Word problem involving counting

In summary: On 1) a can't neither be 0 aswell? i am right or wrong? Btw is this fundamental..? cause I am suposed to use...The principle is fundamental, but the algorithm you are using is not. The principle is fundamental, but the algorithm you are using is not.
  • #1
I got problem with this Word problem
Determine the number of 7-digit numbers that do not have the consequence 17th For example 4713.1572 allowed 5-digit numbers but 1723,3175,0254 are not allowed.

I did a huge progress and get answer 8457 067 but its wrong. I did calculate how many possible way i can have 17xxxxx, x17xxxx and Plenty more did take me around 2 paper.. And still get wrong. Any tips?
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  • #2
I moved this topic as counting problems are typically studied in an elementary statistics/probability course. I also added a bit more description to the title.

If I understand correctly, you are to find the number of 7 digit numbers (no leading zeroes) which do not have a 1 followed by a 7 anywhere within it, right?

I think you are on the right track by finding the number of 7 digit numbers that do have the string of digits "17" within them. Then we can subtract this from the total number of 7 digits numbers.

So, first, how many 7 digit numbers in total are there?
  • #3
MarkFL said:
I moved this topic as counting problems are typically studied in an elementary statistics/probability course. I also added a bit more description to the title.

If I understand correctly, you are to find the number of 7 digit numbers (no leading zeroes) which do not have a 1 followed by a 7 anywhere within it, right?

I think you are on the right track by finding the number of 7 digit numbers that do have the string of digits "17" within them. Then we can subtract this from the total number of 7 digits numbers.

So, first, how many 7 digit numbers in total are there?
Sorry I forgot to report it because I was unsure.
If I understand correct you ask
xxxxxxx and the first one can't be 0 so its $9*10^6$ ( I can have 9 number on first (if it becomes zero its not a 7 digit number. then the 6 left can be any number from 0-9 that means 10 diffrent number can we have on of those x and there is 6 left:))
was that your question:P?
  • #4
Yes, you have correctly applied the fundamental counting principle to determine that there are a total of $9\,\times\,10^6$ seven digit numbers.

How many of these have the sequence 17 embedded within them?
  • #5
MarkFL said:
Yes, you have correctly applied the fundamental counting principle to determine that there are a total of $9\,\times\,10^6$ seven digit numbers.

How many of these have the sequence 17 embedded within them?
what you mean? Do u mean
$17xxxxx = 10^5-4*10^3+1+1+1= 96003$
But the other are those WHO i got problem with...
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  • #6
Use the fundamental counting principle again, along with how many different locations the string 17 may be. First, how many possible locations are there for the sequence of digits 17?
  • #7
MarkFL said:
Use the fundamental counting principle again, along with how many different locations the string 17 may be. First, how many possible locations are there for the sequence of digits 17?
Do you mean how many 17 i can have in xxxxxxx? Do u mean 171717x?
ik that 17xxxxx=10^5 any number in x ) notice that there can be 17 in that counting)
  • #8
Petrus said:
Do you mean how many 17 i can have in xxxxxxx? Do u mean 171717x?
ik that 17xxxxx=10^5 any number in x ) notice that there can be 17 in that counting)
Hello Petrus,

I think its best that you post your full solution here. It will be easier to point out your mistake and lead you to the correct solution.
  • #9
caffeinemachine said:
Hello Petrus,

I think its best that you post your full solution here. It will be easier to point out your mistake and lead you to the correct solution.
I know that but I honest think its 100% wrong.. I would like to get help cause I am honestly thinking I do wrong with the calculate and thinking correct
  • #10
What I have done so far
there is $9*10^6$ seven digit numbers and there are $10^5$ that begin with 17
  • #11
Petrus said:
I know that but I honest think its 100% wrong.. I would like to get help cause I am honestly thinking I do wrong with the calculate and thinking correct
I think then resorting to recursion would be a fruitful way to neatly settle this.

Let $f_n$ be the number of numbers of $n$-digits which don't have the 'consequence' 17.

