Would a massive collection of neutrons be invisible?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential interactions between neutrons and electromagnetic waves. It is suggested that neutrons, being composed of electrically charged quarks, may interact with light in a similar way to neutral atoms. However, the energy level of the EM waves would need to be high enough to excite the nucleons or quarks in order for interaction to occur. The conversation also explores the idea of a large collection of neutrons, such as in a neutron star, and its potential interactions with EM waves. It is noted that neutron stars are not composed purely of neutrons and that there may be other particles present, but it is suggested that neutrons may still contribute to the characteristics of neutron stars.
  • #1
Can accelerating neutrons emit electromagnetic waves? Will neutrons absorb or reflect EM waves? If not, what would a very large collection of neutrons look like? (I am assuming there are no protons/electrons present and the neutrons are not decaying)
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  • #2
This is a great question. I think they would be clear!
  • #3
Antiphon said:
I think they would be clear!

When you say clear, do you mean invisible? Would EM waves pass through the neutron? Or would it somehow deflect the EM waves?
  • #4
Neutrons are composed of up and down quarks which are electrically charged, so I would expect them to interact with light similar to how a neutral atom can.
  • #5
I'm not sure what you mean - can you clarify? In a neutral atom, it is the electron (lepton) that absorbs and reflects light, not the neutron.
  • #6
kjamha said:
I'm not sure what you mean - can you clarify? In a neutral atom, it is the electron (lepton) that absorbs and reflects light, not the neutron.

Not always. High energy gamma rays can interact with nucleons. One result is photodisintigration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photodisintegration

I am unsure how a mass of neutrons would interact with less energetic light though. Although such a mass is probably not possible. Even neutron stars have multiple layers, with the surface thought to be composed of degenerate proton and electrons.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
Neutrons are composed of up and down quarks which are electrically charged, so I would expect them to interact with light similar to how a neutral atom can.

Boy, that's a huge assumption. The reason that a neutral atom interacts with light is because of the energy levels involved and not just the presence of charge (remember all that stuff that elementary QM tells us?). What sort of energy would you suggest that an EM wave would need in order to interact with quarks?
  • #8
My guess would be that if the EM radiation had a wavelength less than 656nm then it would appear much as hydrogen does in a fluid state (of equivalent mass density) as there would be no electron interaction - the energy would be insufficient to cause any electron shell activity.

At EM energies with wavelength <656nm but >91nm I guess the hydrogen would look a little different as there would be some absorption/re-emission going on.

Neutrons do have electric dipole and magnetic moments, and not so dissimilar to protons, so I'd guess their 'optical properties' in the X-ray spectrum would be similar to protons?

All guesses I'm afraid - who's hearded neutrons together before??
  • #9
sophiecentaur said:
Boy, that's a huge assumption. The reason that a neutral atom interacts with light is because of the energy levels involved and not just the presence of charge (remember all that stuff that elementary QM tells us?). What sort of energy would you suggest that an EM wave would need in order to interact with quarks?

I think it's gamma-ray energies. By "similar" I mean that it can interact with EM waves if they have sufficient energy, just like electron energy levels do. Can't you excite a nucleon or quark with a high energy photon? I thought I remember reading that it happens.
  • #10
Well, since neutron consists of oppositely charged quarks (one up quark and two down quarks), plus they are not agglomerated into a blob, there is a dipole moment. Therefore, I would expect interactions in EM fields would generate radiation somehow.

And I think that neutron stars could be an example, where protons were transformed to neutrons via capturing electrons under immense pressure. Thus they comprise of purely neutrons. And there is pulses due to the rotation up in the sky.
  • #11
ZealScience said:
And I think that neutron stars could be an example, where protons were transformed to neutrons via capturing electrons under immense pressure. Thus they comprise of purely neutrons.

I don't believe the current thinking is that they are composed purely of neutrons. See here:
  • #12
(I am assuming there are no protons/electrons present and the neutrons are not decaying)
This assumption changes everything. If the neutrons don't decay, that means they don't interact. The force that forms a neutron star is the weak interaction, among others. You are not considering "real" neutrons then.

