Work done for round trip when force is function of velocity

In summary: Adding @Steve4Physics' post #16, note that the path can be anything you like because you can introduce other forces. All that matters is that the work done by the given force is nonzero.
  • #1
Homework Statement
If the force is a function of *velocity*, show that the work for a round trip along a closed path can be different from zero
Relevant Equations
W=Fx etc

I'd have no problem with this sort of problem if the force were a function of position. But here, I'm not sure where to go. Perhaps I'd start with an expression for the work done over an arbitrary distance if the force is given by ##g(v)##:$$W = \int_a^b g(v) \, dx$$
Not sure what to do next. How do I integrate this?
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  • #2
Ebby said:
Homework Statement: If the force is a function of *velocity*, show that the work for a round trip along a closed path can be different from zero
Not sure what to do next. How do I integrate this?
The question essentially asks for a counter-example. You are free to choose a ##g(x)## that makes your life easy.

So pick a simple ##g(x)## and a simple trajectory.
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Likes Steve4Physics and MatinSAR
  • #3
But it's a ##g(v)##...
  • #4
Ebby said:
But it's a ##g(v)##...
Do you have any ideas for a closed trajectory and an applied force (direction and magnitude)?
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Likes Steve4Physics and jbriggs444
  • #5
Ebby said:
But it's a ##g(v)##...
That is a valid objection. But if ##g(x)## is simple and if it is different for the outbound trip than for the return trip then it should be easy to come up with a ##g(v)## that matches.
  • #7
wrobel said:
use viscous friction
The problem with viscous friction (and a stationary medium) is that you do not get a round trip.

I have in mind some things simpler than viscous friction. One idea is physical with a moving medium and one is simply mathematical. Either should be viable. As is viscous friction with a moving medium.
  • #8
jbriggs444 said:
The problem with viscous friction (and a stationary medium) is that you do not get a round trip.
Just shoot straight up and wait when the bullet comes back
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  • #9
wrobel said:
Just shoot straight up and white when the bullet comes back
Fair enough. With linear drag, that's just a coordinate transformation away from viscous friction with a moving medium.
  • #10
Ebby said:
Homework Statement: If the force is a function of *velocity*, show that the work for a round trip along a closed path can be different from zero
Relevant Equations: W=Fx etc

View attachment 329772

I'd have no problem with this sort of problem if the force were a function of position. But here, I'm not sure where to go. Perhaps I'd start with an expression for the work done over an arbitrary distance if the force is given by ##g(v)##:$$W = \int_a^b g(v) \, dx$$
Not sure what to do next. How do I integrate this?
Why bother with the integral? Pick a constant force. Then pick a closed path. Most textbooks will have a worked example involving sliding friction.
  • #11
Mister T said:
Why bother with the integral? Pick a constant force. Then pick a closed path. Most textbooks will have a worked example involving sliding friction.
A constant force won't do it. I assume you meant constant magnitude.
  • #12
haruspex said:
A constant force won't do it. I assume you meant constant magnitude.
I was thinking piecewise constant, but you are correct.
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Likes Ebby
  • #13
OK so let's say ##g(v) = kv = k \frac {dx} {dt}##, then:$$W = \int_a^b k \frac {dx} {dt} \, dx$$
I don't know how to integrate this.
  • #14
Ebby said:
OK so let's say ##g(v) = kv = k \frac {dx} {dt}##, then:$$W = \int_a^b k \frac {dx} {dt} \, dx$$
I don't know how to integrate this.
You continue to write scalar equations, but to integrate around a closed loop you will need to think more vectorially.
But if, in scalars, ##F=kv## and the mass is ##m##, what equation can you write for the acceleration? Then use ##\frac{dv}{dt}=\frac{dv}{dx}\frac{dx}{dt}##.
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  • #15
By definition any dissipative force ##\boldsymbol F## satisfies the inequality ##(\boldsymbol F,\boldsymbol v)\le 0.## If in addition we know that for some period of time this inequality is strict (<) then that is enough to conclude that the work done##\ne 0##. No explicit integrations and changes of a variable needed.
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Likes Ebby
  • #16
Hi @Ebby. Can I chip in, as I think you are over-complicating this.

