Window Washer Pulling on Cable: Dynamics Analysis

  • Thread starter jnimagine
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In summary, a window washer of mass M is pulling on a cable with a force of F. The platform he is sitting on is suspended by a system of cables and pulleys, which are ideal and have negligible mass. Due to the ideal nature of the pulleys, the accelerations are constrained and the tension on each cable is equal. This leads to the question of whether the force F is simply equal to the mass M multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. However, it is uncertain if this is the correct answer.
  • #1
A window washer of mass M is sitting on a platform suspended by a system of cables and pulleys. He is pulling on the cable with a force of magnitude F. The cables and pullys are ideal (massless and frictionless), and the platform has negligible mass.

So the situation here is that the window washer is pulling onto one side of the pulley and other other side is connected to the platform. The washer's pulling down on the cable of the pulley with a force of F.

My idea is that since the the pulleys are ideal, the accelerations must be constrained. Also, the Tension on each cable parts are equal. So then, isn't the F just Mg?
but it seems to simple... it can't be worth 5 marks with this answer...:confused:
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  • #2
Is this actually a real hard question? T.T... seeing that no one's posting anything...
  • #3

I would approach this situation by considering the principles of dynamics and Newton's laws of motion. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. In this case, the window washer's pulling on the cable is the external force that is causing the platform to move.

The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In this situation, the net force acting on the platform is the force of gravity (weight) and the force of tension in the cable. The mass of the platform is negligible, so the net force is essentially just the force of gravity.

Now, considering the third law of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The window washer's pulling on the cable creates a tension force in the cable, and the cable exerts an equal and opposite force on the washer. This tension force is what allows the platform to move.

In conclusion, the window washer's force of pulling on the cable is not just equal to the force of gravity (Mg), but it is also responsible for creating the tension force in the cable that allows the platform to move. The dynamics of this system can be further analyzed by considering the angles and directions of the forces and the acceleration of the platform.

FAQ: Window Washer Pulling on Cable: Dynamics Analysis

1. How does the weight of the window washer affect the dynamics of the cable?

The weight of the window washer affects the dynamics of the cable by creating tension on the cable. As the window washer moves along the cable, their weight pulls down on the cable, causing it to stretch and creating tension. This tension can impact the overall stability of the cable and the forces acting on it.

2. Does the angle of the cable affect the motion of the window washer?

Yes, the angle of the cable can greatly affect the motion of the window washer. The steeper the angle of the cable, the more tension there will be on the cable and the more difficult it will be for the window washer to move along it. A shallower angle may make it easier for the window washer to move, but it could also increase the risk of the cable slipping.

3. How does the length of the cable impact the dynamics of the system?

The length of the cable plays a crucial role in the dynamics of the system. A longer cable will have more weight and tension acting on it, making it more difficult for the window washer to pull on. Additionally, a longer cable may increase the risk of the cable sagging or snapping due to the increased weight and tension.

4. What other factors besides weight and angle can affect the dynamics of the cable?

Other factors that can affect the dynamics of the cable include wind, temperature, and the material and thickness of the cable. Wind can create additional forces on the cable, while extreme temperatures can cause the cable to expand or contract, altering its tension and stability. The material and thickness of the cable can also impact its strength and ability to withstand various forces.

5. How can the dynamics of the system be optimized for the safety of the window washer?

The dynamics of the system can be optimized for the safety of the window washer by carefully considering the weight and angle of the cable, as well as the length and material of the cable. Additionally, regular maintenance and inspections of the cable and equipment can help identify any potential issues before they become a safety hazard. Proper training and safety procedures should also be followed by the window washer to minimize risks while working on the cable.

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