WKB of modified Poschl-Teller potential

In summary, the WKB approximation method is a technique used to approximate solutions of Schrodinger's equation in quantum mechanics. It is applied to the modified Poschl-Teller potential by approximating the solution using the WKB ansatz and solving a transcendental equation. The advantages of using the WKB method for this potential include a semi-classical treatment and computational efficiency, but limitations include applicability only to one-dimensional systems and potential inaccuracies for highly excited states.
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Homework Statement

I am given the modified Poschl-Teller potential:

[tex]V(x)=-\frac{U_0}{\cosh^2(\alpha x)}[/tex]. I have to make WKB approximation of bound energy states and compare it to exact solution (analytical and numerical).

Homework Equations

Exact solution is given:

[tex]E_n=-\frac{\alpha^2\hbar^2}{2m}\left[\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{8m U_0}{\alpha^2\hbar^2}+1}-\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right]^2,\quad n\in\mathbb{Z^+}[/tex]

WKB energy approximation is calculated from integral:


[tex]x_1,\ x_2[/tex] are the turning points, places where [tex]V(x)=E[/tex].

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the solution in one article in Annals of Physics and it's:

[tex]E_n=-\frac{\alpha^2\hbar^2}{2m}\left[\sqrt{\frac{2m U_0}{\alpha^2\hbar^2}}-\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right]^2,\quad n\in\mathbb{Z^+}[/tex]

And when I do the numerics via Python and Mathematica I get nice results (with Planck cons=m=alpha=1, and U_0=8) for ground state (n=0):

[tex]E_0^{exact/num}=-6.2344,\quad E_0^{WKB}=-6.125[/tex]. So that really is the result. But how do I solve that nasty integral?!


[tex]\int\limits_{x_1}^{x_2}\sqrt{2m\left(E+\frac{U_0}{\cosh^2(\alpha x)}\right)}dx[/tex]

Plus the turning points are something like arccosh which is a multivalued function.
Do I solve this by complex integration? And if so, how? Because usually the limits of complex integrals are usually something like infinities...

I tried substitution, [tex]z=\cosh^2(\aplha x)[/tex] but I had no luck. Plus the limits of the integral ends up the same when I substitute (probably because of the multivaluedness) :\

Any ideas?
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. The modified Poschl-Teller potential is a fascinating problem to work on. The WKB approximation can provide a good approximation for the bound energy states, especially for the ground state.

To solve the integral, you can try the following steps:

1. Use the substitution you mentioned, z=cosh^2(alpha x), and rewrite the integral as:

\int\limits_{z_1}^{z_2} \frac{dz}{\sqrt{z(z-z_1)(z-z_2)}}

where z_1 and z_2 are the roots of the polynomial in the square root.

2. Use the Euler substitution, z=t^2, to transform the integral into a standard form:

\int\limits_{t_1}^{t_2} \frac{2t}{\sqrt{(t^2-t_1)(t^2-t_2)}} dt

where t_1 and t_2 are the roots of the polynomial in the square root.

3. Use partial fraction decomposition to simplify the integrand.

4. Use the residue theorem to evaluate the integral.

Alternatively, you can also try using the method of steepest descent to evaluate the integral. This involves deforming the integration contour in the complex plane to a contour that passes through the saddle points of the integrand.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your calculations!

FAQ: WKB of modified Poschl-Teller potential

1. What is the WKB approximation method?

The WKB (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approximation method is a technique used to approximate the solutions of Schrodinger's equation in quantum mechanics. It is based on the assumption that the wavefunction can be written as a product of an amplitude and a rapidly oscillating phase.

2. What is the modified Poschl-Teller potential?

The modified Poschl-Teller potential is a one-dimensional potential energy function that is often used in quantum mechanics to model various systems such as diatomic molecules and atomic nuclei. It is a modified version of the original Poschl-Teller potential, which is a singular potential that does not have a well-defined energy spectrum.

3. How is the WKB method applied to the modified Poschl-Teller potential?

The WKB method is applied to the modified Poschl-Teller potential by first approximating the solution of Schrodinger's equation using the WKB ansatz. This leads to a transcendental equation that can be solved numerically to obtain the energy levels and corresponding wavefunctions.

4. What are the advantages of using the WKB method for the modified Poschl-Teller potential?

One advantage of using the WKB method for the modified Poschl-Teller potential is that it allows for a semi-classical treatment of the system, making it easier to interpret the results in terms of classical mechanics. Additionally, the WKB method is computationally less expensive compared to other numerical methods, making it a useful tool for studying complex systems.

5. Are there any limitations to using the WKB method for the modified Poschl-Teller potential?

Yes, there are limitations to using the WKB method for the modified Poschl-Teller potential. One limitation is that it is only applicable to one-dimensional systems. Additionally, the WKB method is an approximation and may not accurately capture the behavior of the system in certain cases, especially for highly excited states. In these cases, other numerical methods may be more suitable.
