Work and Kinetic Energy of meteorite

In summary: I feel like I'm just totally lost right now with all this physics stuff! Any help would be much appreciated!In summary, the car exerts a force on the meteorite that is greater than the force the meteorite exerts on the car. This causes the meteorite to stop and create a dent.
  • #1
Ok, so the question is:

A 27-pound meteorite struck a car and created a dent about 22cm deep. If the initial speed of the meteorite was 550m/s, what was the average force exerted on the meteorite by the car?

Since this question is in the work/kinetic energy chapter I assumed I'd have to use:

W = 1/2mvf2 - 1/2mvi2 to find the work done and then use the equation:

W = F*x , solving for F using W from the above equation and x = 22cm

BUT then I realized the question was asking what force did the CAR exert on the METEORITE..and that's why I'm confused. Because solving it the way I originally thought would give me the force exerted by the METEORITE on the CAR, right? So now I have no idea what to do! Any hints/suggestions would be great! Thanks!
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  • #2
What makes you think the car exerts a different force on the meteorite than it exerts on the car?
  • #3
I don't really know what made me assume that.. but it just makes sense that the car would exert a greater force on the meteorite, otherwise the meteorite wouldn't have stopped (aka if the meteorite's force was larger than the car's force, then wouldn't the meteorite just slam right through the car?) Kind of like the whole, while I'm sitting on my couch my weight is exerting a force on the couch, but the couch is extering a normal force back on me. If my weight exerted a force greater than the couch's normal force then I'd fall through the couch - ie: the meteorite's force must be greater than the car's force because the meteorite pushes through the car some.

Ok, now I've contradicted myself in my own post! Oi.. I hate physics! I've just confused myself even more! But.. I guess it makes sense that both forces would be equal, because the meteorite does stop.. I'm just curious if they're equal then why does the meteorite make a dent at all?


FAQ: Work and Kinetic Energy of meteorite

1. What is work and kinetic energy of a meteorite?

Work and kinetic energy of a meteorite refers to the energy that is associated with its motion. When a meteorite falls towards Earth, it gains kinetic energy due to its speed and mass. Work is done on the meteorite as it moves through the Earth's atmosphere and encounters air resistance.

2. How is the work and kinetic energy of a meteorite calculated?

The work done on a meteorite can be calculated by multiplying the force of air resistance by the distance it travels. The kinetic energy of a meteorite can be calculated using the equation KE = 1/2 * mv^2, where m is the mass of the meteorite and v is its velocity.

3. What factors affect the work and kinetic energy of a meteorite?

The work and kinetic energy of a meteorite are affected by its mass, speed, and the density of the Earth's atmosphere. A heavier meteorite or one with a higher velocity will have more kinetic energy, while a denser atmosphere will result in more work being done on the meteorite.

4. How does work and kinetic energy of a meteorite impact its impact on Earth?

The work and kinetic energy of a meteorite can greatly impact its impact on Earth. If a meteorite has a high amount of kinetic energy, it will likely create a larger impact and cause more damage upon impact. However, if the meteorite breaks up in the atmosphere, its kinetic energy and impact will be reduced.

5. Can the work and kinetic energy of a meteorite be harnessed?

While the work and kinetic energy of a meteorite can be powerful, it is not currently feasible to harness it for energy. The high speeds and unpredictable trajectories of meteorites make it difficult to capture and convert their energy into a usable form.
