Would this high speed flywheel concept work?

In summary, designing a high speed flywheel using interference fit tubing and thermal expansion to create compressive forces could potentially allow the flywheel to spin faster without breaking. However, a proper stress analysis and consideration of the tradeoff between compressive and tensile stresses is necessary. Using two opposing flywheels could help overcome gyroscopic problems, but the bearing supports must be designed to withstand the equal and opposite forces acting on them.
  • #1
Im working on designing a high speed flywheel as part of a project. The main issue is the centrifugal forces acting on the flywheel to tear it apart. If i was to construct a flywheel using interference fit tubing which is put together using thermal expansion of the outer tubes so that they are effectively crushing the flywheel when they cool, would these crushing forces oppose the centrifugal forces thereby allowing the flywheel to spin faster without breaking? Or would the outer tubes be under tension and experince a force from the inner core outwards which would assist the centrifugal forces making the flywheel weaker near the surface where there is the greatest inertia? If any of that made any sense to you do you think it would work? Would it need a stronger material to provide the crushing force? Such as a titanium tube around a steel core? I know they use carbon fibre wraps around flywheels in Kers systems is that the same principle? Thanks.
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  • #2
Webbd050 said:
Im working on designing a high speed flywheel as part of a project. The main issue is the centrifugal forces acting on the flywheel to tear it apart. If i was to construct a flywheel using interference fit tubing which is put together using thermal expansion of the outer tubes so that they are effectively crushing the flywheel when they cool, would these crushing forces oppose the centrifugal forces thereby allowing the flywheel to spin faster without breaking? Or would the outer tubes be under tension and experince a force from the inner core outwards which would assist the centrifugal forces making the flywheel weaker near the surface where there is the greatest inertia? If any of that made any sense to you do you think it would work? Would it need a stronger material to provide the crushing force? Such as a titanium tube around a steel core? I know they use carbon fibre wraps around flywheels in Kers systems is that the same principle? Thanks.

Check out the "Related Discussions" thread links at the bottom of this page. Some of those discussions should help you think more about your question. Consider also that slight imbalances in the flywheel generate very high forces that tend to disrupt _______ :smile:
  • #3
You need to do a proper stress analysis on the design. To store kinetic energy, you want most of the the mass at a large radius. On the other hand for maximum strength, most of the material is at a smaller radius to resist the force from the outer rim. For example look at the different shapes of rotating disks in a jet engine (find cross-section images on Google), depending on the RPM, radius, and the amount of radial load on the rim from the different sizes of the blades.

If you produce a radial compressive stress in part of the structure, you will probably also create a circumferential tensile stress somewhere else. The question is whether the tradeoff between the two is beneficial or not.
  • #4
Some of the students at my uni (many years ago) were working on a flywheel-driven light vehicle design. The project was abandoned when they realized it was in danger of flipping over sideways if it tried to go up a steep incline. :smile:

Could two opposing flywheels overcome gyroscopic problems?
  • #5
NascentOxygen said:
Could two opposing flywheels overcome gyroscopic problems?

Sure. But the equal and opposite forces are still acting on the bearings of the two flywheels, so the bearing supports need to be designed to withstand with that.

FAQ: Would this high speed flywheel concept work?

1. Would a high speed flywheel be able to store a significant amount of energy?

Yes, a high speed flywheel is capable of storing a significant amount of energy. The amount of energy it can store depends on the flywheel's mass and rotational speed, as well as the type of material used to construct it.

2. Can a high speed flywheel maintain its energy for a long period of time?

It is possible for a high speed flywheel to maintain its energy for a long period of time, but it depends on various factors such as the level of friction and the quality of the bearings. In general, the energy stored in a flywheel will gradually decrease over time due to these factors.

3. Is the high speed flywheel concept more efficient than traditional batteries?

It is difficult to make a direct comparison between a high speed flywheel and traditional batteries in terms of efficiency, as they serve different purposes. However, flywheels are known to have a higher power-to-weight ratio compared to batteries, making them more suitable for high-speed applications.

4. Can a high speed flywheel handle sudden changes in speed or direction?

Yes, high speed flywheels are designed to handle sudden changes in speed or direction. They are often used in applications such as gyroscopes and vehicle engines, which require the flywheel to spin at high speeds and change directions quickly.

5. Are there any safety concerns with using a high speed flywheel?

As with any type of energy storage device, there are potential safety concerns with using a high speed flywheel. If not properly contained or controlled, the flywheel could potentially cause injury or damage. It is important to follow proper safety protocols and regulations when working with high speed flywheels.
