Working of a Constant Volume Gas Thermometer

In summary, a constant volume gas thermometer works by filling a container with Hydrogen or Helium and using it to measure temperatures near absolute zero. However, when using Hydrogen, it will solidify at 14.01 K, making it difficult to measure the temperature accurately. Additionally, if the temperature is decreased, the gas will not solidify as long as the pressure remains higher than the equilibrium vapor pressure of the substance at that temperature. This is where the mistake lies in the statement.
  • #1
Ali Asadullah
How a constant volume gas thermometer works?
In "Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach" by Cengal, author says that this type of thermometer is usually filled with Hydrogen or Helium and We use Constant volume gas thermometers for measuring temperatures near absolute zero.
Now if volume is constant and suppose we are using Hydrogen, then Hydrogen will solidify at 14.01 K. Then how can we measure the temperature when hydrogen becomes solid and in this state of matter, the postulate that Temperature is proportional to Pressure will not be valid.
Also let us suppose that we have container of constant volume filled with the gas, if we start decreasing its temperature, then its pressure and temperature will decrease but volume will remain same and it will never solidify. Where is the mistake in this statement?
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  • #2
If the pressure is low enough, the gas won't become solid. The gas pressure has to be higher than the equilibrium vapor pressure of the substance at the temperature in question for the gas to begin to solidify.

FAQ: Working of a Constant Volume Gas Thermometer

What is a constant volume gas thermometer?

A constant volume gas thermometer is a type of thermometer used to measure temperature by observing the change in pressure of a fixed amount of gas at a constant volume.

How does a constant volume gas thermometer work?

A constant volume gas thermometer works by using a fixed volume of gas, typically air, that is enclosed in a chamber. As the temperature increases, the pressure of the gas also increases, and this change in pressure can be measured and used to determine the temperature.

What are the advantages of using a constant volume gas thermometer?

One advantage of using a constant volume gas thermometer is that it is a highly accurate and precise method of measuring temperature. It is also a simple and relatively inexpensive device to construct and use. Additionally, it can be used to measure a wide range of temperatures.

What are the limitations of a constant volume gas thermometer?

A constant volume gas thermometer may not be suitable for measuring extremely high or low temperatures, as the gas may not behave in a predictable manner at these extremes. It also requires a constant volume of gas, which can be difficult to maintain in some situations.

How is a constant volume gas thermometer calibrated?

A constant volume gas thermometer is typically calibrated by comparing its readings to those of a standard thermometer at known temperatures. The readings are then adjusted to account for any discrepancies, ensuring accurate temperature measurements.

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