Working out harmonic oscillator operators at ##L \rightarrow \infty##

In summary: I came to such a conclusion due to some reading (QFT; Mandl and Shaw):While using a finite normalization volume ##V##, we should be summing over a group of allowed wave vectors ##\vec k##, where ##\vec k = \frac{2 \pi}{L}(n_1, n_2, n_3), \ \ \ \ n_1, n_2, n_3 = 0, \pm 1,... ##For ##V \rightarrow \infty## we have$$\frac{1}{V} \sum_{k} \rightarrow\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^3} \int d
  • #1
Homework Statement

$$A^{\mu} (x) = A^{\mu} _+ + A^{\mu} _-$$


$$A^{\mu} _+ = \sum_{r = 0}^3 \sum_{\vec k \in \frac{2 \pi}{L} Z} \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^2}{2V \omega_{\vec k}}} \epsilon_r^{\mu} (\vec k) a_r (\vec k) e^{-i \vec k \cdot \vec x}$$

$$A^{\mu} _- = \sum_{r = 0}^3 \sum_{\vec k \in \frac{2 \pi}{L} Z} \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^2}{2V \omega_{\vec k}}} \epsilon_r^{\mu} (\vec k) a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) e^{i \vec k \cdot \vec x}$$

$$V = L^3, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \omega_{\vec k} = ck^0 = c|\vec k|$$

Where ##a_r (\vec k)## and ##a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k)## are the harmonic oscillator operators, which satisfy the following commutation relations

$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = [a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k), a_s^{\dagger}(\vec k')] = 0$$

$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = \rho_r \delta_{r,s} \delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}$$

a) Show that it is necessary to rescale the harmonic oscillator operators (as shown below) if we want to take the limit ##L \rightarrow \infty##

$$a_r(\vec k) \rightarrow \tilde{a_r}(\vec k) = \sqrt{\frac{V}{(2\pi)^3}} a_r (\vec k), \ \ \ \ \tilde {a^{\dagger}_r}(\vec k) = (\tilde{a_r}(\vec k))^{\dagger}$$

b) Give the commutation relations satisfied by ##\tilde{a_r}(\vec k)## and ##\tilde {a^{\dagger}_r}(\vec k)## at ##L \rightarrow \infty##.

c) Give the expressions for ##A^{\mu} _+## and ##A^{\mu} _-## at ##L \rightarrow \infty##.
Relevant Equations
$$A^{\mu} (x) = A^{\mu} _+ + A^{\mu} _-$$
Let's go step by step


We know that the harmonic oscillator operators are

$$a^{\dagger} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \hbar m \omega}} ( -ip + m \omega q)$$

$$a= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \hbar m \omega}} (ip + m \omega q)$$

But these do not depend on ##L##, so I guess these are not the expressions we want to work out...

My guess is that I should first find L-dependent expressions for the harmonic oscillator operators and then work out the limit.

I guess ##A^{\mu} _+## and ##A^{\mu} _-## are not the operators themselves.

But what are these expressions?

A hint would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
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  • #2
JD_PM said:
Homework Statement:: Given
$$A^{\mu} (x) = A^{\mu} _+ + A^{\mu} _-$$
$$A^{\mu} _+ = \sum_{r = 0}^3 \sum_{\vec k \in \frac{2 \pi}{L} Z} \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^2}{2V \omega_{\vec k}}} \epsilon_r^{\mu} (\vec k) a_r (\vec k) e^{-i \vec k \cdot \vec x}$$
$$A^{\mu} _- = \sum_{r = 0}^3 \sum_{\vec k \in \frac{2 \pi}{L} Z} \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^2}{2V \omega_{\vec k}}} \epsilon_r^{\mu} (\vec k) a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k) e^{i \vec k \cdot \vec x}$$
$$V = L^3, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \omega_{\vec k} = ck^0 = c|\vec k|$$
Where ##a_r (\vec k)## and ##a_r^{\dagger} (\vec k)## are the harmonic oscillator operators, which satisfy the following commutation relations

$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = [a_r^{\dagger}(\vec k), a_s^{\dagger}(\vec k')] = 0$$$$[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = \rho_r \delta_{r,s} \delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}$$
a) Show that it is necessary to rescale the harmonic oscillator operators (as shown below) if we want to take the limit ##L \rightarrow \infty##
$$a_r(\vec k) \rightarrow \tilde{a_r}(\vec k) = \sqrt{\frac{V}{(2\pi)^3}} a_r (\vec k), \ \ \ \ \tilde {a^{\dagger}_r}(\vec k) = (\tilde{a_r}(\vec k))^{\dagger}$$
b) Give the commutation relations satisfied by ##\tilde{a_r}(\vec k)## and ##\tilde {a^{\dagger}_r}(\vec k)## at ##L \rightarrow \infty##.
c) Give the expressions for ##A^{\mu} _+## and ##A^{\mu} _-## at ##L \rightarrow \infty##.
Relevant Equations:: $$A^{\mu} (x) = A^{\mu} _+ + A^{\mu} _-$$

