Writing a Thesis with Systems Engineering: Tips & Tricks

In summary, the conversation focuses on the challenges of writing a thesis and strategies for writing concisely and efficiently. The participants discuss tips from their advisor, such as summarizing each section in one sentence and using the least amount of words. They also share their own techniques, such as writing anything to get in the flow and then revising later, or using index cards to organize ideas. They all agree that writing can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but it is important to get ideas down on paper and then edit and refine later.
  • #1
I'm having one hell of a time writing my thesis! I'm writing it as I go because I like to think in terms of systems engineering (breaking things down into blocks). I'm certainly no where near done with my research; however, there are lots of stuff I have done that can be written up now. Our advisor gave us some good rules of thumb, such as:

-Every sentence that starts a section should summarize what the section is about.
-Say the most using the least amount of words. Don't say something in two lines if you can say it in one. This is what's really, really hard.

I've found myself spending over an hour to write two lines! But those two lines can replace an entire paragraph when done correctly!

It doesn't help that LaTeX is very finicky.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Writing's easy. Math is Hard.
  • #3
I don't know how much time you have for your thesis but a general rule of thumb for writers is to just write. You can clean it up later. Getting your ideas on paper will help you take stock and see how you should put it together for the final product. I have the same problem myself where I will take hours to write a single paragraph, then I hate it and can it lol.
  • #4
Make a good brainstorm list.

The hope-and-stare method rarely works. When stuck don't stay idle. I found it useful to start typing anything, like the first sentences of some book closest to me. Once I pick up the rhythm of writing, ideas come to mind. Don't worry about making errors at this time, you will correct them later.
  • #5
waht said:
Make a good brainstorm list.

The hope-and-stare method rarely works. When stuck don't stay idle. I found it useful to start typing anything, like the first sentences of some book closest to me. Once I pick up the rhythm of writing, ideas come to mind. Don't worry about making errors at this time, you will correct them later.

I don't stare, I know what I have to write. The problem is writing it all down as concisely and precisely as possible. Typing anything isn't helpful here because I will end up with an entire page describing what should be at most a paragraph and at best two sentences. Unlike creative writing, I don't have to worry about ideas coming to mind. I know what I have to say - it's saying it that's hard.
  • #6
Cyrus said:
I don't have to worry about ideas coming to mind. I know what I have to say - it's saying it that's hard.

That's why I'm suggesting just to write anything whether good or not. The point is once you will get in the flow of writing you will spill what you have to say in your first draft. Then later, revise it and pick anything useful from it. That's just my two cents.
  • #7
waht said:
That's why I'm suggesting just to write anything whether good or not. The point is once you will get in the flow of writing you will spill what you have to say in your first draft. Then later, revise it and pick anything useful from it. That's just my two cents.
Yeah, I'd agree with that... otherwise you risk forgetting what you wanted to say. It's important to get your ideas down on paper first, then you'll always have them as a reference for trimming down and editing later.

Not to mention, if you wait to write anything until you figure out the "proper" way to say it (as concise as possible, etc.), you tend to spend more time thinking about how you would write the stuff than it would take to write it and edit it.
  • #8
Cyrus said:
I don't stare, I know what I have to write. The problem is writing it all down as concisely and precisely as possible. Typing anything isn't helpful here because I will end up with an entire page describing what should be at most a paragraph and at best two sentences. Unlike creative writing, I don't have to worry about ideas coming to mind. I know what I have to say - it's saying it that's hard.

I know exactly what you're saying. At my work, we had (he just got laid off) a technical writer. I would work and work to reduce my message down to two or three paragraphs, just the very, very basics. I'd submit it to Jack...it would come back in three sentences. All the information still there, just completely - completely! - distilled, down to the bones. Really, an amazing skill.

Wish I could help...all I can do is comiserate.
  • #9
Cyrus said:
I don't stare, I know what I have to write. The problem is writing it all down as concisely and precisely as possible. Typing anything isn't helpful here because I will end up with an entire page describing what should be at most a paragraph and at best two sentences. Unlike creative writing, I don't have to worry about ideas coming to mind. I know what I have to say - it's saying it that's hard.

