Will a solar storm hit us soon, or was this a one off event

In summary, there is no way to determine if a solar storm will hit us soon or if the recent event was a one-off occurrence. The sun is currently entering a quieter phase, but there may still be more activity in the coming days and years.
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
wolram said:

Will a solar storm hit us soon, or was this a one off event
Impossible to say and depends on the definition of "soon". It WILL happen, but it could be next week or it could be thousands of years (and by "it" I mean the Earth getting hit by a storm that would knock out all satellites and power grids on that side of the planet).
  • #3
wolram said:
Will a solar storm hit us soon, or was this a one off event

We get hit by blasts of particles from the sun on a very regular basis. But the mega ones being suggested in that article
obviously much rarer.
Over the next few days around 1to 5 Nov. there's going to be more geomagnetic storming with lots of aurora
as a large coronal hole becomes geo-effective. This will be followed by possible solar flares from a returning
quite large sunspot group.

On a side note, this current solar max has been one of the lowest level ones on the last 5 solar cycles. and the
next one in 11 yrs time is predicted to be even worse ( lower level), the sun appears to be going into a quieter
time, maybe similar to the Maunder Minimum that occurred between 1645 and 1715Dave

FAQ: Will a solar storm hit us soon, or was this a one off event

1. What are enormous solar storms?

Enormous solar storms, also known as solar flares or coronal mass ejections, are large bursts of energy and charged particles that erupt from the sun's surface. These storms can have a significant impact on Earth's magnetic field and can cause disruptions to satellite and communication systems.

2. How do enormous solar storms form?

Enormous solar storms are caused by intense magnetic activity on the sun's surface. When the magnetic field lines become twisted and tangled, they can suddenly release a large burst of energy and charged particles into space.

3. Can enormous solar storms be dangerous to humans?

While enormous solar storms can cause disruptions to technology and communication systems, they are not directly harmful to humans. However, they can indirectly affect humans by disrupting power grids and causing blackouts, which can lead to economic and social impacts.

4. How often do enormous solar storms occur?

Enormous solar storms occur in an 11-year cycle, with the peak of activity happening every 11 years. However, they can also occur at any time during the cycle, and their frequency and intensity can vary.

5. What measures are being taken to protect against the effects of enormous solar storms?

To protect against the effects of enormous solar storms, scientists and engineers are constantly monitoring the sun and developing technologies to better predict and mitigate their impact. This includes developing advanced warning systems for satellite and power grid operators, as well as designing spacecraft and equipment that can withstand the intense radiation and magnetic fields during these events.

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