Would Earth's Inhabitants Notice if It Suddenly Stopped Moving?

  • Thread starter scifiman
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In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of sudden changes in motion on Earth and its inhabitants. The participants consider the likelihood of surviving such an event and the laws of motion that would apply. They also mention possible scenarios and outcomes, such as the vaporization of living beings and the formation of a new colony on Mars.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Motion sickness

If the Earth were to stop dead in its tracks, (orbit/rotation), would its inhabitants notice the motion change?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, they'd all be dead by then.

Whatever it was that caused the 'stopping dead' would surely kill every living thing in seconds.

For example, a head-on collision with another Earth, orbiting the Sun in the opposite direction.
  • #3

I guess I am wondering if we would feel any motion change in the earth. How would the laws of motion apply to a change in motion of a celestial body and the effect of those objects and beings on it?
  • #4
Er... yes... the laws of motion are universal, as far as we can tell.

What is critical is how the Earth is stopped, and whether the inhabitants, the oceans etc are stopped with it...
  • #5
I have read that we are traveling at nine miles per second if you combine our orbit around the sun, and our rotation around our axis. I can see people on one side of the planet being plastered to the earth, and others on the opposite side flying out into space along with a great bit of debri, both man made and natural. Is this a correct assumption?
  • #6
that is if the Earth doesn't break to pieces when it stops...
  • #7
~14 km/s please!

... and the 'stopping' takes place in how many nanoseconds? ... and the boundary between what 'stops' and what doesn't is where?

We could go to Chicxulub to get an idea, and that was, what, a body of 'only' 10-n of the Earth's mass (anyone got a value for n?); and it happened in t >> 1 ns.

Not much flying and plastering I suspect, more like 'instant' vapourisation.
  • #8
A question similar to this was posed in the old Forums. But that question was only asking about stopping the Earth's rotation on its axis. For the current discussion, rotational velocity is negligible since, even at its worst (at the equator), rotational velocity is only about 1,000 mph. Orbital velocity is something just over 40 miles per second! But, as I said in the old thread, it depends upon the mechanism that does the stopping.

If it were done mechanically, we would have some serious problems, that's the bad news. The good news is that only a fraction of a second later, we would no longer have any problems at all . For people on the "leading" edge (whose clocks read after midnight but before noon) there would be a brief but very interesting ride, as they found themselves launched suddenly from the ground. Those standing on the equator at dawn would be launched straight upward, while those at the polls, along with those who have just past midnight or are just shy of noon, would be launched straight sideways. Now, I was going to add that all of these people would instantly be vaporized by their impact with the air, but the truth is the atmosphere would probably leave with them. So they would find themselves propelled into space, where the atmosphere would rapidly dissipate, and they would all spend the last few seconds of their mortal existence sucking vacuum (and all that goes along with that).

Those on the "trailing" side of the globe (whose clocks read after noon but before midnight) would make impact with the ground beneath their feet at 40 miles per second. They would not even be a stain.

However, if this were done by an anomaly of rotating space-time, it might be possible for the event to pass utterly unnoticed. With no catastrophic change in momentum, and no measurable acceleration forces, the event could only be detected through observation of objects not affected.
  • #9
scifiman - Welcome to Physics Forums!

Just remember Newton's First Law of Motion (An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.)

Or think what happens to the occupants of a car that hits a brick wall (and then realize that a car is going in slow motion compared to the speed of the Earth).
  • #10
you all may die, but the ladies and I would ride the atmosphere to mars, silver surfer style, and start our super-martian colony.
  • #11
Originally posted by TonySlim
you all may die, but the ladies and I would ride the atmosphere to mars, silver surfer style, and start our super-martian colony.

Everyone knows the leather goddesses are on Phobos. (anyone remember that game?)
  • #12
I remember:

Macho chicks with guns

Bat-winged bimbos from hell

and, my personal favorite,

Renegade nuns on wheels

But I don't remember Leather goddesses of Phobos.


FAQ: Would Earth's Inhabitants Notice if It Suddenly Stopped Moving?

1. Would we feel the Earth suddenly stop moving?

No, we would not feel the Earth suddenly stop moving. The Earth's rotation and orbit are very slow and gradual, so any change in movement would not be noticeable to human perception.

2. What would happen to the oceans and tides if the Earth stopped moving?

If the Earth suddenly stopped moving, the oceans and tides would continue their current motions for a short while before gradually slowing down and becoming still. This is due to the inertia of the water and the Earth's gravitational pull.

3. How would the sudden stop of Earth's movement affect the climate?

The sudden stop of Earth's movement would have a significant impact on the climate. With no rotation, there would be no day and night cycle, causing extreme temperatures and weather patterns. The lack of orbit would also affect the distribution of heat and moisture, leading to drastic climate changes.

4. What would happen to the Earth's magnetic field if it stopped moving?

If the Earth suddenly stopped moving, its magnetic field would also be affected. The magnetic field is generated by the Earth's rotation, so without it, the field would weaken and eventually disappear. This would leave the Earth vulnerable to harmful solar radiation.

5. Would all life on Earth cease to exist if it stopped moving?

No, not all life on Earth would cease to exist if it stopped moving. Some organisms, such as bacteria and microorganisms, can survive extreme conditions and may adapt to the changes caused by the Earth's sudden stop. However, most complex forms of life, including humans, would struggle to survive in such a drastic scenario.

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