Will grad schools see what I take senior spring?

In summary, grad schools look at the courses you're taking in your last semester when determining whether you're admitted or not. It's best to tell them when you submit your application.
  • #1
This is just a quick question. I'm planning out my course schedule for next semester and my senior year (I'm an electrical engineering junior in the US), and I'm trying to work all of my important classes in before it's time to apply to graduate school. Let's say I want to do research in a certain field in graduate school, and that my department offers two courses in that field. I'm taking the first one right now, but let's assume I won't be able to take the second one until senior spring due to scheduling conflicts. When I apply to graduate schools, it'll be the fall, but they make their decisions during the spring semester. Grades aside, do grad schools look at what classes you're taking in your last semester as well when determining whether you're admitted or not? Because I'm not quite sure how it works--is it possible for them to know what I'm taking in the spring? I feel my admissions would have a better chance if they know I'm taking more courses in the chosen field.
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  • #2
Normally grad schools look at transcripts. They will not know what courses you take in the spring semester of your senior year unless you tell them. Of course, in that case not much consideration can be given to what you take because there will be no assessment of your performance (usually a grade) until the end of the spring semester which is after a grad school has made the decision to admit or not. So if you feel that it will help your case, do tell. It is better, though, if instead of sending an email, you call someone on the department's graduate studies committee and talk to him/her in person.
  • #3
They will ask you for your final transcripts after they admit you.
  • #4
Depending on when application due dates fall, you'll typically have already registered for your spring courses when you submit the applications. This should be indicated on your transcript. You'll typically send an updated transcript after fall grades have been posted, and your spring classes should definitely be listed on it by that point if they weren't previously.

FAQ: Will grad schools see what I take senior spring?

1. Will grad schools take into consideration my senior spring grades?

Yes, grad schools will typically review your entire academic record, including your senior spring grades. These grades can provide important insights into your academic performance and potential for success in graduate studies.

2. How important are my senior spring grades for grad school admissions?

While your senior spring grades are important, they may not be as heavily weighted as your performance in earlier years of your undergraduate studies or other aspects of your application, such as your GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and personal statement.

3. Will grad schools see my senior spring grades before making an admissions decision?

It depends on the timeline of your application and when your senior spring grades are available. Some grad schools may make admissions decisions before your final grades are available, while others may wait until they have a complete picture of your academic record.

4. Can I improve my chances of getting into grad school by doing well in my senior spring semester?

While strong senior spring grades can demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence, they may not significantly impact your chances of getting into grad school if your overall academic record is already strong. However, if your senior spring grades show a significant improvement or demonstrate your ability to excel in a particular subject area, they can certainly boost your application.

5. Will grad schools consider extenuating circumstances that may have affected my senior spring grades?

Yes, grad schools understand that there may be extenuating circumstances that can impact a student's academic performance. If you have experienced such circumstances during your senior spring semester, you can explain them in your personal statement or provide any relevant documentation to the admissions committee for their consideration.

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