Its decent advice all the same. Another method is to write ideas on index cards, then order them, and flesh it out.

edit: or distill it as the case may be.
  • #10
diazona said:
Yeah, I'd agree with that... otherwise you risk forgetting what you wanted to say. It's important to get your ideas down on paper first, then you'll always have them as a reference for trimming down and editing later.

Not to mention, if you wait to write anything until you figure out the "proper" way to say it (as concise as possible, etc.), you tend to spend more time thinking about how you would write the stuff than it would take to write it and edit it.

that is what I'm facing right now, I just don't like the idea of over go it again, but it took me too much time to finish only 0.27 of it, I do note that I tend to write in details, my sister told me that I should practice on writing summaries of topics, maybe you should try it Cyrus [of course if you have time], wish you luck.
  • #11
I spend a lot of time by myself at work and such. Ideas, particular lines and wordings, come to mind while I entertain myself in my head. Keeping a small note pad on hand while you run about may be good idea so you can jot down ideas while you are just going about your normal activities. Some people also use recorders so they can just speak their ideas. Depending on your phone you might find you have a recorder in it.
  • #12
Follow a format.
Plan an outline.
Express what you have to say as precisely as possible or as precisely as necessary.
Use standard English.

Do you remember writing formal laboratory reports for any of your courses with lab sections? Your thesis will just be longer, and might use a slightly different format.
  • #13
Here is some good advice by a Professor

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  • #14
a good way to keep things short is to write Headings and organize your thoughts/notes under those as concise as possible.. and then form your paragraphs/sentencing out of that

i did it in philosophy i had to write a paper on Time under 500 words.

my headings were things like what is it? what is it not? what is it like... etc etc.

it was REALLY hard at first to keep it under 500 words but in the end it worked out.
  • #15
Cyrus said:
I'm having one hell of a time writing my thesis! I'm writing it as I go because I like to think in terms of systems engineering (breaking things down into blocks). I'm certainly no where near done with my research; however, there are lots of stuff I have done that can be written up now. Our advisor gave us some good rules of thumb, such as:

-Every sentence that starts a section should summarize what the section is about.
-Say the most using the least amount of words. Don't say something in two lines if you can say it in one. This is what's really, really hard.

I've found myself spending over an hour to write two lines! But those two lines can replace an entire paragraph when done correctly!

It doesn't help that LaTeX is very finicky.
Cy, start with a relaxed attitude and a blank sheet (or sheets) of paper and start jotting down things you want to convey. Some relevant ideas can be really important and some can be tangential, but the point is to get them out there. Don't regard that list as a static thing - treat it like a living list so that you can add, subtract, etc as you want as you go along. As you write your paper, use your words carefully to justify the inclusion of the ideas you want to promote and illustrate their value, and if you want to distance yourself from some popular ideas that you consider bogus, do not nay-say them, but instead (just as carefully) explain how they are wrong or at least irrelevant to your case. Good luck.
  • #16
Start with an outline, you know, major headings. Then put in sub-items, break it down to smaller and smaller tid-bits. You're thinking in terms of system engineering and small blocks do it. Fill in where you think you have the most info, leave other sections blank, leave the intro, conclusions and abstract blank. They get filled in at the end. I wrote each chapter, then after I was happy, I took the first section of each chapter, copied it to the intro and reworked a little. Same for the conclusions/summary, take the last part of every chapter, copy to end then blend into a seamless document.

I struggled with my dissertation writing because I was trying to tell the story from start to finish. After I wrote an outline and did what I said above, it took all of 2 months to write and completely polish it to the committee's satisfaction.
  • #17
Do you know what mindmapping is? Helps organise and order.

It is recommended - write first draft quickly without too much self criticism, you seem to be worrying about how the bits will interact and perfecting if you are doing 1 sentence per day or so.

Then (I think you are writing it out longhand? but for the printouts anyway) it used to be suggested for first drafts print one paragraph per page - you often find order or bits and arguments needs changing, then that is easier.

