World's Worst Foods: Dangers Lurking in Mini Mart Delis

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: I don't even want to know.In summary, a deli sandwich bought at a Mini Mart contained a clear gelatinous substance that looked much like snail slime, and when chopped onions were added, the substance became thick and dark. The ingredients included water, distilled vinegar, dehydrated onions, sugar, salt, modified corn starch, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, dehydrated green onions, propylene glycol, alginate, citric acid, sodium metabisulfate, and dehydrated pork. The clear gelatinous substance was tastable, and mayo and chopped onions were applied to it.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Today I stopped at a Mini Mart and bought one of those dangerous looking deli sandwiches found in the refrigerated section. A little mayo and some chopped onions sounded good, so I picked up a couple of packets of each to be squeezed onto whatever constitutes the bulk of the sandwich [not really sure what it is but it looks like meat]. After getting back in the car, the mayo was applied first, which looked fine, and next...the chopped onions.

What emerged from the little packet was a clear gelatinous substance that looked much like snail slime, but much, much thicker...and with little dark dots here and there in the goo. Now, I didn't know what I was looking at, but it certainly didn't look like chopped onions!

So I looked at the label:
water, distilled vinegar, dehydrated onions, sugar, salt, modified corn starch, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, dehydrated green onions, propylene glycol, alginate, citric acid, sodium metabisulfate.

But now here's the funny part: Pretty tasty stuff! Nonetheless, this must qualify as one of the world's worst foods.
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  • #3
are we talking about things you wouldn't eat that others would? or the nastiest stuff people have tried to eat?

If its the former...i love seafood but i can't stand fish or snails. And don't like lamb/goat.
Being asian i do like chicken feet but i ain't going to try frogs leg...though a pigs foot is good if cooked right. Intestines depends on how their prepared.
I eat a lot of chocolate covered stuff but i ain't going to try choco covered insects.
TUNA is gross.
As for vegetables cauliflower and eggplants taste gross to me.
deserts-indian sweets are too sweet and sometimes too syrupy

Lastly fruits- DURIAN the killer of any food out there.
I remember flying on a western airline(air Canada maybe) as a child and the stewardess asked my mom to ask(in chinese) whoever was carrying that nasty smelling fruit to eat it quickly or dispose of it, because it was stinking up the plane. Lucky my mom stopped my dad from taking some onto the plane...cuase that stuff really stinks.

IF it was the latter anythign from fear factor is gross.
  • #4
LOL Durian isn't all that bad. It stinks, but it tastes ok.

The world's worst food- I remember seeing on tv that in some town in Italy they actually eat maggot cheese. The Italians let flies land on the whey and lay maggots on it. When the maggots hatch they eat the whey and they bacteria in their stomach process it and make cheese as their waste. Thus when you cut into the cheese it is full of live maggots.
  • #5
neurocomp2003 said:
Lastly fruits- DURIAN the killer of any food out there.

I was in asia recently,and saw loads of signs up in hotels etc. saying "No Durian Allowed". I thought it was some sort of drug or something. One taxi driver described eating durian as 'like eating ice-cream in a sewer' !

Just couldn't pluck up the courage to try it myself!

  • #6
Yorkshire pudding.
  • #7
arildno said:
Yorkshire pudding.

(I like it...)
  • #8
matthyaouw said:

(I like it...)
Well, you're from England, so that figures.
(I suppose you like fish&chips as well..)
  • #9
Damn right! :biggrin:
  • #10
Haggis as well?
  • #11
Oh yes!
(In Scottish fish and chip shops, they batter and deep fry it! It's fantastic!)
  • #12
I really can't see what is so great about the entrails of a SHEEP!
  • #13
These are all pretty gross but in my book Balut wins hands down. I just can't stomach "the egg with legs".
  • #14
Echo 6 Sierra said:
These are all pretty gross but in my book Balut wins hands down. I just can't stomach "the egg with legs".
I don't even know what Balut is? Egg with legs? What the heck is that?
  • #15
The worst food is McDonalds
  • #16
Moonbear said:
I don't even know what Balut is? Egg with legs? What the heck is that?
Have a retch, dear:
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  • #17
chound said:
The worst food is McDonalds

