Working with metal? - The "Forged in Iron" series

  • #1
Gold Member
I've never been a fan of working with iron or steel. Unforgiving material. I had no time for that. But recently, having seen the TV-show "Forged in Fire" on the History channel here in Denmark , I sorta realized I may have missed something. I hate quizzes, reality shows and the like but this one nevertheless suckered me in.

Now it's unlikely that any place I register with, even just to learn basic smithing, would like me making blade weapons. Not even on my own time. I mean where would it stop? FAEs? Powdered Cream?

Fascinating subject. There are of course a plethora of youtube videos.

Though i cannot help still feeling a little dirty for liking a TV series on H-channel. I'm gonna go take a bath. :P

Physics news on
  • #2
I'm clearly "watching" too much TV (that is: it's running in the background as I do other stuff). Now there's also this program called "Gold Rush" on Discovery Channel where, obviously they dig for gold using various types of machinery.

No one mentions cyanide or mercury even though I'm pretty sure both are used in the search for gold - at least with yow-yield ore - and that might be the explanation that's they're never mentioned in these programs. I'm pretty sure cyanide - not to mention mercury - is incredibly bad for the environment. Especially in illegal/clandestine mining. This (old) article is behind a paywall but the synopsis reads:

"[...] Poor environmental stewardship of cyanide (CN-) use by 87 gold processing centers in Portovelo-Zaruma in southern Ecuador to leach residual gold from Hg-contaminated tailings has resulted in high CN- contamination of the Puyango-Tumbes River downstream from the centers. [...]"

---- Cyanide Contamination of the Puyango-Tumbes River Caused by Artisanal Gold Mining in Portovelo-Zaruma, Ecuador.

I mean one can be stressed out that they're cutting down the rain forest but at least they wont be performing clandestine "artisanal" gold mining beneath the canopy.

Poor Earth.

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