Think of your readership. Actually it has been recommended think you had someone in front of you and you had to explain it to him, what would you say? That someone should maybe be about 8 years old. And not very interested in your work.
  • #18
epenguin said:
Think of your readership. Actually it has been recommended think you had someone in front of you and you had to explain it to him, what would you say? That someone should maybe be about 8 years old. And not very interested in your work.
No wonder no one understands my posts. I keep pitching them to a ten year old comprehension level.
  • #19
Cyrus, you're a very articulate fellow, so I don't think that this necessarily applies to you... but it might be helpful for others.
Obviously, I don't take a lot of effort to condense my remarks on PF, but it is necessary in some other cases. Some technical stuff that I've looked at has been very informative on the basis of the science, but the non-technical phrasing can be clumsy. As a 'for instance': "After 171 runs of the experiment, we discovered..." can be stated as "Our 172nd experimental run showed..." That's not a real example—just something that I made up. It means the same thing, but takes up less space. For the same reason, when I was writing professionally, I always kept a thesaurus at hand. You can look up a key word of a phrase, and find a word that replaces the entire phrase; eg: "because of that" can be replaced by "hence". They're all minor changes, but synergistically can shorten something by several pages.
The others have given you some very good advice as to the process of writing, as well. The things that they mentioned are all processes that I used back in the day.
One other thing that is very effective, which might have been mentioned and I missed it, is to take a bloody break if you're stuck. Sitting there, banging your head on the keyboard, won't do a bit of good. Go out and take a walk, or watch cartoons, or nail a hooker—anything to get your mind off of the project for a while. Your subconscious will keep gnawing at it, and you'll return will a fresh outlook.
  • #20
Danger said:
Cyrus, you're a very articulate fellow, so I don't think that this necessarily applies to you... but it might be helpful for others.
Obviously, I don't take a lot of effort to condense my remarks on PF, but it is necessary in some other cases. Some technical stuff that I've looked at has been very informative on the basis of the science, but the non-technical phrasing can be clumsy. As a 'for instance': "After 171 runs of the experiment, we discovered..." can be stated as "Our 172nd experimental run showed..." That's not a real example—just something that I made up. It means the same thing, but takes up less space. For the same reason, when I was writing professionally, I always kept a thesaurus at hand. You can look up a key word of a phrase, and find a word that replaces the entire phrase; eg: "because of that" can be replaced by "hence". They're all minor changes, but synergistically can shorten something by several pages.
The others have given you some very good advice as to the process of writing, as well. The things that they mentioned are all processes that I used back in the day.
One other thing that is very effective, which might have been mentioned and I missed it, is to take a bloody break if you're stuck. Sitting there, banging your head on the keyboard, won't do a bit of good. Go out and take a walk, or watch cartoons, or nail a hooker—anything to get your mind off of the project for a while. Your subconscious will keep gnawing at it, and you'll return will a fresh outlook.

  • #21
Cyrus said:

  • #22
Cyrus said:

Hahahahhaahahahaaa, oh wow! That was a good one, I have to admit that :biggrin:

FAQ: Writing a Thesis with Systems Engineering: Tips & Tricks

1. What is the purpose of writing a thesis with systems engineering?

The purpose of writing a thesis with systems engineering is to demonstrate your understanding and mastery of the principles and techniques used in this field. It allows you to showcase your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as your ability to apply systems engineering to real-world problems.

2. How should I choose a topic for my thesis in systems engineering?

When choosing a topic for your thesis in systems engineering, it is important to consider your interests, the current trends and challenges in the field, and the availability of resources and data. It is also helpful to consult with your advisor and other experts in the field to ensure that your topic is relevant and feasible.

3. How can I effectively organize my thesis with systems engineering?

To effectively organize your thesis with systems engineering, it is important to follow a clear and logical structure. This typically includes an introduction to the problem or topic, a literature review, a description of your methodology, presentation of your findings and analysis, and a conclusion. It is also important to use appropriate headings and subheadings to guide the reader.

4. What are some useful tips for writing a thesis with systems engineering?

Some useful tips for writing a thesis with systems engineering include starting early, setting clear and achievable goals, seeking feedback from your advisor and peers, and staying organized. It is also helpful to be familiar with the specific formatting and citation guidelines of your institution and to carefully proofread your work before submission.

5. How can I incorporate systems engineering principles into my thesis?

To incorporate systems engineering principles into your thesis, it is important to clearly define the system or problem you are studying and to use appropriate tools and techniques to analyze and solve it. This may include using systems thinking, modeling and simulation, risk analysis, and other methods commonly used in systems engineering. It is also important to explain and justify your choices and methods in your thesis.

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