Work (Conservation of Energy/Newton's Laws)

  • Thread starter jzwiep
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    Laws Work
Got it, thanks!In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a skier named Sam with a mass of 75kg skiing down a 50m-high, 20-degree frictionless slope. A horizontal headwind force of 200N is also present. The conversation explores finding Sam's speed at the bottom of the slope using work and energy, as well as Newton's laws. The correct solution is found by considering the component of the headwind force parallel to the slope in the equation for acceleration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

MP 11.44

Sam, whose mass is 75kg, straps on his skis and starts down a 50-m-high, 20degree frictionless slope. A strong headwind exerts a horizontal force of 200N on him as he skies. Find Sam's speed at the bottom (a) using work and evergy (b) Using Newton's laws

Homework Equations

v2=v02 + 2ad

Dot product

The Attempt at a Solution


U = K + WHeadwind


Which got me= 15.7270m/s


Fnet = Fg - Fheadwind

v2=v02 + 2ad
v= sqrt(2ad)

Which got me: 12.225m/s

I'm not sure where I went wrong. Any thoughts?
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  • #2
jzwiep said:
Fnet = Fg - Fheadwind
What's the component of the 200N force parallel to the slope?
  • #3
200/cos(20) means that component of force along the slope is greater than the force itself!
You should write 200*cos20. Well, maybe it is just a typing error (like evergy) because you wrote mg*sin20 and not mg/sin20
  • #4
Thanks. I drew the triangle backwards.
  • #5

Your calculations seem to be correct. However, please note that in part (b), you have used the formula for calculating acceleration (a) instead of velocity (v). The correct formula to use would be v = v0 + at, where v0 is the initial velocity (0 m/s in this case). Using this formula, the final velocity (v) would be 15.7270 m/s, which is the same as the result obtained in part (a). This shows that both approaches, using conservation of energy and Newton's laws, yield the same result. This is because both principles are based on the fundamental concept of conservation of energy. Good job on your calculations!

FAQ: Work (Conservation of Energy/Newton's Laws)

1. What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed from one form to another.

2. How does the conservation of energy apply to work?

The conservation of energy applies to work because work is a form of energy. When work is done, energy is either transferred or transformed from one form to another, but the total amount of energy remains constant.

3. Can energy be completely conserved in real-life situations?

No, energy cannot be completely conserved in real-life situations. Some energy is always lost to heat, sound, or other forms of energy during a transfer or transformation process.

4. What is Newton's first law of motion?

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

5. How does Newton's first law relate to work and energy?

Newton's first law relates to work and energy because it explains that an object will continue to move with the same amount of energy unless acted upon by an external force. This means that work must be done to change the energy of an object, whether it is to start, stop, or change the direction of its motion.
