on wireless internet providers? What stops me from giving my account info to all my friends and we all just use it at will? Or what if I pulled my laptop out and used it at mcdonalds, but my home network is still pulling it at home?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
They could restrict the account by MAC Address and/or connections per account.
  • #3
Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) and Amateur Radio

Another thread on this.


This web page contains files and links of information about BPL and related broadband technologies and how they may adversely affect Amateur Radio and other HF radio operation. BPL is also sometimes called Power-line Communications or PLC. In-building BPL uses a building's electrical wiring to network computers within a building. Access BPL uses the electrical distribution grid to deliver broadband internet access to homes and businesses using the distribution system and building electrical wiring as a conductor. A tutorial on BPL is available on the http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/plc/#Quick_Links

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FAQ: WiFi Over Powerlines: Benefits & Challenges

1. What is WiFi over powerlines?

WiFi over powerlines is a technology that allows for the transmission of internet signals through existing electrical wiring in a building. This means that instead of using traditional methods like Ethernet cables or WiFi routers, the internet can be accessed through any electrical outlet in the building.

2. What are the benefits of WiFi over powerlines?

One of the main benefits of WiFi over powerlines is convenience. It eliminates the need for additional wiring or devices, making it easy to set up and use. It also provides a more reliable and stable internet connection, as the signal is not affected by walls or other obstacles like traditional WiFi.

3. What are some challenges of using WiFi over powerlines?

One of the main challenges is interference. As electrical wiring is not designed for data transmission, the powerlines can cause interference with the WiFi signal, resulting in slower speeds or connection drops. Additionally, the speed and reliability of the connection may be influenced by the quality of the building's electrical wiring.

4. Is WiFi over powerlines secure?

Yes, WiFi over powerlines is generally considered to be secure. The information transmitted through the powerlines is encrypted, making it difficult for unauthorized users to access. However, as with any technology, it is important to use strong passwords and keep your network secure to prevent any potential security breaches.

5. Is WiFi over powerlines a suitable alternative to traditional WiFi?

It depends on your specific needs and the layout of your building. WiFi over powerlines can be a great option for areas with weak WiFi signals or for buildings with thick walls that can interfere with traditional WiFi. However, it may not be the best choice for larger buildings or areas where multiple devices will be using the same network, as it can affect the speed and reliability of the connection.

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