With "real" massive neutron collection it would be similar to neutron star. First of all, they would have temperature, which means they would be glowing. Also the neutrons would form some kind of orbits just like electrons in atoms and they would be jumping over those orbits emitting photons or something (maybe mesons). Also, the neutrons would be decaying into fast electricaly-interacting particles: photons, electrons, protons, which would yield visible Cherenkov radiation if you want to keep your little neutron star at home. This neutron star would be also very dense, so you would see many relativistic fireworks like curved light beams or Doppler light shift. I also suspect that this thing would suck the air from the room and generate accretion disk which is a show on its own.

You may ask: what happens when everything finally comes to its end, the star will have emitted all its energy and reached the ground state in zero Kelvin. I suspect this one would really be invisible, but I bet some kind of superconductivity would appear in theese conditions.

So the answer for your question is: no one really knows.
  • #13
Drakkith said:
I don't believe the current thinking is that they are composed purely of neutrons. See here:

Sorry, I didn't learn that much, but at least I think there is certain contribution from neutrons to the characteristics of neutron stars, isn't there?
  • #14
ZealScience said:
Sorry, I didn't learn that much, but at least I think there is certain contribution from neutrons to the characteristics of neutron stars, isn't there?

Uhh, did you look at the article? It has a diagram of the inside of a neutron star right there when you click on the link.
  • #15
Drakkith said:
Uhh, did you look at the article? It has a diagram of the inside of a neutron star right there when you click on the link.

I mean the pulses that the stars are generating. Although there are great many other particles according to the diagram, but there are enormous amount of neutrons inside as well. Is it possible that those neutrons are also contributing to the EM pulses?
  • #16
ZealScience said:
I mean the pulses that the stars are generating. Although there are great many other particles according to the diagram, but there are enormous amount of neutrons inside as well. Is it possible that those neutrons are also contributing to the EM pulses?

What pulses are you referring to?

Edit: The article has this to say:

Neutron stars have been observed to "pulse" radio and x-ray emissions believed to be caused by particle acceleration near the magnetic poles, which need not be aligned with the rotation axis of the star. Through mechanisms not yet entirely understood, these particles produce coherent beams of radio emission. External viewers see these beams as pulses of radiation whenever the magnetic pole sweeps past the line of sight. The pulses come at the same rate as the rotation of the neutron star, and thus, appear periodic. Neutron stars which emit such pulses are called pulsars.

Is that what you meant?
  • #17
Drakkith said:
What pulses are you referring to?

Some rotating neutron stars are emitting EM pulses at poles, right?
  • #18
ZealScience said:
Some rotating neutron stars are emitting EM pulses at poles, right?

Yes, pulsars do this. Sorry, I edited my post right after posting but I guess I wasn't fast enough.

What effect the neutrons themselves have on this phenomenon other than interacting gravitationally, I do not know.

FAQ: Would a massive collection of neutrons be invisible?

1. What is a massive collection of neutrons?

A massive collection of neutrons refers to a large number of neutrons gathered together, typically in a confined space.

2. Why would a massive collection of neutrons be invisible?

Neutrons are electrically neutral particles, meaning they have no charge. This makes them difficult to detect or see with the naked eye.

3. Can a massive collection of neutrons be detected using other means?

Yes, a massive collection of neutrons can be detected using specialized equipment such as neutron detectors or by observing their interactions with other particles.

4. What would happen if a massive collection of neutrons was released into the atmosphere?

If a massive collection of neutrons was released into the atmosphere, they would likely quickly disperse and become mixed with other particles. They would also undergo various interactions, such as collisions with other particles, which would affect their behavior.

5. Are there any practical applications for a massive collection of neutrons?

Yes, a massive collection of neutrons has practical applications in various fields such as nuclear power, medicine, and materials science. Neutrons are used in processes such as neutron activation analysis, neutron radiography, and neutron scattering to study materials and their properties. They are also used in nuclear reactors to produce energy.