Now an allowed $7$-digit number can have the following form:
1) $axxxxxx$, $a\neq 1$.
This has $8\times (f_6+f_5+f_4+f_3+f_2+f_1)$ possibilities.

2) $1axxxxx$, $a\neq 7$.
This has $[f_6-(f_5+f_4+f_3+f_2+f_1)]+f_5+f_4+f_3+f_2+f_1=f_6$ possibilities.
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  • #12
caffeinemachine said:
I think then resorting to recursion would be a fruitful way to neatly settle this.

Let $f_n$ be the number of numbers of $n$-digits which don't have the 'consequence' 17.

Now an allowed $7$-digit number can have the following form:
1) $axxxxxx$, $a\neq 1$.
This has $8\times (f_6+f_5+f_4+f_3+f_2+f_1)$ possibilities.

2) $1axxxxx$, $a\neq 7$.
This has $9\times (f_5+f_4+f_3+f_2+f_1)$ possibilities.
on 1) a can't neither be 0 aswell? i am right or wrong? Btw is this fundamental..? cause I am suposed to use it
  • #13
Petrus said:
on 1) a can't neither be 0 aswell? i am right or wrong? Btw is this fundamental..? cause I am suposed to use it
yes. In (1) $a\neq 0$. I didn't mention it explicitly since if $a=0$ then the number is not a $7$-digit number to begin with.

This is not really fundamental. If you have to use this solution somewhere then I think a little explanation is required.
  • #14
caffeinemachine said:
yes. In (1) $a\neq 0$. I didn't mention it explicitly since if $a=0$ then the number is not a $7$-digit number to begin with.

This is not really fundamental. If you have to use this solution somewhere then I think a little explanation is required.
I have to use fundamental :S Any tips from what I shall do next as last progress I made :)?
  • #15
Petrus said:
I have to use fundamental :S Any tips from what I shall do next as last progress I made :)?
Well, the technique I have used, 'recursion', is absolutely fundamental and ubiquitous in combinatorics. So in that sense the solution is fundamental. Only thing that if you have to present this solution to someone else then you'd need to give some explanation.
  • #16
caffeinemachine said:
Well, the technique I have used, 'recursion', is absolutely fundamental and ubiquitous in combinatorics. So in that sense the solution is fundamental. Only thing that if you have to present this solution to someone else then you'd need to give some explanation.
Yeah but we haven't read about that so ima supose to solve with the way I am supose to do with :S
  • #17
Petrus said:
Yeah but we haven't read about that so ima supose to solve with the way I am supose to do with :S
Even if you are not using this method please note that I have edited my post#11. I had previously committed a mistake.

Another method I can think of is the use of the 'Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion'. Have you read this?
  • #18
caffeinemachine said:
Even if you are not using this method please note that I have edited my post#11. I had previously committed a mistake.

Another method I can think of is the use of the 'Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion'. Have you read this?
Yes I do.
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  • #19
After a lot thinking and reading over this is what I think it should be done
1 we calculate all seven digit numbers, $9*10^6$
2. calculate all seven digit number from (17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17) and take it away from 1. but the problem is we calculated once 1732174 but then we take it away twice from 2. (17xxxxx and xxxx17x)
So my thinking
17xxxxx= I can have 1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17 (4 way) and I can also have 171717x, 17x1717, 1717x17 (3 way)... I am thinking correct? I got problem with the step 2 how to calculate.
  • #20
Petrus said:
After a lot thinking and reading over this is what I think it should be done
1 we calculate all seven digit numbers, $9*10^6$
2. calculate all seven digit number from (17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17) and take it away from 1. but the problem is we calculated once 1732174 but then we take it away twice from 2. (17xxxxx and xxxx17x)
So my thinking
17xxxxx= I can have 1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17 (4 way) and I can also have 171717x, 17x1717, 1717x17 (3 way)... I am thinking correct? I got problem with the step 2 how to calculate.

Yep! That's it.

2. Take away the patterns 17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17
3. Add the patterns 1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17 and all others (10 patterns), since they have been taken away twice.
4. Subtract the patterns 171717x, 17x1717, 1717x17, x171717, since the are now not counted anymore.

