Would gravitational time dilation prevent Singularity in a black hole?

In summary, the current mainstream theory of black holes includes a singularity of infinite density, but it is possible that matter cannot actually compress enough to reach this point. This is due to the increasing curvature of space-time as matter coalesces, which would result in infinite time dilation and a lack of sufficient time for matter to reach infinite density. This could potentially support Einstein's belief that a singularity should not exist in nature. However, there are other theories, such as the Penrose singularity theorem, that suggest a singularity is inevitable under certain conditions. A similar discussion on this topic can be found on PF and there is also an alternative theory proposed in the article "The Black Hole War" published in Scientific American.
  • #1
In the current mainstream theory of black holes, there exists a singularity of infinite density. However, it seems to me that matter actually could not compress tightly enough to reach this point. As matter coalesces in a black hole, space-time would increasingly curve. As the density approaches infinite, so would the curvature of surrounding space-time. This in turn would mean that time becomes almost infinitely dilated, all but stopping the flow of events. Therefore, there would not be enough time for matter to move close enough together to actually reach infinite density. If I am correct on this, it would seem to vindicate Einstein's belief that a singularity should not exist in nature.

Is there a major flaw in my understanding of gravitational time dilation or limits at infinity, or might this actually be a reasonable extension of Relativity that would eliminate one of the most mathematically objectionable aspects of black holes? This seems simple and straightforward enough that I must be missing something major.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do a search here on PF for this. I swear I just saw an identical post recently.
  • #3
According to GR, in a Schwarzschild spacetime, infalling matter reaches the singularity in finite proper time. In fact, the Penrose singularity theorem proves that under certain conditions, a singularity must result.

If you look at other theories instead of GR, you can get a different answer. For an example, see http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.0346 . There is a good popularized version in Scientific American, Oct. 2009, if you can find it at a library.

FAQ: Would gravitational time dilation prevent Singularity in a black hole?

1. What is gravitational time dilation?

Gravitational time dilation is a phenomenon where time passes at different rates in different gravitational fields. This means that time will appear to move slower in areas with stronger gravitational forces, such as near a black hole.

2. How does gravitational time dilation affect the singularity in a black hole?

Gravitational time dilation plays a role in the formation of the singularity in a black hole. As matter gets closer to the event horizon, the gravitational pull becomes stronger and time slows down. This means that from an outside observer's perspective, the matter will appear to freeze at the event horizon, never actually crossing it to reach the singularity.

3. Can gravitational time dilation prevent the formation of a singularity?

No, gravitational time dilation does not prevent the formation of a singularity in a black hole. It is a natural consequence of the extreme gravitational forces present near the event horizon. However, it does affect our perception of the singularity from an outside perspective.

4. How does gravitational time dilation affect the escape of light from a black hole?

Gravitational time dilation also affects the escape of light from a black hole. As light gets closer to the event horizon, it is subject to the same slowing of time that matter experiences. This means that from an outside perspective, light will appear to freeze at the event horizon and never escape.

5. Is gravitational time dilation the only factor that affects the formation of a singularity in a black hole?

No, there are other factors at play in the formation of a singularity in a black hole. Gravitational collapse and the laws of physics also play a role in the formation of a singularity. However, gravitational time dilation is a significant factor that affects our understanding and perception of the singularity.
