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Why?Khashishi said:Weather will be fairly extreme.
Complex, sure. Intense, why?Khashishi said:With two suns and a gas giant nearby, there will be some complex and intense seasonal patterns.
No, it couldn´t. Night is necessarily half the orbit. Eclipse necessarily less than half. Can be much less than that. Moon has a night of half a month (360 hours), but total lunar eclipse is under three hours.Khashishi said:If the moon goes into the shadow of the gas giant, it will get cold and dark. This might replace the concept of night, but it could last much longer.
Literally, yes. Half the time is night, i. e. shadow of ground, and a small fraction of the rest is eclipse/shadow of the gas giant, so a slight majority of time is in shado of something and not in direct sunlight.Khashishi said:If the rotation is tidally locked, then the side facing the gas giant will be in shadow most of the time.
And illumination by the gas giant. So you have 3 illumination sources.Khashishi said:But with two suns, you'll have periods illuminated by one sun but not the other, and periods of illumination by both or neither.
No. More complex, but why more extreme?Khashishi said:It will be much more extreme than Earth.