With or without magnetic field.

In summary, the problem with solving 1d Ising model without boundary condition in external magnetic field is that you cannot get trace for the eigenvalues of the matrix |S_1/_N\rangle>. The term <S_1|T|S_N> is missing.
  • #1
1d Ising model without magnetic field has hamiltonian ##H=-J\sum^{N-1}_{i=1}S_iS_{i+1}## with no boundary condition has partition function ##Z_N=2^{N}\cosh^{N-1}(\beta J)##. In this model with magnetic field people often put into the game circular boundary condition because then they could solve problem using transfer matrix method. Is there any easy way to solve 1d Ising model without boundary condition in extern magnetic field. Hamiltonian of that model would be ##H=-J\sum^{N-1}_{i=1}S_iS_{i+1}-B\sum^{N}_{i=1}S_i##.
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  • #2
There is no problem to apply the transfer matrix method in the case of other boundary conditions. Just try it out.
  • #3
I tried, problem is with ##Z=\sum_{allposibilities}\langle S_1|\hat{T}|S_2 \rangle \langle S_2|\hat{T}|S_3 \rangle...\langle S_N|\hat{T}|S_1 \rangle=\sum_{S_1}\langle S_1 |\hat{T}^{N}|S_1 \rangle=Tr(\hat{T}^{N})##
I can't get trace in case without circular boundary condition.
  • #4
LagrangeEuler said:
I can't get trace in case without circular boundary condition.
So what? The term <S_1|T|S_N> is missing. Ok.
You get [itex] \sum_{S_1} \sum_{S_N} \langle S_1| T^{N-1} |S_N\rangle [/itex].
What happens when you decompose |S_1/N> into eigenfunctions of T?
  • #5
I'm not quite sure what you think? One eigenvector is just ##|+1\rangle##.
  • #6
[tex]\hat{T}= \left( \begin{array}{cc}
\langle +|\hat{T}|+ \rangle & \langle +|\hat{T}|- \rangle \\
\langle -|\hat{T}|+ \rangle & \langle -|\hat{T}|- \rangle \end{array} \right)[/tex]
For ##|S_1/_N\rangle## there are two possibilities ##|+\rangle## or ##|-\rangle##.
But I don't know how to write that in some normal way and calculate.
  • #7
That's a 2x2 matrix in the basis of the two states |+> and |->. I suppose you know how to find the eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix?
  • #8
Yes. For matrix
[tex] \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
e^{j+h} & e^{-j} \\
e^{-j} & e^{j-h}
\end{array} \right) [/tex]
eigenvectors are
[tex] \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
\frac{1}{2}e^{-h}(-e^{2j}+e^{2h+2j}\pm \sqrt{4e^{2h}+e^{4j}-2e^{2h+4j}+e^{4h+4j}}) \\
\end{array} \right) [/tex]
  • #9
What I meant is that you can write
[itex] U^T T U=\Lambda[/itex] with [itex]\Lambda[/itex] being a diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues [itex]\lambda_1[/itex] and [itex] \lambda_2[/itex]. I assume [itex]\lambda_1>\lambda_2[/itex] and call V_0 the matrix V with j=0.
Hence [itex]Z=Tr(V^{N-1}V_0)=Tr(U^T\Lambda^{N-1}UV_0)=Tr(\Lambda^{N-1} UV_0U^T)\approx
\lambda_1^{N-1} (UV_0U^T)_{11}[/itex].
Hence Z differs from the Z for periodic boundary conditions only by the factor [itex] (UV_0U^T)_{11}/\lambda_1[/itex]. As we are only interested in Log Z, this makes a term which is 1/N times smaller than Z. This is of the same order as the error resulting from the replacement of [itex]\Lambda^{N-1}[/itex] by [itex]\lambda_1^{N-1}[/itex].
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FAQ: With or without magnetic field.

1. What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a region of space that exerts a force on magnetic materials or moving electrical charges. It is created by electric currents and magnetic materials, and is responsible for the behavior of magnets and the interaction between electrically charged particles.

2. What is the significance of a magnetic field?

A magnetic field has many important applications in our daily lives. It is used in electronics, transportation, medical equipment, and energy production. It also plays a crucial role in the Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from harmful solar radiation.

3. How does a magnetic field affect objects?

A magnetic field can cause objects to move or interact with each other, depending on their magnetic properties. For example, magnets attract or repel each other due to their magnetic fields, and electric motors use magnetic fields to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

4. Can objects exist without a magnetic field?

Yes, objects can exist without a magnetic field. Not all materials are magnetic, and some can even be shielded from magnetic fields. However, in the presence of a strong magnetic field, most objects will experience some level of interaction or influence.

5. How does the absence or presence of a magnetic field affect experiments or research?

The presence or absence of a magnetic field can greatly impact the outcome of experiments and research. In some cases, the magnetic field may be a crucial factor in the behavior or properties of a material or phenomenon being studied. Scientists must take into account the effects of magnetic fields when designing and conducting experiments.

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