Work required to lift object from earth's surface to circular orbit

In summary, the conversation is about determining the work required by a rocket engine to lift a 1000kg payload from rest on the Earth's surface to a circular orbit with a radius of 2 times the radius of the Earth. The equation ΔE = W is used to solve for the work, with the initial and final energies being the main factors. It is important to note that while the rocket is at rest on the Earth's surface, it still has an initial velocity due to the Earth's rotation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How much work must be done by a rocket engine to lift a 1000kg payload from rest on the Earth's surface to a circular orbit of radius 2Re (2 times the radius of the earth)?

Homework Equations

Eg = -GmM/r
Ek = GmM/2r

The Attempt at a Solution

I know ΔE = W
I know that the energies are the following:
Initial E {0 + Eg} <-- assuming its at rest
Final E {0 + Eg} <-- when it has reached this distance.

However, I don't know how I am going to solve this out, or whether or not what I did was correct...
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  • #2
Initial E {0 + Eg} <-- assuming its at rest
This is correct.
Final E {0 + Eg} <-- when it has reached this distance.
This is not. Kinetic energy can't be zero, or else the satellite would plummet to the ground instead of orbiting.

Once you figure out the final and initial energies, work done is just the difference between the two, as you've noted in your first equation.
  • #3
Yes. Note that "Work required to lift object from Earth's surface to circular orbit" and "How much work must be done by a rocket engine to lift a 1000kg payload from rest on the Earth's surface to a circular orbit of radius 2Re (2 times the radius of the earth)?" are completely different questions!
  • #4
It might be pertinent to note that "at rest on the Earth's surface" does not mean it truly motionless. The Earth rotates on its axis, so even while the rocket is "at rest" on the surface it can take advantage of an initial velocity (kinetic energy).
  • #5

I can provide a response to this question by using the concept of work and energy. The work required to lift an object from the Earth's surface to a circular orbit can be calculated by using the equation W = ΔE, where W is the work done and ΔE is the change in energy.

In this case, the initial energy of the object on the Earth's surface is purely gravitational potential energy, given by the equation Eg = -GmM/r, where G is the gravitational constant, m is the mass of the object, M is the mass of the Earth, and r is the distance from the object to the center of the Earth. The final energy of the object in a circular orbit is a combination of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy, given by the equation Ek = GmM/2r.

To find the work required, we need to calculate the change in energy, which is equal to the final energy minus the initial energy. Therefore, ΔE = Ek - Eg = [GmM/2r] - [-GmM/r] = [3GmM/2r].

Substituting the values given in the problem, we get ΔE = [3(6.67x10^-11)(1000)(5.97x10^24)/2(2x6.37x10^6)] = 1.16x10^11 J.

Therefore, the work required to lift a 1000kg payload from rest on the Earth's surface to a circular orbit of radius 2Re is approximately 1.16x10^11 J.

Related to Work required to lift object from earth's surface to circular orbit

What is the definition of "Work" in the context of lifting an object to a circular orbit?

In physics, work is defined as the force applied to an object multiplied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force. In the context of lifting an object to a circular orbit, work refers to the energy needed to overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and move the object to its desired orbital altitude.

What factors affect the amount of work required to lift an object to a circular orbit?

The amount of work required to lift an object to a circular orbit is affected by several factors, including the mass of the object, the distance from the Earth's surface to the orbital altitude, and the strength of Earth's gravitational pull.

How is the amount of work required to lift an object to a circular orbit calculated?

The work required to lift an object to a circular orbit can be calculated using the formula W = mgh, where W is work, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height or distance the object is lifted.

Why is more work required to lift an object to a higher circular orbit?

More work is required to lift an object to a higher circular orbit because the gravitational force of the Earth increases with distance. As the object moves farther away from the Earth's surface, the gravitational pull becomes stronger, requiring more energy to overcome it and reach the desired orbital altitude.

Can the work required to lift an object to a circular orbit be reduced?

Yes, the work required to lift an object to a circular orbit can be reduced by using techniques such as gravity assists or launching from higher altitudes. These methods take advantage of the Earth's gravitational field and can reduce the amount of work needed to reach a specific orbital altitude.

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