Will taking a unrelated job help or hurt your resume?

  • Physics
  • Thread starter SuchaNatural
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    Job Resume
In summary, the speaker was offered a job in the Physics department during the summer and was unsure about accepting a position during the academic year due to the project being unrelated to their career goals. The advice given is to take the job and gain experience, as it will still be beneficial in the long run. The speaker also shares their personal experience of working in a different field during their undergraduate years and how it ultimately helped them in their career. The conversation also discusses the importance of being involved in research or skill-building activities while working in a non-scientific job.
  • #1
This summer I was able to get a job working in the Physics department experimenting with soft robotics and I really enjoyed it. I'm fairly certain I want to major in Computational and Applied Math, but I still might try to get the minor in Physics. My primary career interest is something related to robotics and I think I might up with a PhD in Computer Science or Engineering to get into such a career. The job this summer went very well and I was offered a position during the academic year but wasn't able to tell me what kind of project I would be working on until today until today. The funding he has available is for a project on aleatory architecture which is more physics/materials science based and, at least to my knowledge, not exactly a potential career prospect for me. This job would obviously be a big time commitment so I was wondering if it would be in my best interest to take the fellowship or to politely pass on it as I am unclear as to whether it would further my career or significantly add value to my CV.
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  • #2
I think it is better to be working in a scientific field, even if it is unrelated to your eventual career goals, than to do nothing or work in a non-science related job. Do you have a realistic prospect of finding another job more related to you eventual career goals? If not, I would take the one you've been offered.
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  • #3
I agree with Phyzguy.

As an undergrad the point is that you're doing something productive and learning while you're doing it. Most people don't even have that opportunity. Many have to get by delivering pizza.

If you think you would enjoy the work and you think you would learn something while doing it, then it sounds like a great opportunity to me.
  • #5
I spent a couple summers as an undergrad flipping burgers and working in restaurants. Sure, any research job would have been better, but I did not have those options. In the long run, it did not hurt my career or grad school applications.

My advice these days would be to stay active in some sort of research project or skill building on the side even of working a non-physics or non-lab job. If nothing else, build your programming skills in some area of numerical analysis or data analysis.
  • #6
Probably neither.

If you have the option, better to look for an unpaid activity that is somehow resume-worthy or can be used during an interview when they ask about your activities alongside your education.
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  • #7
Wait, I see now it is a job in science. So how is it unrelated? I thought it was something like flipping burgers or returning rental cars or something.

And you are asking if it will hurt you to take this job? Maybe you won't have the motivation and energy, as it seems like quite a commitment .But besides that, why would this look bad on your CV?
  • #8
I've never felt it was necessary to list every job held while I was a student on a resume or CV. Once I graduated from college, I never listed burger flipping, dishwashing, and bussing tables. I also often left off my freshman year work-study job which was working at the LSU Agriculture facility (crawfish farm). Technically, this was a lab job, but it was in a lab with crawfish, so I tended to leave it off.

Fast forward 20 years, and I developed a growing interest in fisheries and fisheries science even after earning a PhD in physics. I've now published a number of papers in fisheries. I wonder how many seeds were planted in my heart and mind in that freshman lab job. At the time I was just chomping at the bit to get out of there and into a physics lab, so I was off like a rocket when my Modern Physics professor asked me to work in his lab after the first exam sophomore year.

Did the crawfish farm job help me into graduate school or help me get my first few jobs afterwards? Probably not. Did it give me an expanded basis for thinking and interest in fisheries and food webs? Definitely. Do I list it on my CV now? Yes.

FAQ: Will taking a unrelated job help or hurt your resume?

1. Will taking an unrelated job harm my chances of getting a job in my desired field?

It depends on the specific job and skills you gain from it. If the job provides transferable skills or demonstrates a strong work ethic, it can actually benefit your resume and show versatility. However, if the job is completely unrelated and does not add any value to your resume, it may not be seen as relevant by potential employers.

2. Should I include an unrelated job on my resume?

If the job is relevant to the position you are applying for, then it is worth including on your resume. However, if it is unrelated and does not add value to your skills or experience, it may be better to leave it off and focus on highlighting your relevant experiences.

3. Will employers see taking an unrelated job as a lack of focus or commitment?

Not necessarily. Employers understand that circumstances may require individuals to take on jobs that are not directly related to their desired field. As long as you can explain how the job contributed to your overall skills and experience, it should not be seen as a negative.

4. Can an unrelated job lead to a career change?

Yes, it is possible for an unrelated job to lead to a career change. The skills and experiences you gain from the job may open up new opportunities and help you discover interests or strengths you were not aware of. It is important to reflect on how the job aligns with your long-term goals and whether it is a step in the right direction towards your desired career path.

5. How can I make the most out of an unrelated job on my resume?

If you are including an unrelated job on your resume, make sure to highlight any transferable skills or experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This shows that you were able to adapt and learn in a different environment. Additionally, you can include any accomplishments or achievements from the job that demonstrate your work ethic and abilities.

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