Write a triple integral in spherical coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses how to write a triple integral in spherical coordinates to represent the volume of a sphere in the first octant. The conversation covers the conversion process and the correct limits for the variables. The final solution involves drawing a picture to visualize the limits.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Write a triple integral in spherical coordinates that represents the volume of the part of the sphere
X^2+Y^2+Z^2=16 that lies in the first octant(where x,y, and z are coordinates are all greater than or equal to zero)

Homework Equations

So i know this is in rectangular form (x,y,z) trying to get it into (p,Θ,ø)

The Attempt at a Solution


To get Θ the formula is
arccos z/(square root of x^2+y^2+z^2)

when i solve for z I get z=√(16-r^2)

These are the limits i know
The limits for Dz are from z=0 to z=√(16-r^2)
The limits for Dr are from r=0 to r= pi/2

I do not know how to find the limits for DΘ (theta)

since the arccos √(16-r^2)/(square root of x^2+y^2+z^2)
should give me my theta. Θ
but i have no real values for x y and z. so i don't know how to approach this.
thank you

∫ ∫ ∫
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  • #2
You don't seem to understand the problem. You should figure out how a differential element of volume dV is represented in spherical coordinates. In cartesian coordinates, dV = dx dy dz. You appear to have used cylindrical coordinates, r, z, and Θ.

  • #3
Indeed, and in applying that transformation properly, you will wind up needing to solve:

##r sin(\theta) cos(\phi) ≥ 0##
##r sin(\theta) sin(\phi) ≥ 0##
##r cos(\theta) ≥ 0##

Don't forget the Jacobian.
  • #4
@JtechGuy21: Don't set that problem up in rectangular coordinates and try to change it to spherical coordinates. You don't need to change variables and mess with Jacobians. Just remember$$
\text{Volume} =\iiint_V 1~dV$$All you need is the ##dV## formula in spherical coordinates and then to put the ##\rho,\phi,\theta## limits on. They are very easy and can be easily seen geometrically.
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  • #5
aaaaaah okay.
yes i was turning them into cylindrical for some reason...

Thanks for pointing that out.


1Dv=p^2sin dp dø dΘ

p^2 Sinø dp dø dΘ

So that means my limits for;
p is 0 to 4
Θ is 0 to pi/2 (because its quadrant one)
and i have no idea how to find my ø limits?
Since i don't have a real value for z. I can't take the arc cos of z to get my ø?
  • #6
It would be good for you to quote who you are replying to.

Jtechguy21 said:
aaaaaah okay.
yes i was turning them into cylindrical for some reason...

Thanks for pointing that out.


1Dv=p^2sin dp dø dΘ

p^2 Sinø dp dø dΘ

So that means my limits for;
p is 0 to 4
Θ is 0 to pi/2 (because its quadrant one)
and i have no idea how to find my ø limits?
Since i don't have a real value for z. I can't take the arc cos of z to get my ø?

Look at the picture of the sphere in the first octant. Draw a radius and label ##\rho##, ##\phi## and ##\theta##. It is obvious from the picture what their ranges are. You have ##\rho## and ##\theta## correct so far.
  • #7
Zondrina said:
Indeed, and in applying that transformation properly, you will wind up needing to solve:

##r sin(\theta) cos(\phi) ≥ 0##
##r sin(\theta) sin(\phi) ≥ 0##
##r cos(\theta) ≥ 0##

Don't forget the Jacobian.

i don't think i need to use a jacobian here. I am in the section that involves using triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.(not saying its not possible )

The section afterwards is change of variables:jacobians.
Which I've done before, but since we are finding volume in this case, i don't know how jacobians would help since jacobians deal with area in the uv plane in comparison to the xy plane
  • #8
LCKurtz said:
It would be good for you to quote who you are replying to.

Look at the picture of the sphere in the first octant. Draw a radius and label ##\rho##, ##\phi## and ##\theta##. It is obvious from the picture what their ranges are. You have ##\rho## and ##\theta## correct so far.

This might be a dumb question, but how do i draw this picture so i could visually see what's happening.
Do i have to put it into z= format?
and use wolfgram alpha
  • #9
Jtechguy21 said:
This might be a dumb question, but how do i draw this picture so i could visually see what's happening.
Do i have to put it into z= format?
and use wolfgram alpha

Just draw it by hand. Draw a section of a sphere that is in the first octant. Surely your book has such pictures. Probably right where it introduces spherical coordinates.

Or look here: http://mathinsight.org/spherical_coordinates

It isn't hard to see the limits for the variables in the first octant. Be aware that physics and math books have the ##\phi## and ##\theta## switched. That link uses the math convention.

Related to Write a triple integral in spherical coordinates

1. What are spherical coordinates?

Spherical coordinates are a system of representing points in three-dimensional space using a distance from the origin, an angle from the positive z-axis, and an angle from the positive x-axis. This system is particularly useful for describing points on a sphere or other curved surfaces.

2. How do I convert from Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates?

To convert from Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ), use the following equations:
ρ = √(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
θ = arctan(y/x)
φ = arccos(z/ρ)
Note that θ is measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis, and φ is measured from the positive z-axis.

3. What is the difference between a single, double, and triple integral?

A single integral is used to find the area under a curve on a two-dimensional plane. A double integral is used to find the volume under a surface in three-dimensional space. A triple integral is used to find the volume of a solid region in four-dimensional space.

4. Why do we use spherical coordinates in triple integrals?

Spherical coordinates can be particularly useful when dealing with symmetrical objects or regions in three-dimensional space. Using spherical coordinates can simplify the integrals and make them easier to solve.

5. How do I write a triple integral in spherical coordinates?

To write a triple integral in spherical coordinates, use the following form:
∫∫∫f(ρ, θ, φ)ρ^2sinφ dρ dθ dφ
where f(ρ, θ, φ) is the function being integrated, ρ is the distance from the origin, θ is the angle from the positive x-axis, and φ is the angle from the positive z-axis. The limits of integration will depend on the region being integrated over.

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