Writing a recursive definition of the set permutation function

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving permutations of a set with repeated elements. The formula for finding the number of unique permutations is mentioned and the need for a recursive expression is discussed. The conversation ends with a suggestion for a recursive definition using binomial coefficients.
  • #1
(Apologies for the lack of LaTeX formatting - I usually do my typesetting with MathType, but I only have Microsoft Equation Editor on this computer which doesn't have LaTeX export).

This isn't a homework question, but is problem I've discovered I'm facing after diving into another problem, but I digress:

Consider this set, A:

A = { T, T, R }

It has six proper permutations, but only three distinct permutations:


The expression for the number of unique permutations (in this case) is:

|A|! / ( |'T' elements| ! * |'R' elements| ! )

So: 3! / 2! * 1! which is 6/2 == 3

Due to certain requirements, I need to express this function recursively. Because the factorial function is used, I figured I could take it from there.

The expressions below take the permutation-count formula and assumes that every set A is comprised of N 'T' elements, and M 'R' elements and is called "routes".


...but I can't figure out how to make it recursive. Note the huge error on the third line down, it does not follow from the line above.

Is a recursive definition even possible?

Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can express a binomial coefficient recursively like this (see wikipedia article):
[tex]\begin{pmatrix} n \\ k \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} n-1 \\ k-1 \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} n-1 \\ k \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

You can interpret this as Pascal's triangle.

FAQ: Writing a recursive definition of the set permutation function

What is a recursive definition?

A recursive definition is a definition of a mathematical function or set that is defined in terms of itself. This means that the definition refers to itself in the process of defining the function or set.

What is the set permutation function?

The set permutation function takes a set of items and creates an ordered sequence of these items, where each sequence is unique. This means that the order of the items in the sequence matters, and no two sequences will be the same.

Why is it important to write a recursive definition for the set permutation function?

Writing a recursive definition for the set permutation function allows us to define the function in a way that is easily understandable and can be applied to any set of items, regardless of its size. It also allows us to use the definition to calculate the permutation of any set without having to write out every possible sequence.

What are the steps for writing a recursive definition of the set permutation function?

1. Define the base case: This is the simplest form of the function, such as an empty set or a set with only one item.

2. Define the recursive case: This is the case where the function refers to itself to calculate the permutation of a larger set by breaking it down into smaller sets.

3. Use mathematical notation to express the recursive definition.

How do I know if my recursive definition is correct?

To check if your recursive definition is correct, you can perform a few tests by calculating the permutations of different sets and comparing the results to your definition. You can also use mathematical induction to prove that your recursive definition holds true for all sets.
