Will not doing AP Biology hurt me in the long run?

In summary: Thanks for your question!In summary, Jedishrfu advises Jedishrfu to consider taking AP Biology if he plans on majoring in biology, and to get ahead in math so he's prepared for future physics classes.
  • #1
Hey all, I am currently a freshman in high school, and am thinking about my courses for next year. Currently I am signed up for:

English 3 Honors
Chemistry Honors
Precalculus Honors
AP Statistics
AP World History
Programming 1 Honors (prerequisite for AP Comp Sci)
Spanish 3 Honors
Orchestra Masterclass (want to stick with this all 4 years)

Many of my peers are taking AP Biology next year, a class which takes up two spaces in our schedule, instead of Precalculus, what I am doing. I am currently taking Biology Honors and am completely fed up with the electron transport chain/DNA replication garbage that we have to memorize–no offense to anyone, by the way ^_^. I find chemistry, physics, and computer science way more interesting due to their mathematical natures, and plan on majoring in either CS for software engineering (most likely this) or Materials Engineering (I play lots of tennis, and engineering rackets at Babolat/Head is my dream job).

Either way, despite AP Biology I still plan on taking AP Comp Sci & AP Chem my junior year and AP Physics C my senior year. My only worry is how I will be looked at by colleges for taking Precalculus over AP Bio my sophomore year when compared to other students from my school. I am shooting for UIUC, UC Berkeley, UMich and Carnegie Mellon, as well as South Carolina Honors in state.

Do you guys have any feedback for my plan? Am I making a mistake for not taking a second year of Biology?

Thanks so much for all your help, guys. Sorry for sounding a bit paranoid.
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  • #2
I don't think it will matter at all as you're not planning on majoring in Biology.
  • #3
Some colleges and universities might require all their students to take both a physical science course and a biological science course as part of their general education requirements. Or a physics or chemistry major might be required to take a biology course as well. In such cases there's a good chance that you can use AP Biology to fulfill the requirement if you score highly enough on the AP exam. I doubt that it's common enough to justify taking AP Biology now on the small chance that you'll be able to use it for that purpose.
  • #4
Hey, thanks for the replies so far, I didn't know about the physical/biological science electives. Anything else I should be wary of?
  • #5
I agree with @jedishrfu. Your course of study sounds fine to me for someone with your interests.
  • #6
Not taking AP biology shouldn't really matter. If you were planning on going into a field that involved a lot of biology, it would be more important to take it. But biology is basically irrelevant to the fields in which you're expressing interest. With chemistry, precalc, stats, and programming it sounds like you're on the right track for those fields. For these fields it's far more important to get ahead in math. You'll be much better prepared for later physics classes if you've had more exposure to math.

Another point worth considering is how a future college will see the classes. AP Biology may take care of a college life science requirement, while honors biology might not. This is going to vary a lot from school to school though.

Related to Will not doing AP Biology hurt me in the long run?

1. Will not taking AP Biology limit my college options?

Not taking AP Biology will not necessarily limit your college options. While some highly selective colleges may prefer to see AP Biology on your transcript, there are many other factors that colleges consider in their admissions process. You can still demonstrate your academic strengths in other subjects or through other extracurricular activities.

2. Will not taking AP Biology put me at a disadvantage compared to my peers?

Not taking AP Biology will not automatically put you at a disadvantage. There are many other ways to challenge yourself academically, such as taking honors or advanced courses in other subjects. Additionally, colleges understand that not all high schools offer the same AP courses, so they will evaluate your transcript within the context of your school.

3. Will not taking AP Biology hurt my chances of getting into a STEM field?

Not taking AP Biology will not necessarily hurt your chances of getting into a STEM field. While AP Biology may be beneficial for certain STEM fields such as biology or pre-med, there are many other AP science courses that you can take to demonstrate your interest and aptitude in STEM subjects. It's important to choose courses that align with your interests and strengths.

4. Will not taking AP Biology affect my GPA negatively?

Not taking AP Biology will not affect your GPA negatively. AP courses are typically weighted on a 5.0 scale, meaning that they can potentially boost your GPA if you perform well in the course. However, not taking AP Biology will not impact your GPA in a negative way, as long as you continue to perform well in your other courses.

5. Will not taking AP Biology make it harder for me to get into graduate school?

Not taking AP Biology will not necessarily make it harder for you to get into graduate school. Graduate schools typically look at your overall academic performance, as well as your specific coursework and experiences relevant to your field of study. If you are interested in a graduate program that requires a strong background in biology, you can still take courses in college to fulfill those requirements.

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