WIMP annihilation cross section

In summary: DanIn summary, G. Jungman et al. claim that there is a very close relationship between the calculated value for the dark matter annihilation cross section, Ωh2, and the measured value, Ωh2 ≈ 0.22. However, they say that this value is a full order of magnitude off from the actual value. They suggest that the discrepancy may be due to the fact that some portion of cold dark matter is in machos and in baryonic matter, but this cannot account for the entire discrepancy.
  • #1
Hi, I'm reading an article called SuperSymmetric Dark Matter, by G. Jungman et al. doi:10.1016/0370-1573(95)00058-5 and in section 3.2, he claims that
[itex]<σv> ≈ \alpha^{2}(100 GeV)^{-2} \approx10^{-25} cm^{3} s^{-1},[\itex] for [itex]\alpha \approx \frac{1}{100}.[/itex]

When I run through the calculation, I get 1x10[itex]^{-29}[/itex]. Have I tripped up in my calculation or am I missing an assumption somewhere?

my calculation:
[itex]\frac{0.01^{2}}{10^{4}GeV^{2}} = 1GeV^{-2}= 1GeV^{-2}(\hbar c)^{2}c = 3\times10^8\times4\times10^{-2}fm^{2}ms^{-1}=1\times10^{7}\times(\frac{1m}{10^{15}fm})^{2}ms^{-1}fm^{2} = 1\times10^{7}\times10^{-30}m^{3}s^{-1} = 1\times10^{-29}cm^{3}s^{-1}[/itex]

Also he claims that his value for Ωh[itex]^2 \approx 3\times10^{-2}[/itex] is close to the value measured [itex]\approx 0.22[/itex] but it is a full order of magnitude off...

I know that a portion of cold dark matter is in machos and in baryonic matter but that cannot account for the discrepancy between the measured value and Jungman's predicted value. Can anybody help me understand?

Thanks, Dan
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  • #2
I see an error in your first and last "=".

WolframAlpha gives 10-31m^3/s, which is equivalent to 10-31(102cm)^3/s = 10-25 cm^3/s.
  • #3
Ah, thanks. Silly mistake :<

Any thoughts on my second question?
Also he claims that his value for Ωh2≈3×10−2 is close to the value measured ≈0.22 but it is a full order of magnitude off...

I know that a portion of cold dark matter is in machos and in baryonic matter but that cannot account for the discrepancy between the measured value and Jungman's predicted value. Can anybody help me understand?
  • #4
Where is that claim?

One order of magnitude is not so bad for a rough estimate, concerning the magnitude of some numbers involved in particle physics and cosmology.

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  • #5
Well the phrase he uses is
This is remarkably close to the value required to account for the dark matter in the Universe, especially if we realize that there is no a priori reason for a weak-scale interaction to have anything to do with closure density, a cosmological parameter!
referring to [itex]<\sigma_{A}v>[/itex], the annihilation cross section.
  • #6
The ftp links do not work :(, but http://theory.fnal.gov/jetp/talks/feng.pdf (pdf) has the same remark.

m can be tuned, so it is easy to find an m where Ωh2 ≈ 0.1. That happens to be at the scale of EWSB, but it could be a pure coincidence.
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  • #7
Thanks for your help. It makes more sense now.

Supersymmetric dark matter

If you have access, it's worth a look ^_^

Thanks again

FAQ: WIMP annihilation cross section

What is a WIMP annihilation cross section?

A WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) annihilation cross section is a measure of the probability of two WIMPs colliding and annihilating each other. This process is important in understanding the behavior of dark matter, as WIMPs are considered to be one of the leading candidates for dark matter particles.

Why is the WIMP annihilation cross section important?

The WIMP annihilation cross section is important because it helps us understand the interaction between WIMPs and other particles in the universe. By studying this cross section, we can gain insight into the properties and behavior of dark matter and its role in the formation and evolution of the universe.

What factors affect the WIMP annihilation cross section?

The WIMP annihilation cross section is affected by several factors, including the mass and velocity of the WIMP, the type of particle it is interacting with, and the physical conditions of the environment in which the interaction takes place. Additionally, the properties of the WIMP itself, such as its spin and couplings to other particles, can also impact the cross section.

How is the WIMP annihilation cross section measured?

The WIMP annihilation cross section is typically measured through experiments that look for the products of WIMP annihilation, such as gamma rays, neutrinos, or charged particles. By observing the rate and energy of these products, scientists can calculate the cross section and compare it to theoretical predictions.

What can the WIMP annihilation cross section tell us about dark matter?

The WIMP annihilation cross section can provide valuable information about the properties of dark matter, such as its mass and interaction strength. By studying the cross section, scientists can also narrow down the potential candidates for dark matter particles and gain a better understanding of their role in the universe.
