Will a magnetic field pass through non magnetic materials

In summary, a magnetic field can pass through non-magnetic materials as though it was air, but these materials still interact with the magnetic field on a quantum level. This can result in paramagnetism or diamagnetism, which can either work with or against the external magnetic field. The strength of these interactions depends on the type of atom and its electron configuration. Overall, all matter will have some change or effect when placed in a magnetic field, but the extent of this change depends on the material's properties.
  • #1
Hi and thanks for helping me with these physics questions.

Firstly, will a magnetic field pass through non magnetic materials as though it was air? For example, will a magnet still attract another magnet when copper or wood is placed in between it?
I understand that if the material in between it is a magnetic material then magnetic shielding will occur. however, I'm not very sure if the magnetic field will simply pass through non magnetic materials as though it was air?

I think that it should be able to pass through them as long as the magnetic field is strong enough.

Pls help me with this question. thanks so much for the help
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  • #2
A magnetic field (of any size) will simply pass through a non magnetic material as though it were air?
  • #3
Air is a non magnetic material.
  • #6
Oh I read the article on Wikipedia. So since copper n lead (most non magnetic materials) have a portability of 1, then putting a piece of copper will have no effect at all? But when wood is placed in between a magnet n a magnet, it can attract less iron nails than when the magnet is directly exposed to the iron nails.
So I'm not very clear on this part.
  • #7
sgstudent said:
Oh I read the article on Wikipedia. So since copper n lead (most non magnetic materials) have a portability of 1, then putting a piece of copper will have no effect at all? But when wood is placed in between a magnet n a magnet, it can attract less iron nails than when the magnet is directly exposed to the iron nails.
So I'm not very clear on this part.

Things like air aren't the same as a vacuum to a magnetic field. In general ANYTHING, ferromagnetic or otherwise, is made of atoms and in magnetic fields the electron orbitals of atoms actually distort even if the atom normally is non-magnetic. The two main effects are a component which tends to align with the external magnetic field (this is called paramagnetism), and an effect that tends to cancel out the external magnetic field (diamagnetism). In a lot of materials the paramagnetism dominates (it depends on the total angular momentum of the atom) but in some diamagnetism does. Anyway, my main point is that the magnetic field tends to induce a magnetic field (which either may work with or against the external field) in non-magnetic materials. Thus, no, air is not "invisible" to magnetic fields.
  • #8
Oh so does this mean that magnetic fields will pass through materials the same way if they have the same portability? Like air n copper n most non magnetic materials? Since they all have the same portability? Meaning 1com of air n one cm of wood or copper won't change the no of attracted pins for example?
  • #9
maverick_starstrider said:
Things like air aren't the same as a vacuum to a magnetic field. In general ANYTHING, ferromagnetic or otherwise, is made of atoms and in magnetic fields the electron orbitals of atoms actually distort even if the atom normally is non-magnetic. The two main effects are a component which tends to align with the external magnetic field (this is called paramagnetism), and an effect that tends to cancel out the external magnetic field (diamagnetism). In a lot of materials the paramagnetism dominates (it depends on the total angular momentum of the atom) but in some diamagnetism does. Anyway, my main point is that the magnetic field tends to induce a magnetic field (which either may work with or against the external field) in non-magnetic materials. Thus, no, air is not "invisible" to magnetic fields.

Yes it is right i read something like this too..but what i had in mind was this-any non-magnetic substance kept in the vicinity of a magnetic field will strangely have it's atoms aligned in such a way that a magnetism is induced in it which may be temporary or permanent depending on the retentivity power.However what you said about diamagnetism confuses me..If you could elaborate a bit more here-the factor on which magnetism inducing or opposing depends..and do all matter always have to have some change or the other when placed in a magnetic field?
  • #10
Another thing- an induced cobalt and a bar magnet basically differ in only 1 thing-the latter has poles while the former does not..is it true?
  • #11
I repeat:
clem said:
A magnetic field (of any size) will simply pass through a non magnetic material as though it were air?
  • #12
Shivam123 said:
Yes it is right i read something like this too..but what i had in mind was this-any non-magnetic substance kept in the vicinity of a magnetic field will strangely have it's atoms aligned in such a way that a magnetism is induced in it which may be temporary or permanent depending on the retentivity power.However what you said about diamagnetism confuses me..If you could elaborate a bit more here-the factor on which magnetism inducing or opposing depends..and do all matter always have to have some change or the other when placed in a magnetic field?

Yes all matter interacts with magnetic fields, it's a basic property of atoms. As for elaborating on what diamagnetism is I don't know if I really can, diamagnetism, just like ferromagnetism (permanent magnets) is ultimately and entirely quantum mechanical effect, if you don't know quantum mechanics there's not much headway to be made. However, I can say that though technically all atoms have paramagnetic and diamagnetic interactions it's only atoms with un-filled electron shells that have any appreciable magnetic properties. In addition to this the paramagnetism aspect is in general much stronger than the diamagnetic so it's dominant. The exception to this is certain atoms where the paramagnetic interactions vanish (again the reasons are quantum mechanical). In these materials, even though the diamagnetic interactions are just as weak as other atoms, diamagnetism is the dominant effect.
  • #13
Oh ok thanks for the help. I understand it now. Then when magnetic shielding happens, if a long n thin strip of iron is placed between a magnet and some pins then the pins won't get attracted? It's because no magnetic field lines pass through them right? Even though there are 2 south poles in the middle of the magnet facing the pins. But then if it was free to move it would get attracted as the field lineage pass through it rigght? Even though its only the 2 south pole facing which is similar to the pins case? So does it mean that the object will only move if a magnetic field is present despite if the poles are at present?

So in conclusion the only way for an object to be attracted is if
1) the object must be within the magnetic field of a magnet
2) the object must have their poles (doesn't matter how it gets it even induction is considered)

Am I right to say this? Thanks for all the response and help!
  • #14
I have not read quantum mechanics yet so i am not going to trouble you any more!
Anyways thanks for the support

Related to Will a magnetic field pass through non magnetic materials

1. Will a magnetic field pass through all non-magnetic materials?

No, a magnetic field will not pass through all non-magnetic materials. Some materials, such as copper or aluminum, are non-magnetic and will not allow a magnetic field to pass through them. However, some non-magnetic materials, such as iron or nickel, can become temporarily magnetic when exposed to a strong enough magnetic field.

2. Why do some non-magnetic materials allow a magnetic field to pass through them?

Some non-magnetic materials, like iron or nickel, are made up of atoms that have a strong magnetic property. When these materials are exposed to a strong magnetic field, the atoms align themselves in the same direction as the magnetic field, creating a temporary magnetic field in the material and allowing the magnetic field to pass through.

3. Can a magnetic field pass through a vacuum?

Yes, a magnetic field can pass through a vacuum. In fact, electromagnetic waves, which include magnetic fields, can travel through empty space without the need for a medium.

4. How does the strength of a magnetic field affect its ability to pass through non-magnetic materials?

The strength of a magnetic field does affect its ability to pass through non-magnetic materials. A stronger magnetic field will be able to magnetize more non-magnetic materials, allowing it to pass through a greater variety of materials. However, even a weak magnetic field can pass through non-magnetic materials to some extent.

5. Can a magnetic field be blocked by a non-magnetic material?

Yes, a magnetic field can be blocked by a non-magnetic material. This is why we use materials like iron or steel to create shielding for sensitive electronic devices. These materials can redirect or block the magnetic field, protecting the electronic components from interference.

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