Let's go step by step


We know that the harmonic oscillator operators are

$$a^{\dagger} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \hbar m \omega}} ( -ip + m \omega q)$$

$$a= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \hbar m \omega}} (ip + m \omega q)$$

But these do not depend on ##L##, so I guess these are not the expressions we want to work out...

My guess is that I should first find L-dependent expressions for the harmonic oscillator operators and then work out the limit.

I guess ##A^{\mu} _+## and ##A^{\mu} _-## are not the operators themselves.

But what are these expressions?

A hint would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
What is the meaning of ##\rho_r## in the commutation relation of the ##a's##?
  • #3
nrqed said:
What is the meaning of ##\rho_r## in the commutation relation of the ##a's##?
I assume that is defined in the usual way, as ##\rho_0=-1##, ##\rho_1=\rho_2=\rho_3=1##
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  • #4
Gaussian97 said:
I assume that is defined in the usual way, as ##\rho_0=-1##, ##\rho_1=\rho_2=\rho_3=1##

That's right.
  • #5
Any hint for a) would be appreciated.

Thanks :)
  • #6
You're told to work with ##A^\mu(x)##, i.e., in position space. Moreover, the implication of ##V## is that it's a harmonic oscillator restricted to a finite cubic volume of sidelength ##L##. That restricts the allowable frequencies (modes) based on boundary conditions at the walls. A general solution is a linear combination of these modes, but each mode has an appropriate normalization constant.

Now, regarding part (a), what happens as ##L\to\infty##? Does such normalization still make sense?
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  • #7
strangerep said:
That restricts the allowable frequencies (modes) based on boundary conditions at the walls.

Actually I think that the periodic boundary conditions should look like ##x' = x + L## , ##y' = y + L## and ##z' = z + L##

strangerep said:
Does such normalization still make sense?

I would say it does not. I'd say we have to rescale the oscillator operators so that ##A^{\mu} _+## and ##A^{\mu} _-## have physical sense (i.e. they do not blow up).

I came to such a conclusion due to some reading (QFT; Mandl and Shaw):

While using a finite normalization volume ##V##, we should be summing over a group of allowed wave vectors ##\vec k##, where ##\vec k = \frac{2 \pi}{L}(n_1, n_2, n_3), \ \ \ \ n_1, n_2, n_3 = 0, \pm 1,... ##

For ##V \rightarrow \infty## we have

$$\frac{1}{V} \sum_{k} \rightarrow\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^3} \int d^3 \vec k$$

The normalization volume ##V## must then drop out of all physically significant quantities, such as transition rates.
  • #8
Alright I think I understand what we're doing at a). Still stuck in how to show the Math though...
  • #9
Try googling for "harmonic oscillator normalization video".

As for the math, try reviewing how the standard Riemann integral is defined, and then generalize to the 3D case.
  • #10
strangerep said:
Try googling for "harmonic oscillator normalization video".
Alright, so the idea now is to show how we normalize the harmonic oscillator in 1D and then see how can we generalize it for the 3D case (Source: introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D. Griffiths, second edition; note I name the equations as he does).

We know that

$$a^{\dagger} \psi_{n} = c_n \psi_{n + 1}, \ \ \ \ a \psi_n = d_n \psi_{n - 1} \ \ \ \ (2.63)$$

In words: we know that the annihilation/creation operators are proportional to ##\psi_{n - 1} / \psi_{n + 1}##; where ##c_n## and ##d_n## are proportionality factors.

Given the following theorem:

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f^* (a^{\dagger} g) dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a f)^* g dx \ \ \ \ (2.64.a)$$

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f^* (a g) dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a^{\dagger} f)^* g dx \ \ \ \ (2.64.b)$$

Applying it to our problem we get

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a^{\dagger} \psi_n)^* (a^{\dagger} \psi_n) dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a a^{\dagger} \psi_n)^* \psi_n dx \ \ \ \ (2.64.c)$$

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a \psi_n)^* (a \psi_n) dx = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a^{\dagger} a \psi_n)^* \psi_n dx \ \ \ \ (2.64.d)$$

