Work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank.

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving calculating the radius of a disk and working with general terms to find the volume and weight of an arbitrary sheet in an ellipsoidal tank. The final formula for the weight is given and the given data is plugged in to find the solution.
  • #1
Pull and Twist
This is another problem I am having difficulty with... I set it up like I've been working the book problems, especially the sphere problems, but can't seem to get the right answer. I feel that I am calculating the radius incorrectly.

I know I am supposed to us \(\displaystyle {x}^{2}+{y}^{2}={r}^{2}\) and \(\displaystyle r=1\) but for the \(\displaystyle y\) value do I take the disk's position from the top... \(\displaystyle 4-y\) or should I be looking at the disk top down to calculate the radius as \(\displaystyle {x}^{2}+{y}^{2}=1\) or even \(\displaystyle {\left(1-x\right)}^{2}+{\left(1-y\right)}^{2}=1\) knowing that the disk shrinks at points along the integral.

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  • #2
I prefer to work problems like this in general terms, and then plug our given data into the resulting formula.

Let's let:

\(\displaystyle w\) = the width of the ellipsoidal tank.

\(\displaystyle h\) = the height of the tank.

\(\displaystyle \ell\) = the length of the spout.

\(\displaystyle \rho\) = the mass density of the fluid.

\(\displaystyle g\) = the acceleration due to gravity.

Now, let's imagine slicing the contents of the tank horizontally into circular sheets. The radius of each sheet will be a function of its distance from the bottom of the tank. So, let's orient a vertical $y$-axis passing through the axis of symmetry of the tank, with its origin at the center of the tank.

To determine the radius of an arbitrary sheet, consider the following ellipse:

\(\displaystyle \frac{4x^2}{h^2}+\frac{4y^2}{w^2}=1\implies r^2=\frac{w^2}{4h^2}\left(h^2-4y^2\right)\)

And so the volume of an arbitrary sheet can be given by:

\(\displaystyle dV=\pi\left(\frac{w^2}{4h^2}\left(h^2-4y^2\right)\right)\,dy\)

Next, we want to determine the weight $u$ of this sheet. Using the definition of weight density, we may state:

\(\displaystyle \rho g=\frac{u}{dV}\,\therefore\,u=\rho g\,dV\)

Next, we observe that the distance $d$ this sheet must be lifted is:

\(\displaystyle d=\frac{h}{2}-y+\ell\)

Thus, using the fact that work is the product of the applied force and the distance through which this force is applied, we find the work done to lift the arbitrary sheet is:

\(\displaystyle dW=ud=\pi\rho g\left(\frac{h}{2}-y+\ell\right)\left(\frac{w^2}{4h^2}\left(h^2-4y^2\right)\right)\,dy\)

And so summing the work elements, we find:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\pi w^2\rho g}{4h^2}\int_{-\frac{h}{2}}^{\frac{h}{2}}\left(\frac{h}{2}-y+\ell\right)\left(h^2-4y^2\right)\,dy\)

If we now observe that we may employ the odd and even function rules, this reduces to:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\pi w^2\rho g}{4h^2}\left(h+2\ell\right)\int_{0}^{\frac{h}{2}}\left(h^2-4y^2\right)\,dy\)

Evaluating the integral and then simplifying, we get:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{\pi hw^2\rho g}{12}\left(h+2\ell\right)\)

Plugging in the given data for this problem:

\(\displaystyle h=4,\,w=2,\,\ell=1\)

there results:

\(\displaystyle W=\frac{16\pi\rho g}{12}\left(6\right)=8\pi\rho g\)

Related to Work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank.

1. How is the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank calculated?

The work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank can be calculated by using the formula W = mgh, where W is the work, m is the mass of the water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the water in the tank.

2. What factors affect the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank?

The work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank is affected by the height of the water, the density of the water, and the shape of the tank.

3. How does the shape of the tank affect the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank?

The shape of the tank can affect the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank because it determines the volume of water in the tank. A taller or wider tank will require more work to empty compared to a shorter or narrower tank with the same volume.

4. What is the difference between work and energy in the context of emptying water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank?

Work and energy are closely related concepts, but they are not the same. Work is the measure of the energy transfer that occurs when a force is applied to an object and it results in a displacement. In the context of emptying water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank, work is the energy required to move the water from a higher position to a lower position. Energy, on the other hand, is the ability to do work. In this situation, the potential energy of the water is converted into work as it is emptied from the tank.

5. Can the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank be reduced?

Yes, the work required to empty water out of a vertical ellipsoid tank can be reduced by decreasing the height of the water or by using a more efficient method, such as pumping the water out instead of manually emptying it. Additionally, using a tank with a different shape, such as a cylinder or cone, can also affect the amount of work required.

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