Work. Positive, Negative, or Zero

In summary, the total work done by all forces in hoisting an elevator at a constant speed is zero. This is because the tension force in the cables, which acts in the positive direction, is equal to the weight force, which acts in the negative direction. Therefore, the work done by the tension force is positive, while the work done by the gravity force is negative, resulting in a net work of zero. This is in accordance with Newton's first law.
  • #1
1. The Problem:
An elevator is hoisted by its cables at a constant speed is the total work zero, negative, or positive?
2. Homework Equations :
g= -9.81m/s2
3. The Attempt at a Solution
I'm thinking that since the weight of the elevator is in downward direction along with the acceleration of gravity also in the downward direction, that the tension in the cables and the displacement of the elevator should even out and. Thus the answer is zero though I'm not sure.
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  • #2
your lucky you stated g is negative. Therefore work is postitive as it goes in the direction of the force applied.
  • #3
Ohh since the tension and the displacement are in the positive direction, that makes the work done positive because they are opposing the natural acceleration of gravity?
  • #4
the tension is the force in this situation, and the displacement is the distance moved. The direction of the displacement does not effect the direction of the momentum, Momentum always follows the force. This is because sometimes you may have a non straight line direction and you need to find the components. The only reason the tenstion is considered the postive direction is because you stated that gravity is -9.81 and tension opposes it. By saying gravity is negative, you set up a coordinate system.
  • #5
To be clear, the question asks for the total work (work done by all forces), which is zero. The tension force in the cable, acting up, is equal to the weight (gravity) force, acting down, in accordance with Newton's first law. The tension force does positive work (force and displacement are in same direction), and the gravity force does negative work (force and displacement are in opposite direction). Since the magnitude of the forces and displacement are the same, the work done by the tension force plus the work done by gravity equals 0.

FAQ: Work. Positive, Negative, or Zero

1. What is work?

Work is the application of force over a distance. In scientific terms, it is the product of force and displacement.

2. What is positive work?

Positive work occurs when the force applied is in the same direction as the displacement. This results in energy being transferred to the object, causing its motion to increase.

3. What is negative work?

Negative work occurs when the force applied is in the opposite direction of the displacement. This results in energy being taken away from the object, causing its motion to decrease.

4. What is zero work?

Zero work occurs when there is no displacement or when the force applied is perpendicular to the displacement. This means that there is no transfer of energy to or from the object.

5. How is work calculated?

Work is calculated by multiplying the force applied by the distance over which it is applied. This can be represented by the formula W = F * d, where W is work, F is force, and d is displacement.
