Work done by a distributed force on a string

In summary, the force on a string changes its configuration and the work done is given by the total derivative of y with respect to x.
  • #1
Hi All

I'd like to know how I could calculate the work done by a distributed force on a string.

Let's say the force at a point [tex]x[/tex] at a time [tex]t[/tex] is given by


Now the instantaneous amplitude of the string is given by [tex]y(x,t)[/tex], say

I think that the work done by the force in changing the configuration of the string from some [tex]y(x_0,t_0)[/tex] to [tex]y(x,t)[/tex] should be something like
[tex]\int_{y(x_0,t_0)}^{y(x,t)} F(x,t) dy[/tex]

I'll use the total derivative on [tex]y(x,t)[/tex] which gives

[tex]dy=y_t dt+y_x dx[/tex]


[tex]\frac{\partial y}{\partial x}=y_x[/tex]

Now the integral becomes something like

[tex]\int F(x,t) y_t dt + \int F(x,t) y_x dx[/tex]

My concerns here are the limits I need to put in each integral.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :D
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  • #2
I would like to ask some questions to understand this better.

How does the force [tex]\vec{F}(x,t)[/tex] act on the string? I'm guessing it's perpendicular to the [tex]x[/tex] direction and along the [tex]y[/tex] direction?

If it is perpendicular, why are you integrating from [tex]y(x_{0},t_{0})[/tex] to [tex]y(x,t)[/tex] ? Shouldn't it be integrated from [tex]y(x,t_{0})[/tex] to [tex]y(x,t)[/tex] ? (i.e. instead of [tex]\int_{y(x_{0},t_{0})}^{y(x,t)} F(x,t) dy[/tex] , I think it should be [tex]\int_{y(x,t_{0})}^{y(x,t)} F(x,t) dy[/tex] ). I mean, why does the [tex]x[/tex] coordinate change?
  • #3
I've attached the picture of how the force enters the system.

I agree with your assertion that the limits should include changes in [tex]t[/tex] only.
How will this effect my change of variable then?

That is when I take the total derivative of [tex]dy[/tex],
how do I exclude [tex]y_x dx[/tex] from the total derivative?


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  • #4
If the tension in the string is completely neglected, my approach would be

  • Find the infinitesimal work [tex]dW(x)[/tex] done between [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]x + dx[/tex] by [tex]dW(x) = \int_{y(x,t_{0})}^{y(x,t)} F(x,t) dy[/tex]. If [tex]F[/tex] doesn't cahnge with time, just take it as [tex]F(x)[/tex]. If it does, then find [tex]y(t)[/tex] using Newton's second law for the part of string between [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]x+dx[/tex] with mass [tex]m[/tex] by [tex]F(x,t) = m \frac{ \partial^{2} y }{ \partial t^{2} }[/tex]
  • Find the total work by [tex]W = \int_{x=x_{1}}^{x_{2}} dW(x) dx[/tex]

But a string in real life would have elasticity and tension and that analysis would be different. Then there would also be the extra work done to stretch the string.
  • #5

I would first clarify what is meant by "work" in this scenario. In physics, work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance it moves in the direction of the force. In this case, the "object" is the string and the force is distributed along its length. So the work done by the force on the string would be the integral of the force multiplied by the displacement of each infinitesimal element of the string along its length.

To calculate this, we can break the string into small segments of length dx. The force acting on each segment is F(x,t) and the displacement of that segment is y(x,t) - y(x+dx,t). So the work done by that segment would be F(x,t)(y(x,t) - y(x+dx,t))dx.

To find the total work done by the distributed force, we would integrate this over the entire length of the string, from x = a to x = b. This would give us the following expression:

W = \int_{a}^{b} F(x,t)(y(x,t) - y(x+dx,t))dx

This integral can be simplified using the total derivative of y(x,t) as shown in the original post. However, the limits of integration would remain the same, as they represent the starting and ending points of the string.

I would also note that in this scenario, the force is not acting on a point mass but on a string with varying tension and displacement. Therefore, the work done by the force would not result in a change in kinetic energy as it would for a point mass. Instead, it would result in a change in the potential energy of the string. This is an important distinction to make in understanding the physical implications of this calculation.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of work done by a distributed force on a string. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Related to Work done by a distributed force on a string

1. What is work done by a distributed force on a string?

Work done by a distributed force on a string is the measure of energy transferred to or from the string as a result of the force acting on it. This work is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the distance over which it acts.

2. How is work done by a distributed force on a string different from work done by a point force?

A distributed force acts over a certain area or length, while a point force acts at a single point. This means that the work done by a distributed force on a string is the integration of the force over the length of the string, while the work done by a point force is simply the product of its magnitude and the distance it acts over.

3. Can the work done by a distributed force on a string be both positive and negative?

Yes, the work done by a distributed force on a string can be both positive and negative. If the force is acting in the same direction as the displacement of the string, the work will be positive. However, if the force is acting in the opposite direction, the work will be negative.

4. How is the work done by a distributed force on a string related to the tension in the string?

The work done by a distributed force on a string is equal to the change in tension in the string. If the force is increasing the tension in the string, the work will be positive. If the force is decreasing the tension, the work will be negative.

5. How can the work done by a distributed force on a string be used in practical applications?

The work done by a distributed force on a string can be used to determine the amount of energy being transferred to or from the string. This can be useful in analyzing the performance of machines or structures where strings are used, such as cranes or suspension bridges.

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