Will the Venus Express Solve Mysteries or Uncover More?

  • Thread starter Andre
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In summary, The Venus Express has successfully launched, and there is excitement about the potential for solving issues and discovering mysteries on Venus. The mission will focus on studying the atmosphere and possible volcanic activity, but there is also curiosity about what lies beneath the thick fog. The experts involved express their enthusiasm for unexpected discoveries and the vastness of the universe.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #3
Are you aware of any attempts on the new mission to more precisely measure Venus's rotation?
And I also want to thank you for your moral support re: the resonance hypothesis :!) :!) :!) :!) .
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  • #4
hi Warren, You're welcome,

This is the http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/files/vx_mdr.pdf. No special attention for the rotation but everything on atmosphere and possible volcanic activity.
  • #5
Andre said:
We have lift off.
So, are we on the brink of solving many issues of Venus or are we going to find more mysteries?
Yay! :approve:

And to answer your question ... both!

The most interesting parts of doing astronomy are the bits where you get to discover something you didn't expect, and, once again, the universe shows you that there's more to know than you can ever imagine.

FAQ: Will the Venus Express Solve Mysteries or Uncover More?

What is Venus Express and what is its mission?

Venus Express is a space probe launched by the European Space Agency in 2005 with the purpose of studying the atmosphere and surface of the planet Venus. Its mission is to gather data on Venus' atmosphere, climate, and geology, as well as to search for evidence of past or present water on the planet.

How long did it take for Venus Express to reach Venus?

Venus Express took approximately 5 months to reach Venus after its launch in November 2005. It arrived at Venus in April 2006 and began its mission shortly after.

What kind of instruments does Venus Express have on board?

Venus Express is equipped with a variety of instruments, including spectrometers, infrared, ultraviolet, and radio instruments, as well as a camera. These instruments allow for the collection of data on Venus' atmosphere, surface, and magnetic field.

What have we learned from Venus Express so far?

Venus Express has provided valuable insights into the atmosphere of Venus, revealing the presence of a strong jet stream, as well as evidence of lightning and possible volcanic activity. It has also revealed the extreme temperatures and pressure on the planet's surface, and has given clues about the planet's past climate.

What is the current status of Venus Express?

After more than 8 years of successful mission operations, Venus Express is currently in its extended mission phase and continues to gather data on Venus. However, as its fuel supply is running low, it is expected to enter a final phase in which it will descend into the planet's atmosphere and burn up in 2024.

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