Patterns 17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17 represent $10^5 + 4 \cdot 9 \cdot 10^4$ numbers.
  • #21
I like Serena said:
Yep! That's it.

2. Take away the patterns 17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17
3. Add the patterns 1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17 and all others (10 patterns), since they have been taken away twice.
4. Subtract the patterns 171717x, 17x1717, 1717x17, x171717, since the are now not counted anymore.

Patterns 17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17 represent $10^5 + 4 \cdot 9 \cdot 10^4$ numbers.
I react on that 9. because in 17xxxxx it does not mather but x17xxxx the first one can't be zero. I am wrong?
  • #22
Petrus said:
I react on that 9. because in 17xxxxx it does not mather but x17xxxx the first one can't be zero. I am wrong?

  • #23
here is what I done that someone can correct me
1. (17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xxx, xxxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17) we got $10^5+9*6*10^5$
2.(1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17, x1717xx, x17x17x, x17xx17, xx1717x, xx17x17, xxx1717) we got $4*10^3+6*9*10^2$
3.(171717x, 1717x17, 17x1717, x171717) we got $3*10+9$
and in xxxxxxx we got $9 000 000$
so I get $9 000 000-550 000+58 00-39=8 455839$ which is wrong
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  • #24
Petrus said:
here is what I done that someone can correct me
1. (17xxxxx, x17xxxxx, xx17xxx, xxx17xxx, xxxx17xx, xxxx17x, xxxxx17) we got $10^5+9*6*10^5$
2.(1717xxx, 17x17xx, 17xx17x, 17xxx17, x1717xx, x17x17x, x17xx17, xx1717x, xx17x17, xxx1717) we got $4*10^3+6*9*10^3$
3.(171717x, 1717x17, 17x1717, x171717) we got $3*10+9$
and in xxxxxxx we got $9 000 000$
so I get $9 000 000-550 000+58 000-39=8 507 961$ which is wrong

You've got $4*10^3+6*9*10^3$ wrong.
It should be $4*10^3+6*9*10^2$.
  • #25
I like Serena said:
You've got $4*10^3+6*9*10^3$ wrong.
It should be $4*10^3+6*9*10^2$.
Fixed that :P What I am missing :O? I don't get correct.
  • #26
Petrus said:
Fixed that :P What I am missing :O? I don't get correct.

Can't say, since you did not say what you got. ;P
  • #27
I like Serena said:
Can't say, since you did not say what you got. ;P
ops forgot to say I edit my op[FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]
  • #28
Petrus said:
ops forgot to say I edit my op[FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main][/FONT][FONT=MathJax_Main]

Well, $4*10^3+6*9*10^2 \ne 5800$.
  • #29
I like Serena said:
Well, $4*10^3+6*9*10^2 \ne 5800$.
Ohhh My god! This problem did take me 2-3 days and finally solved it! You should see My paper so many try and prob lost myself! Thank you Serena and the other who reply!:) got it right now! The answer is 8 459 361

FAQ: Word problem involving counting

1. What is a word problem involving counting?

A word problem involving counting is a mathematical problem that requires students to use their counting skills to solve. It often involves counting objects, people, or groups and applying basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. Why are word problems involving counting important?

Word problems involving counting are important because they help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They also help students apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations, making learning more meaningful and practical.

3. How can I improve my counting skills to solve word problems?

To improve your counting skills for solving word problems, practice counting objects and groups in real-life situations. You can also use visual aids such as counting blocks or pictures to help you visualize the problem. Additionally, practicing basic mathematical operations will also improve your counting skills.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving word problems involving counting?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving word problems involving counting include not reading the problem carefully, not setting up the problem correctly, and not properly identifying the mathematical operations needed. It is also important to check your work and make sure your answer makes sense in the context of the problem.

5. How can I make word problems involving counting more engaging?

To make word problems involving counting more engaging, you can incorporate real-life situations and objects that are relevant and interesting to students. You can also make the problem more challenging by increasing the number of objects or groups to count or by adding additional mathematical operations to the problem.
