Work done moving two charges together

In summary: V(x,y) = kq1/√((x-x1)^2+(y-y1)^2) + kq2/√((x-x2)^2+(y-y2)^2)In summary, Two point charges of magnitude +10 μC each are placed 0.2 m away from each other. The work done in placing the second charge can be calculated using the formula Work = (charge of first point charge)(ΔV of second charge). At a very far away point, the electric field and electric potential will both be
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two point charges of magnitude +10 μC each are placed 0.2 m away from each other.

a) How much work is done in placing the second charge?

b) Is there any point at which the electric field and electric potential are both 0?

Homework Equations

Work = (charge of first point charge)(ΔV of second charge)

E=kQ/(d^2), where E = electric field, k = proportionality constant, Q = charge of point charge, d = distance from point charge

V=kQ/r, where V = voltage, Q = charge and r = distance from charge

V=Ed, where V = voltage, E = electric field and d = distance from point charge

The Attempt at a Solution

a) I assumed that the point charge was being moved from a spot far enough so that it could be approximated by being moved there from an effectively infinite distance away. Then the work done can be determined as follows:

Work = 10 μC(kQ/r2 - kQ/r1), where r2 = 0.2m and r1 = infinity

These simplifies to Work = (10 μC)(k10μC)/0.2m

b) I said that at a point very far away the electric field and electric potential will be 0. This is because E=kQ/(r^2) at a very far away point will effectively be E=kQ/(infinity), which is approximately 0. As the potential difference is equal to the electric field multiplied by the distance, it too will effectively be 0 at that same far away point.

Is my reasoning correct?? I don't really get voltage, potential difference and electrical potential energy.

EDIT: Sorry! I forgot to put a title! It should be 'Work done moving two charges together and possible point of zero electric field and electric potential'. But I can't edit a title in.
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  • #2
hi phosgene! :smile:
phosgene said:
a) I assumed that the point charge was being moved from a spot far enough so that it could be approximated by being moved there from an effectively infinite distance away. Then the work done can be determined as follows:

Work = 10 μC(kQ/r2 - kQ/r1), where r2 = 0.2m and r1 = infinity

These simplifies to Work = (10 μC)(k10μC)/0.2m

ok (but you need it in joules)
b) I said that at a point very far away the electric field and electric potential will be 0. This is because E=kQ/(r^2) at a very far away point will effectively be E=kQ/(infinity), which is approximately 0. As the potential difference is equal to the electric field multiplied by the distance, it too will effectively be 0 at that same far away point.

i'm not sure that we can talk about a point actually being at infinity

perhaps it would be easier to make use of the fact that both the potential (as a scalar) and the field (as a vector) are additive?
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
i'm not sure that we can talk about a point actually being at infinity

perhaps it would be easier to make use of the fact that both the potential (as a scalar) and the field (as a vector) are additive?

Thanks for the reply. I don't quite understand what you mean:(. But I think I have a better answer for b). The point exactly in-between the charges has an electric field of zero because the electric field vectors from both charges are exactly equal and opposite. The electric potential at this point is also zero because if a test charge is placed there, it will not move because the forces on it are equal.
  • #4
hi phosgene! :smile:
phosgene said:
The electric potential at this point is also zero because if a test charge is placed there, it will not move because the forces on it are equal.

no …

zero potential means that it is at the same potential as at infinity

(ie that no net work would be done moving it there from infinity)

compare this with a ball at the top of a mountain …

it won't move, but its gravitational potential is a lot more than at the bottom of the mountain :wink:

(ie a lot of work would be done moving it there)

oh, and you can just add potentials​
  • #5

Your reasoning is correct. When calculating the work done in placing the second charge, it is important to consider the initial position of the charge and the final position of the charge. In this case, the first charge is being moved from infinity to a distance of 0.2m away from the second charge. Therefore, the work done is equal to the potential energy gained by the second charge, which is calculated using the equation V=kQ/r. This simplifies to Work = (10 μC)(k10μC)/0.2m.

Regarding the point of zero electric field and electric potential, your reasoning is also correct. At a very far away point, the electric field and electric potential will both be approximately zero, as the distance from the charges becomes significantly larger compared to the distance between the charges. This is because the electric field and potential decrease with distance according to the inverse square law. It is important to note that the concept of voltage and potential difference can be difficult to understand, but essentially voltage is a measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field. Therefore, at a point where the electric field is zero, the voltage will also be zero. I hope this helps clarify your understanding of these concepts.

Related to Work done moving two charges together

1. What is work done moving two charges together?

Work done moving two charges together refers to the energy required to move two charges towards each other against their electric repulsion or attraction. This work is measured in Joules (J) and is dependent on the distance between the two charges and the strength of their electric field.

2. How is the work done calculated when moving two charges together?

The work done when moving two charges together is calculated using the formula W = q1q2/4πεr, where q1 and q2 are the charges, ε is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance between the two charges. This formula applies to both point charges and charged objects.

3. Is work done moving two charges together always positive?

No, the work done moving two charges together can be positive, negative, or zero. A positive work indicates that energy is being added to the system, while a negative work indicates that energy is being removed from the system. The work done can be zero if the two charges are not moving or if they are moving parallel to each other.

4. How does the work done change as the distance between the two charges changes?

The work done when moving two charges together is inversely proportional to the distance between them. This means that as the distance decreases, the work done increases. This is because the electric force between the two charges increases as they get closer, requiring more energy to move them against their electric force.

5. What are some real-world applications of work done moving two charges together?

The concept of work done moving two charges together is important in many areas of science and technology. It is used in the design of electronic circuits, the operation of batteries and generators, and the study of atomic and molecular interactions. It is also relevant in understanding the behavior of charged particles in plasma, which has implications in fields such as astrophysics and nuclear fusion.

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