As already suggested (@jbriggs444 and @erobz), you need only consider a simple case, e.g. moving in a circle, radius R, at constant speed, ##v## (e.g. swimming).

A convenient simple velocity-dependent force is ##\vec F = -k\vec v##. Note that (for ##k \gt 0##) the directions of ##\vec F## and ##\vec v## are antiparallel. (Think of ##\vec F## as the 'drag'.)

Can you derive an expression for the work done by ##\vec F## going once around? The fact that it is non-zero answers the question.
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Likes Ebby and erobz
  • #17
To add to @Steve4Physics' post #16, note that the path can be anything you like because you can introduce other forces. All that matters is that the work done by the given force is nonzero.
And if it's easier, don't worry about making the path a circle. Out and back in a straight line will do.
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Likes Ebby and jbriggs444
  • #18
Thanks to all. I've taken a little from each reply.

Even though I started off in a scalar way, I was intending to form an equation for work done on the outbound journey and an equation for the inbound one, and then sum them. Would have helped if I'd said so, of course.

I struggled to imagine what the details of the trajectory might be though. I kept thinking that it somehow mattered, although I see now that it doesn't, and that a circular or even simple up/down trajectory would do. I also struggled to pick a simple function for ##g(\vec v)##. I should have remembered the general friction formula ##\vec F = -(c_1 v + c_2 v^2) \hat i## - although I don't have to use it in its complete form. I find I often forget loads of stuff I know when confronted by a maths or physics question that says "show" or "prove". These words are intimidating.

I got hung up on the integration because I don't know how to integrate a velocity function over a displacement ##dx##, when there's really no need even to perform the integration! I can just show that we're left with two integrals that don't sum to zero.

So I'll choose a simple up/down trajectory from point ##A## to point ##B## and back again, as if I were throwing a rock up into the air.

I should have started off with, say:$$W_{trip} = W_{AB} + W_{BA}$$
Where:$$W_{AB} = \int_A^B \vec F \cdot d \vec r$$
And ##\vec F## is some ##g(\vec v)##. If we choose ##\vec F = -c \vec v##, then:$$W_{AB} = \int_A^B -cv \, dr$$
Similarly, the work done by friction for the return trip is:$$W_{BA} = \int_B^A cv \, dr$$
So:$$W_{trip} = \int_A^B -cv \, dr + \int_B^A cv \, dr= \int_A^B -cv \, dr + \int_A^B -cv \, dr$$
$$= -2c\int_A^B v \, dr$$
This expression ##\neq 0## assuming ##c > 0## and that the trip length ##> 0##, and therefore I have shown that friction (my chosen ##g(\vec v))## is a non-conservative force.
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Related to Work done for round trip when force is function of velocity

1. What is the work done for a round trip when force is a function of velocity?

The work done for a round trip when the force is a function of velocity is generally zero. This is because the displacement over a round trip is zero, and work is the dot product of force and displacement.

2. How does the dependency of force on velocity affect the calculation of work done?

When force is a function of velocity, the calculation of work done requires integrating the force over the path of motion. However, for a round trip, since the initial and final positions are the same, the net work done is zero regardless of the velocity dependency.

3. Can non-conservative forces result in non-zero work done over a round trip?

No, even if the force is non-conservative and depends on velocity, the work done over a complete round trip is still zero because the displacement is zero. However, energy dissipation such as heat due to friction can occur, but this does not count as mechanical work done.

4. How do you mathematically express the work done when force depends on velocity?

Mathematically, the work done \( W \) when the force \( F \) depends on velocity \( v \) is given by the integral \( W = \int F(v) \cdot ds \), where \( ds \) is the infinitesimal displacement vector. For a round trip, this integral evaluates to zero as the initial and final positions are the same.

5. Are there any exceptions where work done for a round trip is not zero when force depends on velocity?

In classical mechanics, the work done for a round trip is zero if considering only mechanical work. However, if considering other forms of energy transfer such as thermal energy due to friction, then there can be energy dissipation, but this does not change the mechanical work done being zero for a round trip.

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