Will Deep Space Exploration ever begin?

In summary: I don't know how to blacken out and invert photos so I have absolutely no idea as to what your talking about.In summary, the photo was taken in 97, Mother's Day, in Louisville Ky, above a old Catholic Church, by myself and brother. The appration in the form of snakish charteristics looming above the church exhibits a heart of evil undreamable- It's not alone- anyways, I was hoping you space folks could give advice on the lastest affordable technology, if any, for the paranormal. The camera is a good aid but it doesn't record the energy waves nor those hideous voices.

Will Deep Space Exploration ever begin?

  • Yes?

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No?

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • #1
The photo was taken in 97, Mother's Day, in Louisville Ky, above a old Catholic Church, by myself and brother.

The appration in the form of snakish charteristics looming above the church exhibits a heart of evil undreamable- It's not alone-
Anyways, I was hoping you space folks could give advice on the lastest affordable technology, if any, for the paranormal. The camera is a good aid but it doesn't record the energy waves nor those hideous voices

The photo has been edited-For better veiwing enlarge this photo.



  • not the little green men.jpeg
    not the little green men.jpeg
    6 KB · Views: 536
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is in the wrong place!

rapture wrote: advice on the lastest affordable technology, if any, for the paranormal
What do you mean by 'the paranormal'?

It's not an area of study within astronomy or cosmology, so I'd recommend that a PF Monitor move this to a more suitable place in PF.
  • #3
what does that have to do with deep space exploration?
  • #4

Originally posted by Nereid
What do you mean by 'the paranormal'?

Tools for lifeforms of a spiritual nature,


I found that If you invert the photo, that should blacken out the sun and it's rays, but the appration consist of some sort of light/energy. I firmly believe this being is Satan, in particular, in the form of the serpent, one reason, due to it's extremely evil persona

When Mars was close to Earth, I seen something almost like a comet, sky blue in color, and weaving in and out of the dark starry night. It was beautiful and fast, .. real fast....

It's not an area of study within astronomy or cosmology, so I'd recommend that a PF Monitor move this to a more suitable place in PF

What exactly is the study of astronomy/cosmology? And where should it be moved?
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  • #5
  • #6
I think I figured out something! Rap; were you, by any chance, looking for "Psychic Formums"? I've made that mistake in the past myself, and ended up trying to understand what scientific discoveries Nostradamus had made, that his name should come up so often.

It's a perfectly understandable mistake if you did. Perhaps you're thinking "Astronomy + Cosmology = Astrology"? The terms are very similar.
  • #7
I don't know how to blacken out and invert photos so I have absolutely no idea as to what your talking about.
  • #8
The camera is a good aid but it doesn't record the energy waves nor those hideous voices
A basic camera is actually the best device for examining paranormal phenomenon. And the more basic the better since it is only from unclear, overexposed, and otherwise flawed photos where such interpretations can be made.

The pic you posted, for example, appears to be of a reflection from inside your car window. Car windows are great for that sort of thing.

The voices are best recorded with as crappy of a tape recorder as you can find - for the same reason.

einsteinian77 - download and play with a photo editor if you never have. Their capabilities would amaze you. www.jasc.com

is a link to an aparition of Lenin that appeared recently in a shower. Apparently, Lenin is visiting people in their showers now to spread the word about communism.
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  • #9
LOL, that Lenin.
  • #10
Originally posted by russ_watters
A basic camera is actually the best device for examining paranormal phenomenon. And the more basic the better since it is only from unclear, overexposed, and otherwise flawed photos where such interpretations can be made.

Just one instant Polaroid camera, anyways, that thing is real and intelligent - diabolic fashion.

Terrifying Hellish dimension

The pic you posted, for example, appears to be of a reflection from inside your car window. Car windows are great for that sort of thing.

Reflection of what? King Cobra, besides, don't have a car- it was taken outside, over a big Old Catholic Church/ on Mother's Day. I jest sometimes and call it Scary Mary

The voices are best recorded with as crappy of a tape recorder as you can find - for the same reason.

- My body usually goes into a state of paralysis and besides, this ain't friendly, and if I could move I'm not bold enough to hit play...run...run...run...
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  • #11
Originally posted by LURCH
I think I figured out something! Rap; were you, by any chance, looking for "Psychic Formums"? I've made that mistake in the past myself, and ended up trying to understand what scientific discoveries Nostradamus had made, that his name should come up so often.

No..hmm...but they might have tools.

It's a perfectly understandable mistake if you did. Perhaps you're thinking "Astronomy + Cosmology = Astrology"? The terms are very similar.

It all sounds the same to me...everbody is out investigation space.

Time that they merge?...NASA & Paranormal
  • #12
What exactly is that a picture of?

FAQ: Will Deep Space Exploration ever begin?

1. Will humans ever be able to travel to other galaxies?

At this time, it is not possible for humans to travel to other galaxies. The distances involved are too vast and our current technology is not advanced enough to support such a journey.

2. What are the challenges of deep space exploration?

The challenges of deep space exploration are numerous and include long periods of time in isolated and confined spaces, exposure to radiation, and the physical and mental toll of extended space travel. Additionally, there are technical challenges such as developing reliable propulsion systems and sustaining human life in harsh environments.

3. How will we fuel spacecraft for deep space exploration?

Currently, spacecraft use rocket fuel for propulsion. However, for deep space exploration, alternative sources of fuel such as nuclear power or solar power may be necessary. Scientists and engineers are currently researching and developing new technologies to support deep space travel.

4. What are the potential benefits of deep space exploration?

Deep space exploration has the potential to advance our understanding of the universe, including the origins of life and the possibility of other habitable planets. It can also lead to technological advancements that can benefit society, such as improved communication and transportation systems.

5. When will deep space exploration begin?

Deep space exploration has already begun with missions to the moon, Mars, and beyond. However, the timeline for more extensive and sustained deep space exploration is difficult to predict as it depends on advancements in technology, funding, and political will. It is an ongoing and evolving process.

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