Win32 Radio Button Code for Visual C++ | No MFC

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In summary, to create a radio button in Visual C++ without using MFC, you will need to use the Win32 API and handle messages using the WM_CREATE and WM_COMMAND macros. To handle multiple radio buttons, you will need to assign unique identifiers and handle the BN_CLICKED message for each button. The appearance of a radio button can be changed by using the SetWindowLong, SetWindowText, and SetTextColor functions. To group radio buttons together, use the same group name in the resource file and handle the BN_CLICKED message for each button. To add radio buttons dynamically, use the CreateWindowEx function, handle the BN_CLICKED message, and use the SetParent and MoveWindow functions.
  • #1

I have googled to no avail. I am after the code to retrieve if a radio box is checked or not in Visual C++. I am not using MFC which all of the tutorial on the internet do. Any ideas? A few pointers in the right direction possibly?
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  • #2
I always bind my controls to a class member. If I declared a CButton member object in my dialog named m_MyRadio, then:

m_MyRadio.GetCheck ();

will do the trick.
  • #3


I can understand your frustration in finding the specific code you need for your project. I would recommend starting by looking at the Win32 API documentation for the specific function that you need, such as the GetDlgItemInt or GetDlgItemText function. These functions can be used to retrieve the state of a radio button in Visual C++ without using MFC. Additionally, you may want to consider reaching out to a community of programmers or developers for assistance in finding the code you need. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Win32 Radio Button Code for Visual C++ | No MFC

1. How do I create a radio button in Visual C++ without using MFC?

To create a radio button in Visual C++ without using MFC, you will need to use the Win32 API. This involves creating a window and handling messages using the WM_CREATE and WM_COMMAND macros. You will also need to use the CreateWindowEx function to create the radio button and handle its events using the BN_CLICKED message.

2. How do I handle multiple radio buttons in Visual C++?

To handle multiple radio buttons in Visual C++, you will need to assign each radio button a unique identifier and handle the BN_CLICKED message for each button. You can use a switch statement to determine which button was clicked and perform the appropriate action based on the identifier.

3. How can I change the appearance of a radio button in Visual C++?

To change the appearance of a radio button in Visual C++, you can use the SetWindowLong function with the GWL_STYLE flag to modify the button's style. You can also use the SetWindowText function to change the text displayed on the button, and the SetTextColor function to change the color of the text.

4. How can I group radio buttons together in Visual C++?

To group radio buttons together in Visual C++, you will need to use the same group name in the radio buttons' resource file and handle the BN_CLICKED message for each button. This will ensure that only one button can be selected at a time within that group.

5. How do I add radio buttons dynamically in Visual C++?

To add radio buttons dynamically in Visual C++, you can use the CreateWindowEx function to create the buttons during runtime. You will also need to handle the BN_CLICKED message for each button and use the SetParent function to assign the buttons to the desired parent window. Additionally, you can use the MoveWindow function to position the buttons on the screen.

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