Work by External Force on an electric field

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of electric potential and the work done by an external force on a charge in an electric field. The solution to the problem involves using the work-energy theorem, and the conversation delves into the idea of an external force and its role in determining the potential difference between two points. The concept is compared to moving a mass in a gravitational field, and there is a playful exchange about different ways of defining potential. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that it is a matter of personal preference.
  • #1
I was trying to solve this problem yesterday and I was not able to. I looked it up its solution but my mind is not still clear about it.
"The work done by an external force to move a -6,5C charge from point A to B is 15J. If the charge was started from the rest and had 4.86J of kinetic energy when it reached point B, what must be the potential difference between A and B?"
Solution says "By the work-energy theorem, the total work done, by the external force and the electric field together, is the change in kinetic energy". The rest is just solving the math.
Why I don't understand is this external work, what is it exactly? is this a force that literally TAKES that negative charge and PUT it in point B?? I just can't visualize it. Has this external force PUSHED the negative charge from somewhere to point B so that the charge gained potential energy? I assume this negative charged was moved AWAY from the positive charge so that it can gain potential energy? Am I correct? Then what has exactly this external force done?? How is it that we need to ADD two works to get the kinetic energy?
I'm so confused.
By the way, I'm not posting my homework here, I'm not a student, I'm just trying to understand the concept of electric potential.
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  • #2
Honestly, saying the charge was moved is just a convention for problem solving. They try to mechanically drive into you the concepts by providing an ideal situation. In reality you cannot imagine moving a single charge, but in theory it helps you learn about the effects of potential energy and electric fields.

Imagine the world as it isn't and I take a charge with my fingers and displace it from A to B in an electric field. The charge would go from positive to negative as you said so that it would gain potential energy. Obviously, the charge will have kinetic energy from me moving it because it's not going to get over there with zero velocity. I am using my breakfast to control my fingers to move the charge which causes me to do work on the system. The work done by potential energy is negative since it runs against your path.

Now with that said we can clear up the math:

$$W_{tot}= \Delta E_k = W_{me} + W_{field}$$

The work done by the field is negative so it goes to:

$$W_{tot} = \Delta E_k = W_{me} -qV$$

And then algebra kills it from there! I hope my explanation is sound and I'm sorry that you're entering a world of purely imaginary situations to help train your real world intuition. Slightly frustrating it is.

I hope this helps!
  • #3
P.S. Except for Chaos. Chaos is pretty awesome.
  • #4
This is very much similar to moving a mass from point A to point B in a gravitational field, where you are asked to determine the change in gravitational potential energy.

  • #5
It always seems perverse to me that textbooks define the potential of A relative to B as the work done per unit test charge by an external force on a test charge going from B to A, rather than the work done per unit charge by the field itself on a test charge going from A to B. The definitions are entirely equivalent, but I think bringing in an external force is an unnecessary complication.
  • #6
Philip Wood said:
It always seems perverse to me that textbooks define the potential of A relative to B as the work done per unit test charge by an external force on a test charge going from B to A, rather than the work done per unit charge by the field itself on a test charge going from A to B. The definitions are entirely equivalent, but I think bringing in an external force is an unnecessary complication.

Hi Philip

As you said, potatoes-potahtoes. Personally, the external force version works better for me.

  • #7
So we don't have to call the whole thing orff?
  • #8
Philip Wood said:
So we don't have to call the whole thing orff?

Ha! Good one. Loved it.


FAQ: Work by External Force on an electric field

1. What is work by external force on an electric field?

Work by external force on an electric field refers to the amount of energy transferred from an external force to an electric field. This can occur when a charged particle moves through the electric field, with the work being equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance moved in the direction of the force.

2. How is work by external force on an electric field calculated?

The work by external force on an electric field can be calculated using the formula W = F x d, where W is the work in joules, F is the force in newtons, and d is the distance in meters.

3. Can work by external force on an electric field be negative?

Yes, work by external force on an electric field can be negative. This occurs when the force and the direction of motion are in opposite directions, resulting in the work being done against the electric field instead of with it.

4. What is the relationship between work by external force on an electric field and potential energy?

The work by external force on an electric field is equal to the change in potential energy of a charged particle moving through the field. This means that if work is done on the particle, its potential energy will increase, and if work is done by the particle, its potential energy will decrease.

5. How does work by external force on an electric field affect the motion of a charged particle?

The work done by external force on an electric field can either increase or decrease the kinetic energy of a charged particle, thus affecting its motion. If the work is done against the electric field, it will slow down the particle, and if the work is done with the electric field, it will speed up the particle.