We also know that the Schrodinger equation for the 1D harmonic oscillator is

$$\hbar \omega \Big( a^{\dagger} a + \frac{1}{2} \Big) \psi = E \psi \ \ \ \ (2.57.a)$$

$$\hbar \omega \Big( a a^{\dagger} - \frac{1}{2} \Big) \psi = E \psi \ \ \ \ (2.57.b)$$

The excited states of the 1D harmonic oscillator are given by

$$\psi_n = A_n (a^{\dagger})^n \psi_0, \ \ \ \ E_n = \Big(n + \frac{1}{2} \Big) \hbar \omega \ \ \ \ (2.61)$$

By using equations ##(2.57.a)##, ##(2.57.b)## and ##(2.61)## we get

$$a^{\dagger} a \psi_n = n \psi_n, \ \ \ \ a a^{\dagger} \psi_n = (n +1) \psi_n \ \ \ \ (2.65)$$

Combining ##(2.63)##, ##(2.64.a)##, ##(2.64.b)## and ##(2.65)## yields

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a^{\dagger} \psi_n)^* (a^{\dagger} \psi_n) dx = |c_n|^2 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi_{n +1}|^2 dx = (n+1) \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi_{n}|^2 dx$$

$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (a \psi_n)^* (a \psi_n) dx = |d_n|^2 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi_{n -1}|^2 dx = n \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\psi_{n}|^2 dx$$

Thus it follows that ##|c_n|^2 = n+1## and ##|d_n|^2 = n##

Once we have found the coefficients we can simply plug them into ##(2.63)## to get

$$a^{\dagger} \psi_{n} = \sqrt{n+1} \psi_{n + 1}, \ \ \ \ a \psi_n = \sqrt{n} \psi_{n - 1} \ \ \ \ (2.63)$$
  • #11
Thus it is clear that the normalization factor associated to the annihilation 1-D-HO operator is ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}## and the normalization factor associated to the creation 1-D-HO operator is ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{n + 1}}##.

However I still do not see how to generalize it to 3D to show a).

I will keep thinking about it.
  • #12
I sense you're making this harder than it needs to be.

You had
$$A^{\mu} _+ = \sum_{r = 0}^3 \sum_{\vec k \in \frac{2 \pi}{L} Z} \sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^2}{2V \omega_{\vec k}}} \epsilon_r^{\mu} (\vec k) a_r (\vec k) e^{-i \vec k \cdot \vec x}$$ and $$a_r(\vec k) \rightarrow \tilde{a_r}(\vec k) = \sqrt{\frac{V}{(2\pi)^3}} a_r (\vec k), \ \ \ \ \tilde {a^{\dagger}_r}(\vec k) = (\tilde{a_r}(\vec k))^{\dagger} ~.$$ Use the 2nd eqn to express ##A^{\mu} _+## into terms of the new operator ##\widetilde a_r(\vec k)##. (Do similarly for ##A^{\mu} _-##.)

Then use the sum-to-integral trick you already found, i.e., $$\frac{1}{V} \sum_{k} \rightarrow\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^3} \int d^3 \vec k ~,$$which is applicable when you pass to infinite volume.

For the commutator ##[a_r(\vec k), a_s(\vec k')] = \rho_r \delta_{r,s} \delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}##, the discrete ##\delta_{\vec k, \vec k'}## becomes a 3D Dirac delta fn ##\delta^3(\vec k- \vec k')##, and you're almost done.
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FAQ: Working out harmonic oscillator operators at ##L \rightarrow \infty##

1. What is a harmonic oscillator?

A harmonic oscillator is a physical system that exhibits periodic motion around an equilibrium point. It can be described mathematically using a harmonic potential, which is a quadratic function.

2. How is the harmonic oscillator operator calculated at L = ∞?

The harmonic oscillator operator at L = ∞ is calculated using the ladder operator method, where the creation and annihilation operators are used to generate the energy eigenstates of the system.

3. What is the significance of taking L = ∞ in the calculation?

Taking L = ∞ allows us to study the behavior of the harmonic oscillator in the limit of an infinite potential well. This is a useful approximation for many physical systems, and it simplifies the calculations involved in determining the harmonic oscillator operators.

4. How does the behavior of the harmonic oscillator change as L increases?

As L increases, the energy levels of the harmonic oscillator become more closely spaced, and the system behaves more like a continuum rather than a discrete set of energy states. This is reflected in the operators, which become increasingly continuous in nature as L approaches infinity.

5. Can the harmonic oscillator operators be extended to other systems?

Yes, the concept of harmonic oscillator operators can be extended to other systems, such as quantum mechanical systems and classical systems. However, the specific calculations and methods may vary depending on the system in question.