I second that, the first and only time i bought one the meat ? shot out on the
second bite because of all the slippery slimy stuff
  • #18
wolram said:
I second that, the first and only time i bought one the meat ? shot out on the
second bite because of all the slippery slimy stuff
McDonald ejaculated prematurely? :confused:
  • #19
There is this food called scrapple, its little bits of pig odds and ends, mixed with corn meal. Its just nasty.
  • #20
Going on actual taste instead of social/cultural/psychological disgust: Lima beans. How do people eat those things?!
  • #21
honestrosewater said:
Going on actual taste instead of social/cultural/psychological disgust: Lima beans. How do people eat those things?!
Have I eaten them?
What are they?
Do they prowl about, eager to make an oral assualt upon me??
I'm scared..
  • #22
arildno said:
Have I eaten them?
What are they?
Do they prowl about, eager to make an oral assualt upon me??
I'm scared..
Yes, consider yourself warned.
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  • #23
arildno said:
I really can't see what is so great about the entrails of a SHEEP!

Have you tasted it?
  • #24
arildno said:
Have a retch, dear:
This article sugarcoats it. Having lived in the Western Pacific for a while, I can tell you without a doubt, seeing someone...mmmbbpppffttt...sorry, take a bite out of a ...mmmbbpppffttt...ducks partially developed...wait a minute, I just threw up in my mouth a little...OK, it's just friggin nasty! I need a cold washcloth.
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  • #26
honestrosewater said:
Yes, consider yourself warned.
Dear Gawd HRW, you're not supposed to eat green lima beans! I hate the green ones, they're disgusting, but the large white ones taste like heaven, there is nothing similar in the taste at all.
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  • #27
I think the worst food is the food that sends one running to the toilet and crapping blood. Unfortunately for me i have to experience this a few times a year. Theres little food sanitary enforcement near the place i live.
  • #28
I absolutely hate liver... can't stand it. The last time I ate it it made me vomit. When it comes to bad tastes and smells my gag reflex is pretty strong. (get you mind out of the gutter arildno)

I have though eaten some things that most people probably wouldn't like much. At least most people where I live. The weirdest was probably sea anemone. Eel is one of my favorite fish to eat.
  • #29
Evo said:
Dear Gawd HRW, you're not supposed to eat green lima beans! I hate the green ones, they're disgusting, but the large white ones taste like heaven, there is nothing similar in the taste at all.
There are white ones? My mom always made the green ones. It was the first vegetable I didn't like. Unfortunately, they are too often served with carrots, which I also don't like cooked (love raw carrots, and can tolerate them if they are lightly steamed, but mom would boil them to death)... the combination left me wishing she had plopped a big scoop of mud on my plate instead.
  • #30
Cool, I'm glad I'm not the only one who detests (green) lima beans.
  • #31

I could never eat it. My parents never had it at our house. Not even fish. I was told it was "cat food". I know that is insulting to many of you but it has stuck with me.

Any time I see a sea critter I cringe at the thought of actually consuming it. Same goes for pork and poultry. But cattle? moose? venison? I somehow view those as tasty creatures.

Not tasty:

It is rather a weird condition (and conditioning) I have!
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  • #32
My father loves lima beans. My mother and I both hate them. When I was a teenager going to camp for the summer, she filled out that I was allergic to them so I wouldn't be made to eat them on the off chance they were served.
  • #33
Moonbear said:
There are white ones? My mom always made the green ones. It was the first vegetable I didn't like. Unfortunately, they are too often served with carrots, which I also don't like cooked (love raw carrots, and can tolerate them if they are lightly steamed, but mom would boil them to death)... the combination left me wishing she had plopped a big scoop of mud on my plate instead.
The only thing more disgusting would be to add hominy to the plate.
  • #34
kaos said:
I think the worst food is the food that sends one running to the toilet and crapping blood. Unfortunately for me i have to experience this a few times a year. Theres little food sanitary enforcement near the place i live.

Good God kaos, that is most unfortunate.
  • #35
Evo said:
The only thing more disgusting would be to add hominy to the plate.
MEGA-DITTO! Corn soaked in lye CAN'T be good for you. Yet another reason to like Evo.